G4 Turkey Trot Identifying Genre Game
Created on November 16, 2023
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Turkey Trot
Identifying GEnre Game
Roll the dice and move your piece that number of spaces. If you come to a star, you must stop and answer a question. All teams must answer. Any team answering correctly will move forward 2 spaces. Teams that answer incorrectly will move back 1 space.
Watch out for the hunter!! Move back 3 spaces.
Watch out for the hunter!! Move back 3 spaces.
Watch out for the hunter!! Move back 3 spaces.
- The game can be played by up to 4 teams.
- Each team will choose a chip and roll the dice (just click on the digital die and click again to make it stop).
- The player who gets the highest number will be the one who starts the game.
- To play, each team must roll the dice and move his/her piece to the corresponding square.
- Some of the squares on the board have a special meaning.
- If he/she lands on an X2 or X3 square, he/she must multiply the number on the dice by the corresponding number and advance that number of squares without stopping for questions.
- The winner is the one who reaches the "goal" line first.
Watch out for the hunter!! Move back 3 spaces.
Watch out for the hunter!! Move back 3 spaces.