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Etwinning Advent Calendar
Nasreddin Hodja is a well known character for short stories in Turkey. He is believed to lived in the center of Turkey. Some short stories of Hodja:
“my grandmother turned back” is a well known book by Şermin Yaşar. It is about the behaviours between the kids and parents (who were once kids,too). When the grandmother comes(who is really old-sometimes naughty) parents understand that they were naughty once, and will be naughty again in 20 years.
Şermin Yaşar, a well known writer in Turkey( especially known by kids). She is 41 years old now and still writes books for children. Her well known books are “my Granny turned back”, “Money Tree”,… She opened the Word Museum in 2022.
The adventure starts when Jack wakes up on Christmas Eve to find that all the things in his room have come alive, including The Christmas Pig, who offers to take Jack to the Land of the Lost to find Dur Pig. Jack accepts, because he’s brave, and he misses Dur Pig so badly. Together they embark on a magical journey to seek something lost, and to save the best friend Jack has ever known. CAN YOU GUESS THE BOOK?
the summary of a story -
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About the authorJan Brzechwa – a well known Polish author of poems, fables and novels for kids and teenagers. He was born on 15th August 1898 in Żmerynka and died on 2nd July 1966 in Warsaw. His most famous poems are: • „Tańcowała igła z nitką” – „Once a needle danced with a thread” • „Kaczka Dziwaczka” – „Ducky the Strange” • „Ptasie plotki” – „Birds’ gossip” • „Przygody pchły szachrajki” – „ The adventures of a cheating flea” Altogether he wrote about a hundred poems for kids. His most popular novels is a series of Mr Inkblot and his adventures: • „Akademia Pana Kleksa” – „Mr Inkblot’s Academy” • „Podróże Pana Kleksa” – „Mr Inkblot’s adventures” • „Triumf Pana Kleksa” – Mr Inkblot’s triumph” • „Pan Kleks w kosmosie” – „Mr Inkblot in space” The adventures of Mr Inkblot, namely: „Mr Inkblot’s Academy” has been translated to Swedish by Tomas Håkanson, but it has never been translated to English. In the advent calendar you’ll find information about „Mr Inkblot’s Academy”, about the characters, the plot and also some pictures.
Once upon a time, there was a lion who was taking a nap under a tree when a mouse started to play around him. The lion, irritated, woke up and caught the mouse in his paw. The mouse, scared, begged the lion to let him go. The lion laughed and said: —How dare you ask me to let you go, insignificant mouse? Don't you know that I could crush you with a single movement? The mouse replied: —Sir lion, I know that I am small and insignificant, but perhaps one day I will be able to return the favor. The lion laughed again and released the mouse. Some days later, the lion was hunting when he fell into a trap set by hunters. The lion was roaring in pain and despair, and no one could help him. At that moment, the mouse appeared and saw the lion trapped. The mouse started to gnaw at the rope of the trap, and soon the lion was able to free himself. The lion, grateful, said to the mouse: —I told you, one day I could return the favor. The mouse replied: —Sir lion, it's nothing. I only did what any other person would have done.
„Akademia Pana Kleksa” opowiada o przygodach dwudziestu czterech chłopców, którzy uczą się w bajkowej szkole. Tytułowy pan Ambroży Kleks prowadzi lekcje w sposób niekonwencjonalny. Uczy chłopców poprzez zabawę, eksperymenty, ruch, zajęcia rozwijają wrażliwość i wyobraźnię wśród chłopców. Pan Kleks nie stawia ocen, zamiast tego uczniowie otrzymuję „piegi” za swoje osiągnięcia. Jeśli są niegrzeczni, to zakładają żółty krawat w zielone groszki. Zabawę i naukę psuje pojawienie się nieznośnego chłopca, który okazuje się robotem przysłanym przez Golarza Filipa, pragnącego zniszczyć Akademię. Na szczęście wszystko kończy się szczęśliwie.
