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Does Reading Improve Writing Abilities?

When pre-school to high school students were taught how to read…[it] resulted in meaningful improvements on a composite measure of overall writing performance as well as on specific measures of writing quality, spelling, and writing output. More specifically, phonological awareness, phonics, and reading comprehension instruction strengthened students’ writing performance (Graham et al., 2018, p.268).

Does Writing Improve Reading Abilities?

[H]aving students in grades 2-12 write about material read enhances their comprehension of it. This was true for students in general and students who were weaker readers or writers in particular. It also applied across expository and narrative texts as well as subject areas…[T]he study found four types of writing activities to be effective: extended writing, summary writing, note taking, and answering/generating questions (Graham & Hebert, 2011, p.733).

Can Reading and Writing Together Develop Both Skills Effectively?

Literacy programs that balance reading and writing instruction showed overall reading and writing improvements. Specifically, they had positive effects on word decoding, vocabulary, writing quality, writing mechanics, and writing output. These programs do not, however, provide blanket support for all balanced reading and writing programs. (Graham et al., 2018).