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By, Aiden Connor
Peter is an amazing leader because he cares about his people and has a huge influence on them.
Peter the great
Have you ever heard of John Cabot? He just discovered new land in northern America. ours.
A New world
Martin Luther
Martin Luther is a monk from Germany. He just expressed his opinion on the sale of indulgences, everyone should be able to read the Bible, and everyone is equal before God. He announced these beliefs by writing all of them on a piece of paper and nailing it to the church door. These beliefs were controversial because he is calling out the church for all these bad things they are doing. We should be aware of this because when the church sells the indulgences the people who are poor can't always afford them, therefore they are giving more power to rich people. This could drastically affect these people by taking their money and not giving them anything in return. Luther’s ideas will change the amount of power given freely to people with money. I believe that the church will not like Luther’s ideas, and they will banish him.
Sistine Chapel
The Sistine Chapel is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
1500 News
Have you ever been to India, or seen the beautiful water gardens? They are truly one-of-a-kind. You can go out for dinner and eat just like Royals right in front of the garden. The water wheel is an architectural masterpiece. It allows you to take water from any body of water and bring it higher up, so you don't have to carry it. Next you can visit the Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal is so elegant and sophisticated it is known as one of the most popular tombs in the world.
It is so special because Shah Jahan had this built in memory of his wife. The stone carving is so precise and perfect. India is easy to travel to because it is right on the water so you can easily take a boat to get here. These are all reasons why you should travel to India.
. I was able to see that Jupiter has moons. This is so important because this is the first time ever, we have been able to look up into the sky and see what is actually there. I believe that to find answers in this world you have to never stop looking, experiment and have blind faith.
I am Galileo, I have been the first to use a telescope. A telescope is an object that you look through and it makes things look bigger and closer to you. You use the lenses to make things look bigger. A telescope is mainly used to look up into the sky at night and see stars in the solar system
Travel to Idnia
I: “What are you most known for?” NC: “I am most known for the discovery that the Sun is the fixed point for planets in motion, also known as the Heliocentric model. What this means is that the 8 main planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, all orbit around the Sun not the Earth.” I: “Why is the heliocentric theory so notable/How is this different from what we thought before?” NC: “The heliocentric theory is so notable because the Sun is what keeps the earth warm and bright. Before this model we thought that the Earth was the center of the solar system and all the other planets orbit around it.” I: “Where do you spend most of your time?” NC: “I mainly live in Poland, but occasionally spend time in Padua, and Bologna.” I: “Do you believe that your work impacted other astronomer’s beliefs or work?” NC: “Oh absolutely, without my theory people like Galileo, Keplar, and Newton would never have been so successful.”
I: “Today I am talking to Nicolaus Copernicus”. I: “So Nicolaus tell us about yourself.” NC: “I was born in Poland. I am one of 3 siblings. I am an astronomer, I study the solar system and the orbit of the planets. I have no spouse or children.” I: “What is astronomy?” NC: “Astronomy is the study of stars and planets in space. Stars are the bright lights you see in the sky at night.” I: “What is there to study about the stars? Aren’t they just bright spots?” NC: “Stars aren’t just bright spots. Stars are big balls of gas mostly made up of hydrogen and helium. You can study how old the star is, how big it is, what stars are related to each other.
An Interview with a great
Johannes Kepler died today November 15, 1630.
He was born on December 27th 1571 in Germany. He was a German astronomer that discovered the law of planetary motion. The law of planetary motion is planets stay in motion when orbiting. Keplar used observations from his employes and found out that planets travel in a oval shaped orbit around the sun. His second discovery was that they move faster when closer to the sun. He always tried to use as much mathematics as possible when finding data. He liked to collaborate with other astronomers like Copernicus, and Galileo as much as possible, and because of this a lot of his big discoveries were just information added on to other peoples discoveries. We are very sad to see him go, we will always remember what he has done for science, and his discoveries on the orbit of planets, and the speed of them.
Joh Kelper's Obituary
Martin Luther
He travelled from England across an ocean and found this cold climate with lakes and bays and started exploring it. He found this really big body of water, they named it Hudson Bay. These events are so interesting and important because we have never found anything quite like this before. These are the coldest temperatures we have ever heard of, and no one ever knew about it until now. For me it's very interesting that there was this big cold snowy area of land that no one ever knew about and is now ours.
When his army was traveling on the Baltic Sea, some of his men fell overboard and got trapped in a sunken ship. Peter immediately jumped overboard and went down and saved his men. When he got back on the boat he was weakened and had to go back home where he died in a coma. This evidence shows that Peter cares about his people because he died for them. When Peter took the throne, Russia was falling apart. His people were fighting each other and there was no source of power. Peter’s main goal was to make Russia known worldwide. There were many obstacles in his way but that did not stop him or his people. By the time Peter died Russia had fought in wars for 21 years. This shows how much Peter cared about his people and his country
The Great
Sistien Chapel
Created by Michelangelo, this painting shows all the main stories of the Bible. He showed individual worth by using bright colors to celebrate happiness and life on earth. This is the most skilled painting I have ever seen, I mean could you imagine being that high up for that long and having to do the whole thing while being upside down, that sounds like torcher. Be one of the first to see this amazing painting as it is one of the fastest growing interests around the world, so get there fast.