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2nd grade student

2nd Grade teacher

Chandler Putman


Data dashboard

By May 2024, 100% of 2nd-grade students in this class will perform at benchmark or above grade level on their end-of-year Amplify assessment.

annual goal

2nd grade teacher

Root Cause: Students who struggled in 1st grade did not receive proper intervention in different areas of reading. Based on student surveys, many students who ended 1st grade below or well below did not read over the summer.

23.8% of students in a 2023-2024 2nd-grade class scored below or well below on their beginning-of-year Amplify reading assessment.

problem of practice


Teacher will assign 2 differentiated assignments per week to students on iStation. These activities will monitor student growth in both fluency and accuracy.

Teacher will intervene with decoding lessons and strategies in a small group setting for a minimum of two times per week.

Teacher will use weekly exit ticket data to adjust small-groups and to change small-group instruction for the following week.

Teacher will provide well or well below students with differentiated instruction during WIN (What I Need) time to address fluency needs. Teacher will use fluency passages and tools from the Amplify library for a minimum of once a week.

Fluency Increase from Week 1 to Week 4

There were 5 students in Mrs. Stumphauzer's class who received this intervention because their fluency score on Amplify was below or well-below grade level. While 100% of students made progress, the goal for this intervention was not met because only 80% of students saw an increase of at least 5 points in their fluency score.

progress monitoring

amplify fluency Q2

Fluency Increase from Jan. 8-Feb. 28

There were 5 students in Mrs. Stumphauzer's class who received this intervention because their fluency score on Amplify was below or well-below grade level. While 100% of students made progress, the goal for this intervention was not met because only 80% of students saw an increase of at least 5 points in their fluency score.

progress monitoring

amplify fluency Q3

End of NovemberReading Passage Accuracy

End of OctoberReading Passage Accuracy

Mrs. Stumphauzer used daily exit ticket data to adjust her small-group arrangements and instruction. In small groups, students worked on reading passages and focused on improving their accuracy. 100% of students were able to read a passage on their reading level within the small group with at least 80% accuracy. The goal for this intervention was met.

progress monitoring

exit tickets: reading accuracy Q2

End of FebruaryReading Passage Accuracy

End of JanuaryReading Passage Accuracy

Mrs. Stumphauzer used daily exit ticket data to adjust her small-group arrangements and instruction. In small groups, students worked on reading passages and focused on improving their accuracy. 100% of students were able to read a passage on their reading level within the small group with at least 85% accuracy. The goal for this intervention was met.

progress monitoring

exit tickets: reading accuracy Q3

End of OctoberDecodable Word List Accuracy

End of November Decodable Word List Accuracy

100% of students in Mrs. Stumphauzer's class were pulled for decoding lessons in a small group setting for a minimum of two times per week. At the end of October, only 80.9% of the class read a list of grade-level decodable words with at least 70% accuracy. By the end of November, 100% of the students in class were able to read a list of grade-level decodable words with at least 70% accuracy. The goal for this intervention was met.

progress monitoring

decoding small groups: Q2

End of JanuaryDecodable Word List Accuracy

End of February Decodable Word List Accuracy

100% of students in Mrs. Stumphauzer's class were pulled for decoding lessons in a small group setting for a minimum of two times per week. At the end of January, only 85.6% of the class read a list of grade-level decodable words with at least 80% accuracy. By the end of February, 90.4% of the students in class were able to read a list of grade-level decodable words with at least 80% accuracy. The goal for this intervention was not met.

progress monitoring

decoding small groups: Q3

Differentiated iStation Activity Accuracy

Students in the class were assigned 2 differentiated assignments per week on iStation. These activities monitored student growth in both fluency and accuracy. 100% of students were able to complete reading activities on their level with at least 75% accuracy. The goal for this intervention was met.

