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Created by: Jaana, Kevin, Yorim

Escape Novelly’s Corporation



You and your team are elite pest control agents who have been called to investigate a mysterious case at the Novelly’s Corporation. The scientists at Novelly’s Corporation have accidentally unleashed a swarm of genetically modified bugs, and they are now threatening to wreak havoc on the city. Now you’re trapped in a factory full of pests and need to navigate your next steps. Your mission is to navigate through the high-security facility and find the antidote that will neutralize the bugs before they spread beyond control. Learn pest control methods and integrated pest management to prevent a future attack! The clock is ticking, and you have to save the city from a potential pest apocalypse.

THE base

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clue 1

One consequence of using common pest-control methods such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, and insecticides is that organisms can become resistant to them through artificial selection.

What's a benefit of using Pesticides?

Quick and effective in reducing pest populations

Develops pesticide resistance in pests over a long period

QUEStion 1/3

Fungicides can be used to control fungi that damage plants, including rusts, mildews and blights. They might also be used to control mold and mildew in other settings.




Which statment accurately describes an advantage to rodenticides?

Development of resistance in rodent populations may occur due to natural selection

Controls rodent populations that can damage crops or spread diseases


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clue 2

Crops can be genetically engineered to increase their resistance to pests and diseases. However, using genetically engineered crops in planting or other ways can lead to loss of genetic diversity of that particular crop.

inbreeding of crops, destruction of other plant populations because of genetically modified plants, and uncontrolled growth of genetically modified populations.

Breeding of crops, production of other plant populations because of genetically modified plants, and controlled growth of genetically modified populations.

None! Genetically modified engineered crops NEVER decrease genetic diversity among plants.

What are ways Genetically engineered crops decrease genetic diversity among plants?




True or False: Genetically modified plants DO NOT decrease genetic diversity among plants.


Similar DNA leads to a decrease of genetic diversity due to lack of different DNA.

Different DNA leads to a decrease of genetic diversity due to lack of similar DNA.

Inbreeding is NOT a factor of reduction in genetic diversity in genetically engineered crops.

How can inbreeding of crops reduce genetic diversity among crops?


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clue 3

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a combination of methods used to effectively control pest species while minimizing the disruption to the environment. These methods include biological, physical, and limited chemical methods such as biocontrol, intercropping, crop rotation, and natural predators of the pests.

Pest spray, crop fertilizer, biocontrol, and intercropping.

biocontrol, intercropping, crop rotation, and natural predators of pests.

biocontrol, intercropping, pest rotation, and natural preys of pests.

What are the 4 methods of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?


leeks with beans repel bean flies, carrots and onions, and tomato and ragweed create a chemical repellent to repel flea beetles.

Choosing cultivars with genetic resistance to pests, using trap crops, and choosing cultivars with maturity dates that may allow harvest before pest populations develop.

Introducing predators of invasive species to an area to bring a balance of populations of insects, Introducing viruses to targeted pests to eliminate them, and Introducing fungi as an alternative to chemical pesticides to reduce unwanted pests in an area.

What are some examples of biocontrol?




True or False: Integrated pest management (IPM) combines methods used to control pest species while minimizing environmental disruption effectively.


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The use of integrated pest management (IPM) reduces the risk that pesticides pose to wildlife, water supplies, and human health.



Reduced utilization of chemical pesticides in IPM minimizes the negative impact on wildlife which preserves biodiversity and protects natural ecosystems


Biological control agents in IPM may cause allergic reactions or other health concerns in certain individuals

Lower exposure to chemical pesticides reduces the risk of acute and chronic health issues

Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides decreases the likelihood of pesticide residues in food

That's a hard question. I do not know :(

What are the drawbacks of IPM to human health?


Prevent water contamination

Can contribute to runoff or leaching into water supplies / Might result in substances into nearby water sources

safeguards water supplies from harmful residues

Reduces the risk of pesticide runoff into water sources which overall promotes cleaner water quality

What are the drawbacks of IPM to water supplies?


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Clue 5

Integrated pest management (IPM) minimizes disruptions to the environment and threats to human health but can be complex and expensive.

Benefits Natural Wildlife

Expertise and Knowledge

Monitoring and Time Investment

Initial Costs


All of the following are reasons for why IPM methods are complex and expensive EXCEPT ONE. Which of the following isn't a reason?

In order to generate a greater profit, dragging out the process of developing IPM helps stimulate the economy

Farmers or pest control professionals need to invest efforts in assessing, analyzing, and responding to pest threats continuously.

Scientists say that there are many hazards to human health and the environment, so IPM useage has been limited.

IPM is actually simple to implement and it does not take a long time to implement to farms and gardens due to its simplicity

One of the reasons why IPM quickly becomes complex is because it requires intensive monitoring and time investments. Why does IPM take such a long time to implement?


IPM although effective becomes dangerous for human health. Overall costs of IPM are primarily due to healthcare reasons.

IPM actually has become a conventional method of pest mangement and doesn't have high intial or overall costs.

IPM requires knowledge of pests, ecology, and various control methods. This expertise requires additional training or hiring specialized personnel increasing intial cost.

IPM creates many enviornmental hazards. The government invests significant amounts of money in order to protect the habitats.

Implementing IPM quickly becomes exnepsive due to the many aspects that are required to use. Which explanation best explains why for this cost?


Mission Complete

You've saved the city


Are you sure you want to go out?

You will lose progress




You've infested the city with pests......

try again