Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Animal Project











Tutorial Playlists


Set Up Kit




Discover Kit

Project Timeline

Extra Resources

LED Lights

Day 1 Tasks





MakeCode Coures


  • Can you code your hummingbird so that you are able to have the LED single and multi lights blink?
Today's Tasks:
  • become familiar with all of the parts in the hummingbird kit
  • learn how to assemble your kit
  • learn how to code the single LED to blink
  • learn how to code the multicolor LED light
  • learn how to add a pause block to adjust the spe

DAy 1: LED Lights


Video 1

Our mission at BirdBrain Technologies is to inspire deep and joyful learning in all students through creative robotics. We are excited that you are joining us in making robotics accessible to all students through this course! Before we begin to program our Hummingbird Robotics Kit*, it may be helpful to ask yourself… What is a robot? We define a robot as a machine that senses its environment, thinks about it, and then reacts. Can you think of some sensing, thinking, acting machines that you have interacted with today?

Discover Your Kit

Video 2

+ Makecode Link

+ Makecode Link with Hummingbird Extension

+ Learning Portal

+ Quick Links

Set Up With computer

All programming languages have different advantages. The primary advantage to MakeCode is that you can download your code directly to the Hummingbird Bit and the code will run without assistance from any other device. This video will teach you how to set up your Hummingbird Bit to program in MakeCode.


Set Up Your Kit

Mixing Colors


Video 3&5

+ Makecode Link

+ InfoSingle Color

+ Learning Portal

+ InfoBlinking Tri-Color

blinking tri-color

Single color

LED LIghts


Video 7&8

+ Makecode Link

+ InfoPosition Servo

+ Learning Portal

+ InfoBuild Pages

Build Pages

Position Servo


Dial Sensor


Video 10 & 11

+ Makecode Link

+ InfoLight Sensors

+ Learning Portal

+ InfoDial Sensor

Light Sensor


FAQ Tech Support

+ LED Screen


+ Accelerometer



+ Rotation Servo

This course was designed to teach you what you needed to know to get started with the Hummingbird Bit in your classroom. There is so much more you can do with the Hummingbird and so many more resources we can offer to help you go further!

Extra Resources


Makecode Tutorial Playlist

Building Techniques

Tutorial Playlists

Final Days

Record video.Check Design NotebookTear down robot.

Day 3

View Examples Plan your robot.

Day 4 +

Build and code your robot. Log design notebook.

Day 2

Tri-Color LEDMotorsSensors

Day 1

Discover Kit/ AssembleSingle LED Light



3. Record your final video

Record a video of your group showing how your robot works, challenges, inspiration of creation, if you had more time what you would do.

2. Log progress in design notebook daily

Log your progress after each day in design notebook. Take a screenshot of the code and explain what activity was done.

1. Bring Cardboard

Bring in your cardboard boxes and materials



Why is my servo motor not responding or not responding as expected in MakeCode?

Servo Building Hacks

View/modify the program that was used in this video

The servo horn is the little piece of plastic that fits on the servo shaft. Don’t be afraid to hot glue items onto it! When you add a unique design to the servo horn (a robot arm, a sail boat, an eyeball, etc.), it quickly transforms from a servo into your personal robot.

Position Servo Hack (video 8)

Directions for Creating Single LED Lights

As you are plugging in your single color LED, make sure the colored wire (green, red, or yellow) is plugged into the + side of the port, and the black wire is plugged into the – side of the port. As you are coding, double check to make sure the port number on the screen matches the port on the Hummingbird controller where you plugged in your LED. Once you get your LED blinking, what in your code will need to change to get that LED blinking faster?

View/modify the program that was used in this video

Move a position servo motor using these printable coding cards

Move a position servo motor using these easy-to-follow video instructions

It is important to remember that when programming a position servo motor, the angle is constant. In other words, if you program your position servo to go to 90°, the servo will move to 90°, then stop. The position servo will not move again until you instruct it to go to a new angle. Remember how you gave the single color LED two commands to alternate between 0% and 100%? Similarly, you must give the position servo at least 2 commands. Pick your favorite angles between 0° and 180°.


Show Number


View/modify the programs that were used in this video:

Program a sensor using these printable coding cards

Program a sensor using these easy-to-follow video instructions

Remember, a robot is a machine that senses, thinks, and acts, so a sensor is a critical component within any robot. When plugged into a Hummingbird Bit, a sensor is constantly gathering data, and the trick is to put that data to work. In this video, we show you a few ways to use and visualize sensor data.

Dial Sensor Tutorial Steps

This module will show you how to use a dial sensor as an input with the Hummingbird Bit. A dial sensor is a component that collects data based on how much you rotate the knob. The range of the dial sensor is 0 to 100.

Go directly to MakeCode WITH the Hummingbird Bit blocks added

Set up your device for MakeCode using these easy to follow instructions

Hummingbird Learning Portal (replaces Get Started)

Build instructions for all of the hacks, simple robots, and mechanisms can be found on the Hummingbird Build Page

When learning the Hummingbird Bit, a lot of time is dedicated to programming and connecting components, but knowing how to build and engineer with craft materials is just as important. Our Build pages were designed for you to get started with simple designs, but also to help you take your simple designs a bit further.

Take a closer look at the tri-color LED hack and other building hacks on our Build Page

View/modify the program that was used in this video

You can better mix and diffuse the LED light with a translucent material, for example with a packing peanut or a styrofoam ball. Even a white napkin or a piece of cloth would do the trick! This is a great time to experiment not only with your code, but with some of the translucent materials you have around your classroom.

Directions for Mixing Colors (Video 6)

Directions for Blinking Tri-Color LED Lights

The same pattern you used to blink a single color LED will also allow a tri-color LED to blink between its different colors: red, green, and blue. Now that you can program the individual colors, can you mix those colors to create colors like purple, turquoise, and yellow?