chikungunya disease
Veronica Andrea
Created on November 11, 2023
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United we eliminate chikungunya
campaign against chikungunya disease
Campaign against chikungunya diseaseUnited we eliminate chikungunya
Objective: Educate the community about the spread of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito and its consequences, in order to reduce the cases of Chikungunya that occur in the region, by carrying out an awareness campaign that will teach the community about the ways . more efficient to prevent the spread of the vector.
Campaign against chikungunya diseaseUnited we eliminate chikungunya
Goal: With the prevention and awareness campaign we intend to reduce the cases of Chikungunya that occur in the region, since we will provide the necessary information to the community so that they can eradicate the transmitting mosquito.
Campaign against chikungunya diseaseUnited we eliminate chikungunya
ScopeThis Chikunguya prevention campaign will be carried out with the general community of the Santander region, since it is an area affected by the constant cases of the disease.
The visual piece of the campaign
The campaign will be carried out in the Santander region and will consist of visiting the most vulnerable communities and susceptible to acquiring the Chikunguya virus. Education work will be carried out with these communities where they will be provided with the necessary knowledge to prevent the spread of the mosquito, in addition We will visit the neighborhoods and clean tanks, garbage will be properly disposed of, containers that can be used by mosquitoes to reproduce will be eliminated and information will be provided to the community about the diseases caused by these vectors, the care that what to have and the right time to visit the doctor.
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Campaign to eliminate Chikunguya
Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms usually begin 4 to 8 days after the mosquito bite, but can appear any time between day 2 and day 12. The most common symptom is a sudden onset of fever, often accompanied by joint pain. . Other symptoms include muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue, and rash. Severe joint pain usually lasts a few days, but can persist for months or even years. Serious complications are rare, but in older people, the disease may contribute to the cause of death.
- Avoid keeping water in containers outside (pots, bottles, containers that can accumulate water) to prevent them from becoming breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
- Cover domestic water tanks or reservoirs so that mosquitoes do not enter.
- Avoid accumulating garbage, and throw it in closed plastic bags and keep it in closed bins.
- Unclog drains that can leave stagnant water.
- Using mesh/mosquito nets on windows and doors also helps reduce mosquito contact with people.
Measures to prevent the spread of Chikunguya.
Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to humans by mosquitoes infected with the chikungunya virus. The mosquitoes that spread the virus are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, this disease has affected 110 countries, which are located in Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas, in Colombia for example, specifically in the Santander region it has been evidenced a strong presence of the virus, according to the government of Santander for the month of September a figure of 5,008 cases between dengue and chikungunya has been reached throughout the region, therefore we see the need to start this awareness campaign, due because it is a disease that can be controlled if the breeding sites of these mosquitoes are eliminated and the necessary measures are taken.
Problematic Situation
SOCIAL: conditions, such as population density, lack of access to health services, and lack of awareness about prevention measures, can contribute to the spread of Chikungunya. Demographic factors, such as population distribution and human mobility, can influence the spread of the virus and people's exposure to the mosquito vector. Cultural factors, such as hygiene practices and beliefs about the disease, can affect community response to Chikungunya and control measures.
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Chikungunya-related treatment and healthcare can result in significant costs to individuals and the healthcare system. Illness can cause a decrease in work productivity due to people's inability to work during the period of illness or recovery. Chikungunya may have a negative impact on the tourism industry as travelers may avoid destinations affected by the disease.
Climatic conditions, such as temperature and humidity, can influence the proliferation and activity of the chikungunya mosquito vector. Urban growth and lack of adequate planning can create environments conducive to the reproduction of the mosquito vector and increase the risk of chikungunya transmission. Lack of access to clean water and basic sanitation can contribute to the proliferation of mosquitoes and increase the risk of chikungunya transmission.
Chikungunya symptoms, such as fever, joint pain, and skin rashes, can affect people's quality of life and cause temporary disability. Chikungunya can increase the burden of disease in the population, which can put pressure on health services and available resources. Some population groups, such as children, older adults, and people with chronic illnesses, may be more vulnerable to complications from chikungunya.
According to available data, the current situation of chikungunya in Colombia shows an increase in the circulation of the virus. In the first four months of 2023, a significant increase in reported cases was detected in the Americas region, greatly exceeding the figures from previous years. The geographical location of Colombia facilitates the circulation and transmission of the virus, since the two vectors (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus) of chikungunya occur in approximately 845 municipalities, where around 24 million people reside. As of December 20, 2014, 74,566 cases of the virus had been confirmed in Colombia, with the departments of Norte de Santander, Bolívar, Sucre, Atlántico, Guajira and Cesar being the most affected. It is important to highlight that the current treatment of chikungunya virus infection is symptomatic and has been difficult in many departments of Colombia due to the shortage of analgesics, antipyretics.
Current status of the chikunguya situation in Colombia.
Boletín Epidemiológico. (s/f). Recuperado el 8 de octubre de 2023, de Chikungunya. (s/f). Recuperado el 8 de octubre de 2023, de de Colombia, M. de S. y. P. S. (s/f). Minsalud confirma muertes por chikunguña. Recuperado el 8 de octubre de 2023, de Jun, 10. (s/f). Actualización Epidemiológica - Dengue, chikunguña y Zika - 10 de junio de 2023. Recuperado el 8 de octubre de 2023, de