UnThink - Wellbeing Topic Guide
teresa kotlicka
Created on November 18, 2023
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WellbeingTopic Guide
Everything you need for your third mentoring topic is curated here.Hit start and dive in.
Click the images to access the study material of each module.
late mar/early apr
mid/late apr
Your Wellbeing Journey
The numbers indicate the order in which the modules are supposed to be completed. For the best use of your and your partner's time, review the Mentoring 1:1 modules before you meet.
IntroductionWellbeing at PAT
Mentoring 1:1Habits
Mentoring 1:1Purpose
Click the images to reveal details.
Mental Health Awareness
Introduction: Wellbeing at PAT
In a world where change has become the new constant, prioritizing our wellbeing is a must to achieve sustainable high performance. Sustainable performance at PAT is based on three main pillars:
Wellbeing at PAT
1:1 - Habits
1:1 - Purpose
Masterclass - Vulnerability
Wellbeing at PAT
1:1 - Habits
1:1 - Purpose
Masterclass - Vulnerability
Masterclass - Vulnerability
Meet our special guests:
- Resilience coach
- Gen Y
- Based in LON
- Managing Director Fund Management
- Wellbeing advocate
- Gen Y
- Based in LON
Josh Connolly
Christie Wright
- General Counsel | ExCo member
- Wellbeing advocate
- Gen X
- Based in AUG
Bernhard Magg
How vulnerability and authenticity support high performance at work
What does vulnerability at work mean to you?
Come ready to share your pov!
It's fighting against what we feel that causes us problems.
Mentoring 1:1 - Purpose
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." — Mark TwainHaving a clear purpose provides direction and motivation, guiding us towards meaningful actions and fulfillment in our endeavors at work and in life more broadly. The watch and the listen identify relevant conversation topics to explore in your 1:1 meeting(s).
Wellbeing at PAT
1:1 - Habits
1:1 - Purpose
Miro Board
Masterclass - Vulnerability
Getting started with purpose
Exploring individual purpose
Aligning with corporate purpose
"It would be even better if..."
Share your learnings with your peers*:
*If you have individual insights that you only want to share with the UnThink team, email us via unthink@patrizia.ag.
Pre 1:1 - 45min.
During 1:1 - 60min.
Post 1:1 - 15min.
Mentoring 1:1 - Habits
Habitual maintenance of our energy and effectively dealing with daily micro-stresses are important for sustainable high performance. The listen and the read identify three key energy batteries: physical, mental, and social1. Once we know which batteries are depleting and why, we can implement small habits to help us recharge.
Wellbeing at PAT
Pre 1:1 - 45min.
1:1 - Habits
During 1:1 - 60min.
1:1 - Purpose
Post 1:1 - 15min.
Miro Board
"It would be even better if..."
Share your learnings with your peers*:
Masterclass - Vulnerability
*If you have individual insights that you only want to share with the UnThink team, email us via unthink@patrizia.ag.
Physical habits debate
Mental habits debate
Social habits debate
1 As emotional wellbeing has been disucssed in the masterclass and spiritual wellbeing in the purpose 1:1 session, we'd suggest to focus on physical, mental & social wellbeing in this session to complete the picture.
Any questions, comments, or feedback?Let us know via unthink@patrizia.ag.
Congratulations on completing your third topic!Next stop:ED&I(May-Jun)
Physical habits debate
How does nutrition impact your productivity and performance at work?
What strategies do you use to incorporate physical activity into your routine despite the sedentary nature of office work?
How do you prioritise sleep with your work schedule, traveling and other demands?
From each of your perspectives...
Social wellbeing is about our interpersonal relationships and the social networks we can rely upon for support. Feeling connected to others, having people we can trust, who listen to us without judgment and are there to help us when needed are crucial for our wellbeing.
Mental Health First Aiders, Circles and ERGs
Community for Sustainable High Performance
In a 12 hours training series ca. 30 PATRIZIAns were equipped with the skills and knowledge to act as a first point of contact for PATRIZIAns who experience mental health difficulties and direct them to support that's available within and outside the company. Currently there are Mental Health First Aiders available at PAT UK, Germany and APAC.