„Mr Inkblot’s Academy” tells the story of twenty-four boys and their adventures in a magic, fairy tale school. Mr Inkblot’s lessons are unusual because he teaches the boys through play, fun, experiments or movement. His lessons develop sensitivity and creativity among the boys. Mr Inkblot doesn’t give the students any marks like in an ordinary school. Instead, they get „freckeles” which they put on their faces. If someone is rude or missbehaves himself, he is given a yellow tie with green spots. The fun and play ends when a naughty boy appers in the Academy. He turns out to be a robot sent by Filip, the Barber, who hates the school and wants to destroy it. Fortunately, it all ends happily.
Uniđi kroz ogradicu, pljesni rukama i pomladit ćeš se odmah. Ostat češ u selu svome, da mladuješ i da se raduješ, kao pred pedesetak godina!" — reče Stribor. Razveseli se baka kao nikada, poletje odmah do ogradice, uhvatila se ve rukom za srebrna vratašca, ali se uto još nečega sjetila, pa upita Stribora: — "A što će biti od mog sina?" — "Ne budali, bako!" — odvrati Stribor. — "Otkud bi ti za svoga sina znala? On će ostati u ovom vremenu, a ti ćeš se vratiti u mladost svoju! Ni znati nećeš za kakvog sina!" Kad je baka ovo čula, zamisli se teško. A onda se polako vrati od ogradice, dođe natrag pred Stribora, nakloni se duboko i re!e: — "Hvala ti, dobri gospodaru, na svemu dobru, što mi ga daješ. Ali ja volim ostati u svojoj nesreć i, a znati, da imam sina, negoli da mi dadeš sve blago i sve dobro ovoga svijeta, a da moram zaboraviti sina!" Kad je baka ovo izrekla, strahovito jeknu cijela dubrava, prestadoše čari u šumi Striborovoj, jer je baki bila draža njezina nevolja, nego sva sreć a ovog svijeta.
A passage we like
Run through the fence, clap your hands and you'll be rejuvenated immediately. You'll stay in your village, to rejuvenate and rejoice, like fifty years ago!" said Stribor. The grandmother cheered up like never before, immediately flew to the fence, grabbed the silver door with her hand, but she didn't remember anything yet, so she asked Stribor: — "And what will become of my son?" — "No fools, grandma!" said Stribor. — "How would you know about your son? He will stay in this time, and you will return to your youth! You don't even know what kind of son you are!" It's hard to imagine when grandma heard this. And then slowly come back from the fence, come back in front of Stribor, he bowed deeply and said: — "Thank you, good lord, for all the good things that you give me. But I prefer to stay in my misery and know that I have a son, than if you give me all the treasures and all the good things of this world, and I have to forget my son!" When the grandmother said this, the whole forest groaned in terror, and the trees in the Striborovo forest stopped, because the grandmother preferred her trouble to all the happiness in this world.
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Here you'll find out some pictures
This cover comes from the Swedish translation of the book. One of the studennts has drawn the picture of Mr Inkblot. Below is Mateusz (Mathew) the starling also drawn by one of the students.
Read some funny quotes from the book
quote 1
"Pan Kleks przyjmuje do swojej Akademii tylko tych chłopców, których imiona zaczynają się na literę A, bo – jak powiada – nie ma zamiaru zaśmiecać sobie głowy wszystkimi literami alfabetu." "Mr Inkblot admits to his school only these boys whose first names begin with the letter „A” because, as he says, he doesn’t want to litter his brain with all the letters of the alphabet."
quote 2
"Pamiętajcie, chłopcy, że nie będę was uczył ani tabliczki mnożenia, ani gramatyki, ani kaligrafii, ani tych wszystkich nauk, które są zazwyczaj wykładane w szkołach. Ja wam po prostu pootwieram głowy i naleję do nich oleju. "Remember boys that I won’t teach you about multiplication table or grammar, or even caligraphy and all other sciences that they teach in schools. I will simply open your heads and „pour oil into them” (meaning that he will talk some sense into them)."
quote 3
"Piegi znakomicie działają na rozum i chronią od kataru." „Freckles” are ideal for thinking processes and they also prevent colds."
