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Roles in Film

The Editor will obtain the daily rushes of the film and put them into chronological order to create a rough cut. They choose each shot carefully to make sure the story flows from beginning to end. They work closely with the Director to make sure they are happy with each shot and how the film has been cut together. They assemble a Director’s Cut which will then be taken to the Producers to be approved before achieving Picture Lock.



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Colourists ensure that all shots in each scene match one another. They balance colour saturation and luminance from shot to shot and look out for any colour differences. They make sure that the images are consistent throughout the film. The Colourist also come up with solutions for any picture related issues.


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The Music Supervisor will work with the composer, mixers and editors to create and integrate all the film’s music. Their primary responsibility is to liaise the recording industry and to negotiate the use rights for all source music used in a film.

Music Supervisor

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