PAT Circles are all about creating more participation in life here at PAT. Because where you work is a choice. One day they could be setting up a buzzing new social event, the next piloting of a new people initiative or proposing a new office upgrade. Everything's on the table and they turn it into action with local circles in AUG, LON, FRA, BER, HAM, AMS and LUX.
PAT is passionate about celebrating its people. As part of our mission to continually advance ED&I, we have launched Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to provide a dedicated voice for particular PATRIZIAn communities and their allies. Currently there are the Advance, NextGen, Pride Alliance, Working Parents & Carers and Gen50Plus ERG.
How does finding purpose in your work contribute to your overall job satisfaction, performance and career advancement?
Have you ever felt a disconnect between your personal values and the purpose of your work? If so, how did you address it?
Have you ever experienced a shift in your sense of professional purpose? If so, what triggered it and how did it impact you?
Individual purpose
Pick one or two to discuss
PAT Academy's Wellbeing Training Curriculum
Upskilling for Sustainable High Performance
enroll here
enroll here
enroll here
enroll here
enroll here
enroll here
enroll here
Emotional Intelligence: Recognising and Steering Emotions
Emotionale Intelligenz: Emotionen erkennen und steuern
How to Authentically Set Boundaries and Say No
Authentisch Grenzen setzen und Nein sagen
Mental Fitness: How to Use Your Brain to Your Advantage
Mentale Fitness: Nutze das volle Potenzial Deines Verstandes
Managing Your Team's Wellbeing
With its dedicated curriculum on Wellbeing, PAT Academy offers a wide range of bite-sized live virtual trainings in English and German with expert facilitators, focusing on self-awareness, building resilience, stress management and sustainable leadership.
for People Managers
How does PAT's corporate purpose help to attract and retain top talent? How can PAT leverage its purpose even more to engage and motivate employees?
In what ways does PAT as an organisation effectively integrate its corporate purpose into its business strategy and operations? In what ways not?
How does your own professional purpose align with PAT's corporate purpose of Creating Communities and Sustainable Futures?
Corporate purpose
Pick one or two to discuss
Are there any boundaries or routines you have established to protect your personal time and social life outside of work?
Who is part of your "resilience network" that you can lean on in stressful times? Which role does each of these people play to support you? Are there any gaps in your network, i.e., areas where you lack support? If so, how could you close those gaps?
How do you cultivate positive relationships with colleagues at PAT? How do you prioritise networking and professional relationships outside PAT?
Social habits debate
From each of your perspectives...
Talking Mental Health and First Aid
Mental Health Awareness for Sustainable High Performance
Mental wellbeing is about how our thoughts and feelings help us deal with the ups and downs of everyday work life. By developing constructive coping mechanisms we can respond to challenges that work throws at us in healthy and helpful ways.
In a 2023 panel discussion our MaCo leaders, Mike Tyler and Hans Vermeeren, shared their insights and experiences on mental health, while discussing ways to improve support in the workplace with Mental Health Expert, Nora Dietrich. Our CEO, Asoka Wöhrmann, introduced the panel with his personal story on mental health.
In a 2023 webinar series, three renowned psychologists from across Europe helped us spot and respond to symptoms of burnout, explaining the role of stress and providing helpful strategies to protect ourselves. 300+ PATRIZIAns worldwide attended the series.
In 2023 all our offices worldwide were equipped with Mental Health First Aid Kits similarly to the existing first aid kits for physical health needs. The purpose of the kits is to provide first aid for milder, temporary mental difficulties, encouraging a proactive approach to mental health and reducing the stigma around the topic.
Getting started
Look for passion:What aspect of your work brings you the most joy, fulfillment, or a sense of flow?
Look for people:Who do you serve with your work?
Look for impact:How do these people benefit from your work? How would you like these people to benefit from your work?
Reflect on each and be prepared to share
Describe a situation where you experienced a lack of clarity, focus or mental agility due to microstressors, e.g., unpredicted behavior, misalignment with collaborators, lack of trust, etc.
How do you communicate with your manager or team members when you or someone in your team are/is feeling so stressed that your/their wellbeing and/or performance are impacted?
What resources or support systems are/should be available at an organisational level at PAT to address microstresses?
Mental habits debate
From each of your perspectives...