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Recap - 1.4 in more depth

UNIT 2 Customer service


Recap- 1.1 added value in more depth

Recap- 1.2 & 1.3 in more depth













Check List:

Now we are going to look at referencing and how you can quickly use research methods to connect what you have written with a reference.Use the examples 1.4 class notebook and add a reference for 5 of the examples and add a bibliography below on the page. Helpful link here and example below of what this would look like in your work. Here's an example of how references could be cited within your text and then listed in a bibliography:In-text citations: Smith (2010) argued that renewable energy sources are crucial for reducing environmental impact. According to recent studies (Jones, 2015; Brown & Johnson, 2018), the use of technology has a significant impact on productivity. The concept of sustainable development has gained traction in recent years (Garcia et al., 2021). Bibliography: Books: Smith, J. (2010). Renewable Energy: A Comprehensive Guide. Publisher. Journal Articles: Jones, A. (2015). "The Role of Technology in Modern Society." Journal of Technology Studies, 25(3), 45-62. Brown, R., & Johnson, S. (2018). "Technological Advancements and Workplace Productivity." Journal of Innovation and Productivity, 12(2), 112-130. Garcia, M., et al. (2021). "Sustainable Development: A Review of Current Perspectives." Journal of Sustainable Development, 38(4), 567-584. Websites: World Health Organisation. (2020). COVID-19: Guidance for the Workplace. Retrieved from [URL]

Exceptional Customer Service: Exceptional customer service is a fundamental component of added value. This includes being responsive to customer enquiries, providing helpful information, and resolving issues promptly. The way customers are treated can significantly contribute to the perceived value of the service.

Randomly select two numbers - then write/draw 2 examples of this on the flip chart paper around the room, make sure you state the numbers they relate to. Now click on the dice and roll the interactive dice,if its the number you wrote you can take a break, if its not the number you did in the first round then add another example on the board for that number. Roll the dice again and continue for another 3 rounds, lets see how many examples you can show.

Educational Resources and Support: Businesses can add value by providing educational resources, guidance, and support related to their products or services. This helps customers make informed decisions, understand how to use the products effectively, and troubleshoot issues independently.

Memory task:Lets go shopping - each person will say an item they will buy and why and the next person will try and remember what the previous people have said in order including their own item to add to the list.

Personalisation and Customisation: Added value often includes personalising the customer experience. This could involve tailoring recommendations based on customer preferences, remembering their purchase history, or offering customised solutions to meet their specific needs.

Surprise and Delight: Adding an element of surprise and delight can create a memorable experience. This might involve unexpected gifts, personalised notes, or exclusive access to special events, leaving a positive and lasting impression on the customer.

Convenience and Accessibility: Added value can be provided through convenience and accessibility. This may involve offering multiple channels for customer support, easy online ordering processes, or flexible payment options to make the customer's experience more convenient.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: The goal of added value is to increase customer satisfaction by going above and beyond their expectations. When customers receive more than they anticipated, they are more likely to feel valued and satisfied with their interaction with the business.

Beyond the Basic Product or Service: Added value involves providing something extra beyond the fundamental product or service. This could be additional features, complementary services, or special offers that enhance the overall customer experience.

Quality Assurance and Guarantees: Demonstrating a commitment to quality through guarantees, warranties, or hassle-free returns adds value by providing customers with a sense of security and confidence in their purchase. Community Engagement: Businesses can add value by engaging with their customers as part of a community. This could involve hosting events, forums, or social media interactions that foster a sense of belonging and connection among customers.

  1. Class notebook sections completed in detail with examples, work completed and uploaded where requested from sessions. Review session plans to make sure you are organised and this is all complete make sure your work pages are clearly labelled with what they are. DO NOT CHANGE THE LEARNING OUTCOME PAGE TITLES. thank you. :)
  2. Survey/questionnaire about college is complete and accessible for me to view. DO NOT DO unless approved by me. When approved, action and then collate findings and document your findings according to the criteria in Learning outcome 3.
  3. Exhibition document is complete and all criteria answered in connection with this. Uploaded to UNIT 2 teams channel area/learner work. Ensure your team names are on here.
  4. Start to consider 3 elements of your exhibition you would like to roleplay - practise what this will look like and create a script, linking this to the criteria you have covered on your slides. Set a date with me for when you would like to get these filmed.
5.Mystery shopper task - will only happen when all this work is complete.

Check list for UNIT 2 Customer service

Loyalty Programs and Rewards: Loyalty programs are a common way to add value. Offering discounts, exclusive access, or reward points for repeat purchases encourages customer loyalty and shows appreciation for their continued business.

In class notebook you will see 1.4 with examples. 1 number will be given to you each and then you will review the number and what it means. You will then explain to the group what it is with an example. Now look back at your original work, how does it compare to what you have now heard from each other. Review and amend your answer.


Go to class notebook there are some examples for you to look over. Please complete the work on the page.