Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Photo AlbumPostcards

Class from EB2/3 Caniço, Portugal

Class from EB2/3 Caniço, Portugal

Class from EB2/3 Caniço, Portugal

Class from EB2/3 Caniço, Portugal

Class from EB2/3 Caniço, Portugal

Class from EB2/3 Caniço, Portugal

Fifth graders and sixth graders worked hard to make mathematical New Year's cards for project partners.

Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

The students were creative and had fun through this activity.

Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

7 A Grade, students

We wish you all happy new year!

Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania

We wish you all happy new year!

Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania

We wish you all happy new year!

Avram Iancu Secondary School, Dej, Romania

Class from 6th Junior High School of Volos, Greece

Class from 6th Junior High School of Volos, Greece

Class from 6th Junior High School of Volos, Greece

Class from 6th Junior High School of Volos, Greece

Class from 6th Junior High School of Volos, Greece

Hüsamettin Değirmenci Ortaokulu

Class from Hüsamettin Değirmenci Ortaokulu

Class from Hüsamettin Değirmenci Ortaokulu

Class from Hüsamettin Değirmenci Ortaokulu

Class from Anatolian Imam Hatip High School

Class from Anatolian Imam Hatip High School

Class from Anatolian Imam Hatip High School

Aliye Ömer Battal Primary School Türkiye

Class from Aliye Ömer Battal Primary School Türkiye

Class from Aliye Ömer Battal Primary School Türkiye

Aliye Ömer Battal Primary School Türkiye

Aliye Ömer Battal Primary School Türkiye

Aliye Ömer Battal Primary School Türkiye

Class from Sprimary School number 323 in Warsaw, Poland

Class from Sprimary School number 323 in Warsaw, Poland

Class from Sprimary School number 323 in Warsaw, Poland

Class from AE Caldas de Vizela, Portugal

Class from AE Caldas de Vizela, Portugal

Class from AE Caldas de Vizela, Portugal

Class from AE Caldas de Vizela, Portugal

Class from AE Caldas de Vizela, Portugal

Class from AE Caldas de Vizela, Portugal

Class from AE Caldas de Vizela, Portugal

Class from Selahaddin Eyyübi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

Class from Selahaddin Eyyübi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

Class from Seydişehir vocational and technical anatolian high school

Class from Seydişehir vocational and technical anatolian high school

Class from Seydişehir vocational and technical anatolian high school

Class from Seydişehir vocational and technical anatolian high school

Gaudeamus High School, Moldova

Gaudeamus High School, Moldova

Gaudeamus High School, Moldova- receiving from EB2/3 Caniço

Gaudeamus High School, Moldova

Cumhuriyet Primary School students, Türkiye

Cumhuriyet Primary School students, Türkiye

Cumhuriyet Primary School students, Türkiye

Cumhuriyet Primary School students, Türkiye

Școala Gimnazială Comuna Buda

Școala Gimnazială Comuna Buda

Școala Gimnazială Comuna Buda

Școala Gimnazială Comuna Buda

Școala Gimnazială Comuna Buda

Școala Gimnazială Comuna Buda

Școala Gimnazială ”Avram Iancu”/ Avram Iancu Secondary School

Școala Gimnazială ”Avram Iancu”/ Avram Iancu Secondary School

Düzce Girl Anatolian İmam Hatip High School

Rakeen Secondary School for girls

SOU “Ljupco Santov”- Kocani,N.Macedonia

Rasim Dokur Anatolian High School

Thank you!Happy New Year 2024