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Personal Plan for Integral Development

Course Objective and Competency

The Human Being as a Project course aims to develop the competency of projecting a personal plan for integral development. Competency involves reflection on arrival in the world, multidimensional being, and the vision of the future. Tools include reflective and critical thinking, exercising freedom, and self-determination.


Importance of Personal Reflection

The Role of Writing

Collaboration in Reflection

Ownershipof the project

Essential Attitudes for Development

My roots

Building my future

My present

Aligned with the class topics

Structure of the project


  • Your Name:
Reflecting on the significance, choice, and importance of one's name.
  • Your Image:
Analyzing self-perception and changes over time.
  • Your Stories:
Exploring stories and experiences that shape personal identity.

My roots: Where do I come from?

3. Social Dimension: Awareness and management of emotions, predujices, stereotypes, friends and social impact 4. Cognitive dimension: assess your interest in complex realities, skepticism toward information, trust in sources, methods for intelligence growth, and learning preferences.5. Transcendence dimension: Explore beliefs about life, death, purpose, and connection to art and nature


Self-Reflection:Identifying strengths, weaknesses, and emotions.

  1. Historical and Cultural dimensions: Examine what have you achieved despite or thanks to your history and your culture.
  2. .Corporeal dimension: Understanding the relationship with the body and health.

My present: Who am I now?



Review what you've written so far in the previous sections (My Roots and My Present). All of this conditions you... But it doesn't determine you

Making My Way: Building My Future

What the heck does the teacher want?



Written essay

Options to present

  • Importance of sharing reflections with others.
  • Enriching experience in recognizing aspects together.
  • Value of perspectives from others in personal reflection
  • Writing as essential for big projects.
  • Writing forces better thinking and depth.
  • Handwriting as a tool activating creative areas of the brain.
  • Between 3 to 6 minutes
  • Must include personal video clips and images
  • Voiceover and sound
  • The three sections must be very well defined
  • Free style.
  • At least 5000 words
  • Cover
  • Titles and subtitles
  • The 3 sections have to be very clearly separated

Desired Changes: Identify changes you want to make in your name, image, and personal narratives.Goals for Each Dimension: Setting goals for physical health, emotional well-being, social impact, intellectual growth, and spiritual fulfillment.

  • Emphasizing that the personal plan is beyond a simple task.
  • Initiation or continuation of reflection for directing life towards fundamental goals.
  • Lifelong companion for continuous growth and fulfillment.
  • Reflection on the personal plan for integral development is crucial.
  • Each individual's responsibility for their life.
  • Reflection on how one wants to live.