progress monitoring

istation Q2

Differentiated iStation Activity Accuracy

Students in the class were assigned 2 differentiated assignments per week on iStation. These activities monitored student growth in both fluency and accuracy. 71.%% of students were able to complete reading activities on their level with at least 85% accuracy. The goal for this intervention was not met.

progress monitoring

istation Q3

By May 2024, "K" will score at least a 12 on the End of Year DRA Dreading Assessment for 2nd grade.

annual goal

2nd grade student

Root Cause: "K"'s progress dropped from last year to this year for multiple possible reasons. "K" did not have a consistent teacher in her first grade classroom. 1st grade was her first year in an English speaking school. "K" seems to struggle with maintaining her focus and staying on task in 2nd grade.

On the 2022-2023 End of Year DRA Assessment, K scored a reading level 4. After being tutored 3 times a week during the summer, K scored a reading level 2 on the Beginning of the Year DRA Assessment for 2023-2024.

problem of practice


Teacher will use district provided resource, Amplifiy DIBELS, to work on fluency and accuracy skills with "K" in a small group setting for a minimum of once a week.

"K" will work on iStaton with teacher instructional support. The teacher will assign her differentiated actvities and lessons for a minimum of once a week.

ESL teacher will pull "K" once a week to work on writing and reading to assist with proficiency in English.

Teacher will use district provided guided reading tools to work one on one with "K" on her reading, phonics, and comprehension skills with a minimum of 3 times a week.

K has been pulled for one one-on-one intervention three times per week. She has made an extensive amount of progress in comprehension. She began the year reading on a DRA level 2. Over the course of the four-week intervention plan, K is now able to independently read and comprehend at a DRA level 10 with at least 95% accuracy. The comprehension goal has not only been met, but it has been surpassed!

progress monitoring

reading comprehension Q2

K has been pulled for one one-on-one intervention three times per week. She has made an extensive amount of progress in comprehension. She began the year reading on a DRA level 2. Over the course of the four-week intervention plan, K is now able to independently read and comprehend at a DRA level 12 with at least 95% accuracy. The comprehension goal for this intervention has been met.

progress monitoring

reading comprehension Q3

Over the four-week intervention period, K was able to write a sentence using a subject and predicate with 95% accuracy. This portion of the goal has been met. K sometimes struggles with remembering to start a sentence with a capital letter but oftentimes she forgets to end the sentence with punctuation. She puts punctuation at the end of her sentence 75% of the time. This portion of the goal has not been met.

progress monitoring

sentence writing Q2

Over the course of Q3, K was able to write a sentence using a subject and predicate with 95% accuracy. This portion of the goal has been met. K sometimes struggles with remembering to start a sentence with a capital letter but oftentimes she forgets to end the sentence with punctuation. She puts punctuation at the end of her sentence 80% of the time. This portion of the goal has not been met.

progress monitoring

sentence writing Q3

K's scores on her monthly iStation Levels have fluctuated from a 2 to a 1 and then back up to a 2. Her index Score went up from 341 before 4 weeks of interventions in October to 375 in November after 4 weeks of interventions. While she is making progress, the goal for this intervention was not met because her overall level did not increase to a 3.

progress monitoring

istation Q2

K's scores on her monthly iStation Levels have fluctuated from a 2 in December to a 1 in January and February. Her index Score went up from 358 in January to 369 in March. While she is making progress, the goal for this intervention was not met because her overall level did not increase to a 3.

progress monitoring

istation Q3

K's scores on her monthly Amplify assessment have been inconsistent during this quarter. In September, her accuracy score was 77%, October was 58%, and November was 73%. While her goal from October to November went up after interventions were put in place, it was still lower than her original accuracy score from September. The accuracy goal of 85% for this intervention was not met.

progress monitoring

amplify accuracy Q2

K's scores on her monthly Amplify assessment have been consistent during this quarter. In January, her accuracy score was 81%, February was 89%, and March was 89%. The accuracy goal of 88% for this intervention was met.

progress monitoring

amplify accuracy Q3