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Based off the book, And Then There Were None


And then there were none



"The ghosts of the dead are trapped in this house, doomed to wander through it until they recovers all their memories.To help them, you must first pass all the tests and get the missingitems in your inventory.Explore the house and try not to get trapped yourself too..."


Philip Lombard woke up early in the morning and noticed that something was wrong. He couldn't find Rogers, and the kitchen wasn't prepared for breakfast. Miss Brent hadn't seen Rogers either. They eventually found him in the wash-house, but he was dead with a big wound on his head. Blore examined the murder weapon and the doctor explained that someone strong could have done it. Meanwhile, Vera Claythorne started acting strange and talking about bees and a rhyme. She seemed confused and everyone was worried about her. As the group tried to figure out what happened to Rogers, they discovered that someone had wiped the murder weapon clean of fingerprints.


Just then, Vera appeared in the yard and started laughing uncontrollably. She asked if there were bees on the island and talked about a rhyme with soldier boys. Everyone was confused and concerned about her behavior. They realized that she might not be thinking clearly and wondered what was going on with her. In the end, the group was left with more questions than answers. They didn't know who killed Rogers or why Vera was acting so strangely. They were all scared and unsure of what would happen next. The mystery on the island was getting even more puzzling, and they needed to find out the truth before it was too late.


Explore the house


It's closed...

It's too dark...

Open inventory...

Who was found dead in the wash-house?


Dectective Blore

Mr. Rogers

Emily Brent

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After finishing their meal, Mr. Justice Wargrave suggested that they all meet in the drawing-room to discuss what was happening. Vera offered to wash the plates while Emily Brent stayed behind in the dining room. As Emily was alone, she started feeling sleepy and heard a buzzing sound. She saw a bee crawling up the window and thought about bees and honey. Suddenly, she felt like someone else was in the room with her. She couldn't turn her head or call out, and she heard footsteps approaching from behind. Then, she felt a sharp pain on her neck - the bee had stung her. In the drawing-room, they were waiting for Emily Brent to join them. Blore suspected that the person responsible for the crimes was already in the room, possibly Emily herself. They found Emily sitting in the chair, but she was dead. Her face was red, her lips were blue, and her eyes were wide open. Mr. Justice Wargrave examined the body and concluded that she had been injected with poison. Vera mentioned the bee, but Armstrong believed that someone used a needle to inject her.


Armstrong insisted that someone must have taken the needle. The judge proposed gathering all potentially dangerous items in a safe place. Lombard refused to give up his gun, but when they checked, it was missing. They searched everyone's rooms but couldn't find the gun. They decided to put the drugs in a locked silver chest in the pantry. The missing gun remained a serious problem. Blore accused Lombard of knowing where it was, but Lombard claimed it had been stolen from him. Vera suggested searching the house, but Wargrave doubted they would find anything easily. Blore led them to the spot where the syringe was found, but the gun was still missing after a thorough search of the entire house. Despite their efforts, the group couldn't find the gun. They realized they needed to stay together to prevent the killer from striking again.



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Based on the text, why did Blore suspect Emily Brent of being the killer?

She was found dead in her chair


She suggested searching the house for hidden items

She couldn't find Lombard's missing gun.

Which characters have died so far?

Emily BrentMr. RogersTony MarstonPhilip Lombard


Emily BrentMr. RogersTony MarstonGeneral Macarthur

Emily BrentMr. RogersJustice WargravesPhilip Lombard

In the big house on an island, five people were very scared. They started to act strange, like animals instead of humans. Mr. Wargrave looked like an old tortoise, while Blore looked rough and clumsy. Lombard's senses got sharper and he smiled a lot. Vera was quiet and confused, like a bird that hit a window. Armstrong was nervous and twitchy. They ate canned food for lunch and then just sat in the drawing room, watching each other. Vera thought Armstrong was acting strange and didn't trust him. She couldn't find her gun and felt like someone was watching her. Everyone was scared of death, but it wouldn't stop it from coming. At five o'clock, they all jumped when the clock struck. Vera offered to make tea, but everyone wanted to watch her. The room was dark, so Lombard went to get candles. At twenty past six, Vera couldn't stand it anymore and went to her room. She felt scared, but told herself she was imagining things.


Vera asked if anyone wanted tea, but there was a moment of silence. Lombard suggested using candles since the lights weren't working. Vera decided to go to her room, but as she opened the door, she felt something strange. She sniffed the air and heard a voice in her head. She tried to reassure herself that it was just her imagination. Suddenly, she screamed loudly and fainted. When she woke up, someone offered her a drink, but she got a bad feeling and refused. Lombard brought her a new bottle of brandy and she drank a little, feeling better. Blore got mad when accused of tampering with something, and they realized the judge was missing. They searched for the judge and found him sitting in a chair wearing a red robe and a judge's wig. Dr. Armstrong checked his pulse and sadly announced that he had been shot. They noticed that Miss Brent's gray wool and the red curtain from the bathroom were missing. Lombard laughed strangely and said that Mr. Wargrave wouldn't be able to give out punishments anymore. Vera cried because Lombard had accused the judge earlier, but Lombard admitted he was wrong. Another person had been proven innocent, but it was too late.



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Based on the text, which character is described as nervous and twitchy?





It's not correct...

Find the key to continue

Continue exploring the house


It's too dark...

Inventario abierto...


Blore heard a noise outside his room and got scared. He wanted to find out who was there, but he knew it would be foolish to open the door. He listened carefully and heard footsteps coming closer. Blore decided to see who it was and wondered where they were going. Blore moved quickly and quietly, grabbing matches and unplugging his lamp. He ran to the top of the stairs and realized the wind had stopped and there was moonlight. He saw someone leaving through the front door, but then he realized it might be a trick. Blore knocked on Dr. Armstrong's door, but nobody answered. He went to Lombard's room and explained what happened. Lombard got excited and they went after Armstrong, with Lombard now having the gun. They opened the front door and Lombard left to find Armstrong. Vera got dressed and waited anxiously. Lombard and Blore came to her door, wet and out of breath. They told her that Armstrong had disappeared from the island. Vera couldn't believe it and thought he must be hiding somewhere. But Blore assured her they searched everywhere and he was nowhere to be found. Lombard added that a window was broken and there were only three toy soldiers on the table.







How many people are left?



Vera, Philip and Blore were eating breakfast in the kitchen. They felt safer now that the storm was over. Lombard found evidence that only three little Soldier boys were left. Vera thought Armstrong's disappearance was just a trick and they were all part of a crazy game. They spent the morning looking for clues but couldn't find any. Lombard patted his gun and asked Vera if she trusted him. They heard a cry from the house and found Blore with his head crushed. Vera realized her window was just above them and her clock shaped like a bear was missing. Philip decided to search for Armstrong in the house, but Vera held onto him and said they were the ones in danger. They argued until Philip admitted she was right. They walked by the sea and saw clothes by a big rock. Lombard thought it was seaweed, but Vera suggested they check it out. They found a man stuck between rocks, and Lombard realized it was Armstrong, who had drowned earlier in the day.





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You found asecret message


Remember these notes and play them on the piano in the correct order



...Keep playing



...One more



Try again...

You found a new item for your inventory



Continue exploring the house

Inventario abierto...

Use the magnifying glass to find the code and then insert it into the typewriter.


Someone is there!


Come back after the video and hit next....

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Who was the killer?


Justice Wargrave

Vera Claythorn

A briefcase appeared...


You've recovered all the ghost's memories! Now he can finally rest and you can escape from the house!

The key phrase is: Murder Mittens

You will lose all the progress so far...

Sure you wantto go out?











Oh, no. Fallaste...