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Fahrenheit 451 is a futuristic society full of new and innovative technology to try and make everyone content and happy. However, the people have sacrificed many things, such as the burning of books, to achieve the ignorant blissful way of life or an ignorance that achieves peace and equality towards everyone. “I rarely watch the ‘parlor walls’ or go to races or Fun Parks…Have you seen the two-hundred-foot-long billboards in the country beyond town? Did you know that once billboards were only twenty feet long? But cars started rushing by so quickly that they had to stretch the advertising out so it would last.” (Bradbury 7). So society has advanced so far and Clarisse gives an example of the billboards and why they are the way they are. Montag however, didn't know that at all because he never questioned it. “‘I didn’t know that!’ Montag laughed abruptly.” (Bradbury 7).

Question 1

Question 4

Susan B. Anthony’s woman suffrage work was from around 1888-1900. Susan B. Anthony realized that women not being allowed to vote would just have to keep fighting the same fights continuously until they gained the right to vote. Many women felt powerless as they did not have the same rights as men, this was shown through Susan B. Anthony constructed petitions with thousands of signatures from women to push with her in her fight for the equality of voting for both men and women. Susan B. Anthony also led many speeches and organizations for suffragists.

Question 5

Susan B. Anthony was the president and head of many organizations that consisted of pioneering women who wanted all women to be able to vote. Susan B. Anthony later then gave many speeches over many and many miles that she traveled. She wanted to spread the word about her new views and what she was pushing towards for all women. Susan also made many petitions and had thousands and women sign it to push for women's suffrage

Question 6

Susan B. Anthony’s work finally led up to women finally being allowed to vote 14 years later after she had died. Susan B. Anthony and her comrades all hoped that women would be able to vote in the near future from their time period. Luckily, their goal was achieved, sadly enough, Susan B. Anthony wasn’t around to see all her hard work paid off. However, there are tons of women all over America that have benefited from Susan B. Anthony’s hard work to push for women's suffrage. Things changed drastically during 1920 when women were allowed to vote.

Question 7

1. In the fictional world, the act of rebellion would be through reading books and talking and discussing the books with others. In the real event however, an act of rebellion for women during the same time period that Susan B. Anthony and even before her, were to speak out and reach towards women's suffrage with petitions or speeches and even the joining of organizations. Another act of rebellion during the fictional world of Fahrenheit 451 would be by thinking about the ‘why’ things are done instead of just ‘how’ things are done. In the real world event, it was a bit more risk taking and daring as a woman would travel lots and lots of miles to spread the word and to gain more supporters in women’s suffrage.2. Yes, I believe rebellion is required for societal progress to take place, but not at an apocalyptic level. For a society to grow they need to take dangerous risks and do no things to be able to expand and grow as a people. But, not to be very dangerous to the point of extinction or murderous intent through the people.

Question 3

If Montag is successful in his rebellion then that would lead to new intellectual growth within the people and expansion of ideas and new equality. Society would gain a more ‘colorful’ affect, as it involves all different emotions and levels being felt through the people. It would include conflict and hate and resentment, but also love, and kindness and compassion as well. It might stay the same with the technology aspect of their world, it may increase in its technology a little bit, but overall, the majority of the technology would stay the same.

Question 2

Bradbury has Montag be a fireman and steal a book and take it home to read it as a form of rebellion against the society he lives in. One piece of evidence includes, “"It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed…”(Bradbury 1). Montag’s views seem set in place and he seems to be doing his job efficiently through self-pleasure and his own personal inspiration. By being a fireman, one of the main rules is to not take home the books and read them if you burn them. When Montag is talking with Clarrise, she asks him a question that finally makes him think a bit of why she would ask him that question. “"Do you ever read any of the books you burn? That's against the law!’” (Bradbury 5). The effect on the reader would be to question and think about why society has the firemen burn the books in the first place.