quote 4
"Myślę, że sam pan Kleks powstał z takiego właśnie rozgniecionego atramentowego kleksa i dlatego tak się nazywa." "I think that Mr Inkblot has been created from a crushed inblot."
quote 5
"Na nocnych stolikach przy każdym z łóżek stoi takie lusterko przez całą noc. Odbijają się w nich nasze sny i rano, gdy lusterka oddajemy panu Kleksowi, ogląda on dokładnie, co śniło się każdemu z nas. Sny niedobre, niedokończone, głupie i nieodpowiednie idą do śmietnika, a pozostają tylko te, które spodobały się panu Kleksowi." There are small mirrors on every bedside table. They reflect our dreams. After every night we give the mirrors to Mr Inkblot so that he can look inside them and see what we have dreamt about. Those dreams that are bad, unfinished, silly or not proper go to the „dustbin”. Only the ones that Mr Inkblot likes stay.
Jan Brzechwa - the author of the book
Assemble the cover of the book using the puzzle.
Title in Polish: AKADEMIA PANA KLEKSA Title in English: MR INKBLOT’S ACADEMY Author: Jan Brzechwa Characters: • Mr Inkblot – the teacher and manager of the school • Boys whose names begin with an „A” • Mateusz – the friendly, talking bird • Filip (a barber) – the dark character • Characters from fairy tales
Do you remember the "galette" tradition?This story is a classic that every French kid knows from nursery school.
the book cover.
the song from the story
BONUS!The story in Turkish!Sorry, no version in Spanish, Polish or Croatian
the text in French and English
This famous French writer was from Rouen!He is buried here!
Miguel de Cervantes is one of the most important writers in the history of Spanish and World Literature. He was born on September 29th in Alcala de Henares, a town near Madrid capital and died on April 22nd, 1616 in Madrid capital. His most famous novel is D. Quixote. It has been translated into more than 140 languages or dialects!!
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)He was a writer. His best-known work is The Little Prince 🤴.Do you know this book? It is very famous. You can read it!He also wrote Night Flight and Wind, Sand and Stars (an autobiography). They are for adults.
Miguel de Cervantes is one of the most important writers in the history of Spanish and World Literature. He was born on September 29 in Alcala de Henares and died on April 22, 1616 in Madrid His most famous novel is D. Quixote. It has been translated into more than 140 languages or dialects.
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Sanja Polak is one of the most borrowed children's authors in our libraries. "The Diary of Pauline P." "Petrica Prichalica" "Little Jan has a plan" are the favorite books of our students.
Mr Inkblot’s Academy – the layout of the premises 1. Chocolate Street2. Entrance to the Academy 3. Boys’ bedroom 4. Mr Inkblot’s room of secrets 5. Mateusz (the starling) and Mr Inkblot’s bedroom 6. Cafeteria 7. Classrooms 8. The door to the fairy tale „Seven dwarfs” 9. The door to the fairy tale „Mary the Orphan”
Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić
- Jaša Dalmatin.
- Tales from the past
- Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića
- The heart of licitar
Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić (Ogulin, April 18, 1874 – Zagreb, September 21, 1938) is a Croatian writer who is recognized in Croatia and in the world as one of the most important writers for children. She was nominated twice (1931, 1938) for the Nobel Prize. Often called the Croatian Andersen (because of her virtuosity as a storyteller for children) and the Croatian Tolkien (because of her reach into the fantastic world of mythology).
Her most famous works are
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A boy suddenly orphaned fights his parents’ killer to save a planet and discovers a new world of danger…and wonder. Jack, a teenager from Earth, has a dire premonition: something is wrong. However, he cannot imagine the change he will experience in his life when he gets back home. There he finds his parents have died and is transported by two mysterious strangers to a magical world. Together with Victoria, a girl he has just met, he will start a fight of unexpected proportions. Their fate will be inexorably linked to the Resistance, a small group fighting for the freedom of a world called Idhun. Will he be able to restore the lost peace? SUMMARY OF MEMORIES OF IDHUN WRITTEN BY LAURA GALLEGO.