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Virtual Skills Camp

Autodesk offer a free, four-day virtual conference focusing on Autodesk Fusion promoted via our network. Participants learn about the platform's 3D CAD, CAM, AM, and PCB tools.


Communicating your services

Social Media Coverage

Coverage of upcoming activities and also a 'Meet the Member' post across all Design and Technology Association social media platforms.

Look what has beenachieved...

Thank you for being a part of the movement leading the way in partnerships between schools and businesses. This impact report provides an overview of the outcomes and achievements of our initiatives and collaborations. It details the concrete results and positive changes brought about by our collective efforts in education, innovation, and community involvement. The report is a snapshot of measurable impacts and progress made during companies membership period.

Impact Report

Commitment to CSR

Created positive PR for your corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy and initiatives.

Member Profile Page

Member Profile Page active on our Blueprint 1000 website. This gives visibility to your support of our mission to connect education and industry.

Because design and innovation matter

Magazine Articles

As part of your Blueprint 1000 membership, Autodesk had an article written and placed in Practice magazine which is the Design and Technology Association publication for educators. It is read by the full membership of 33,000 across primary and secondary D&T education. There is a further 'Autodesk Mythbusting' article in the pipeline for a future publication.

Autodesk Fusion training has been advertised extensively on our training and event pages as well as our news page.

51 delegates booked across two sessions, with 250 pupils per teacher, impacting up to 12,750 pupils.

Case Study

Case study live on the Blueprint 1000 website and also a news piece on the Design and Technology Association Website.

Workshop Participation


13 teachers booked via the D&T Association. Additional participants through direct bookings, potentially impacting up to 3,250 pupils in 12 months.


Coverage on our channels...

Visibility of activity

Click here to see the full case study.

Click here to see the news piece.

We have posted all past or future activity on our social media platforms to increase visiblity and improve attendance. We also share or like any posts highlighted by Autodesk or that are seen to be beneficial to our membership. We have included information in our Newsletter (Stream) which is read by our membership of 33,000 teachers.

Coverage of activites...

Interacting with teachers through these webinars and meetings have given Autodesk insights into the needs, challenges, and trends within the education sector. These workshops have offered opportunities to form partnerships and collaborations with schools and teachers.


Webinars offered teachers a wealth of information regarding Autodesk software. This helped educators to discover innovative ways to use Fusion 360 and prepare students for their future careers.