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This work is adapted from ABC Learning Design method by Clive Young and Nataša Perović, UCL (2015) is licensed under CC BY NC SA 4.0. Learning types, Laurillard, D. (2012).


KWETB supports Microsoft 365, Moodle or a combination of both for use as a Virtual Learning Environment / Learning Management System. No other platforms are approved for use, for example, Google Classroom. Every educator in KWETB can access the full suite of Microsoft 365 applications. Educators can then use TEL tools which integrate with M365 via single sign on or through creation of an account using their kwetb.ie credentials. We suggest that educators choose the tools and features within these applications that suit them best. However, it is important to consider the overall learning experience for learners on a course when choosing which TEL tools to use. At course level, educators together with the Coordinator should discuss and agree upon the applications to use for teaching, learning, and assessment, in line with Quality Assurance whilst ensuring compliance with relevant policy and GDPR.

Technology Wheel: Multi-modal Learning

Since it’s launch in 2015, the ABC learning design method (Young and Perović, 2016) created at University College London (UCL) has been widely adopted in universities across the world. The most recent version of the method and toolkit came as a result of the ABC to VLE Erasmus+ project that UCL led in collaboration with 12 partner institutions from across Europe. ABC enables educators to work collaboratively as a course team to develop a storyboard visualising the learner journey based on their activities through the course. The method is non-prescriptive and builds on existing practice and can be used to identify opportunities for blended learning, to review approaches to assessment and align the programme to wider organisational goals for learning. Elements of the ABC menthod, the technology wheel together with Laurillard’s 6 types of learning have been adapted for use in FET context within KWETB. ABC Learning Design method by Clive Young and Nataša Perović, UCL (2015) is licensed under CC BY NC SA 4.0. Learning types, Laurillard, D. (2012). More information available at abc-ld.org.