JCPS AVID Coordinators Meetings 24-25
Created on October 31, 2023
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AVID Coordinators Meeting
What's Due?
What's Happening?
ISPD Website
What's Next?
December 2024
District Notebook
Site Teams at Glance
Attendance and Agenda
AVID MIssion:
- JCPS AVID Site Staff Lists
JCPS Spreadsheet of AVID Site Staff Lists used for updating AVID Center Site Lists, Site Team Members/Trained Teachers and AVID Coaching Walkthrough Platform.
- ANY Feedback from...Instructional Strategies Focus Fridays
Link to Instructional Strategies Plan
- December CCI Focus for Site Teams
Breakout Room Discussion
Google Meet Breakout Rooms: Elementary Middle High School Access the new Quarterly Site Team WAG from Site Team Portal, or:
- Elementary Quarterly WAGs pdf
- Secondary Quarterly WAGs pdf
AVID Site Goal Form
to close the OPPORTUNITY gap by preparing ALL students for COLLEGE and CAREER readiness and success in a Global Society.
- AVID Site Members (updates on
During the month of October AND NOVEMBER, I will be reviewing JCPS AVID sites on my.avid and helping to update those by using lists of staff members at each school provided to during our Collaborative Walkthroughs. If you have been able to update your site and site team, thank you! If not, I'll try to help with this throughout October AND NOVEMBER.
- Tools for Data Collection... Also available on my.avid
Elementary Fillable pdf. or Secondary Fillable pdf. Delegate Data Collection to Data Managers, Counselors and Elective teachers to help with information. Data Managers: Enrollment Numbers (Ethnic/Racial Identity, Grade Level, and Student Special Populations) Counselors: Courses and Numbers Elective Teachers: Students AVID Background and Tutors/Tutorials
- Secondary Sites:Field Trip Forms
NEW Field Trip Approval Form Quote/Contract Approval Form to Pay Transportation for Activity Bus
AVID Coordinator's Newsletter
Take some time to look at the Newsletter this month.Tutorials, Foundational CoPs, and Dell Scholarship Information...CCI, Site Goals,
Secondary CCI Pilot???
Learn about/Sign up for the Pilot here.
AVID Coordinators Meeting
What's Due?
What's Happening?
- Continued Fall 2024 Site Visits
AVID Site Visits to run in conjunction with CIA Collaborative Walkthroughs. The goal includes visiting trained AVID Site Team members classrooms (elementary) and AVID Electives (secondary). The AVID District Director will try to use the Walkthrough Tools on
ISPD Website
What's Next?
November 2024
District Notebook
Site Teams at Glance
Attendance and Agenda
AVID MIssion:
- JCPS AVID Site Staff Lists
JCPS Spreadsheet of AVID Site Staff Lists used for updating AVID Center Site Lists, Site Team Members/Trained Teachers and AVID Coaching Walkthrough Platform.
- November CCI Focus for Site Teams
What will your CCI focus be for the next two months?
Breakout Room Discussion
Google Meet Breakout Rooms: Elementary Middle High School Access the new Quarterly Site Team WAG from Site Team Portal, or:
- Elementary Quarterly WAGs pdf
- Secondary Quarterly WAGs pdf
AVID Site Goal Form
to close the OPPORTUNITY gap by preparing ALL students for COLLEGE and CAREER readiness and success in a Global Society.
- AVID Site Members (updates on
During the month of October AND NOVEMBER, I will be reviewing JCPS AVID sites on my.avid and helping to update those by using lists of staff members at each school provided to during our Collaborative Walkthroughs. If you have been able to update your site and site team, thank you! If not, I'll try to help with this throughout October AND NOVEMBER.
- Tools for Data Collection... Also available on my.avid
Elementary Fillable pdf. or Secondary Fillable pdf. Delegate Data Collection to Data Managers, Counselors and Elective teachers to help with information. Data Managers: Enrollment Numbers (Ethnic/Racial Identity, Grade Level, and Student Special Populations) Counselors: Courses and Numbers Elective Teachers: Students AVID Background and Tutors/Tutorials
- Secondary Sites:Activity Bus Prior App. Form
- Instructional Strategies Focus Fridays
AVID Coordinator's Newsletter
Take some time to look at the Newsletter this month.Tutorials, Foundational CoPs, and Dell Scholarship Information...CCI, Site Goals,
AVID Coordinators Meeting
What's Due?
What's Happening?
Fall 2024 Site Visits
AVID Site Visits to run in conjunction with CIA Collaborative Walkthroughs. The goal includes visiting trained AVID Site Team members classrooms (elementary) and AVID Electives (secondary). The AVID District Director will try to use the Walkthrough Tools on More information to come in November.
ISPD Website
What's Next?
October (Email/Office Hours) 2024
District Notebook
Site Teams at Glance
Attendance and Agenda
AVID MIssion:
Reminder: BOY AE Assessments
AVID Elementary Schoolwide Systems, Indicator 10: AVID Elementary Assessments are given in grades 3-6 and data is used to inform instruction. Teachers in grades 3-6 who have been trained in AVID Implementation should assess students (BOY, MOY, and EOY) in these three AVID foundational skills:
- Using an Agenda or Planner
- 2-column and 3-column Note Taking
- Costa's Levels of Thinking
October CCI Focus for Site Teams
Force a copy of CCI pdfs here (elementary and secondary). Access the digital form on AVID site after 10/4/2024. Have members of your school site team rate each of the indicators in Domain 1: Instruction. Discuss ratings and consider what small steps might move the needle forward. Remember the Instructional Focus Fridays Inquiry training on October 11. 1-2 representatives from each school should attend. Follow up with principals to be sure someone is registered on Kickup.
Breakout Room Discussion
Discussion: After reviewing the items of focus in each of the four domains (Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture) from the Site Teams at a Glance document for Quarter 1 (August-October located on pages 3 and 4))... Share one or two that you want to focus on and carry back to your site team.How will that focus impact your site's AVID implementation? Access the new Quarterly Site Team WAG from Site Team Portal, or:
- Elementary Quarterly WAGs pdf
- Secondary Quarterly WAGs pdf
Data Collection...temporarily on hold
AVID Site Goal Form
to close the OPPORTUNITY gap by preparing ALL students for COLLEGE and CAREER readiness and success in a Global Society.
AVID Site Members (updates on
During the month of October, I will be reviewing JCPS AVID sites on my.avid and helping to update those by using lists of staff members at each school provided to during our Collaborative Walkthroughs. If you have been able to update your site and site team, thank you! If not, I'll try to help with this throughout October.
Tools for Data Collection... be on the lookout.
Force copy of CCI pdfs (elementary and secondary) Access the digital form on AVID site after 10/4/2024. Have members of the site team rate each of the indicators in Domain 1: Instruction. Discuss ratings and consider what small steps might move the needle forward. Remember Inquiry training on October 11.
Site Goals due today
Instructional Strategies Focus Fridays
AVID Coordinator's Newsletter
AVID Coordinators Meeting
AVID MIssion:
to close the OPPORTUNITY gap by preparing ALL students for COLLEGE and CAREER readiness and success in a Global Society.
What's Due?
Site Goals, October 1, use AVID Goal from
What's Happening?
Fall 2024 Site Visits
AVID Site Visits to run in conjunction with CIA Collaborative Walkthroughs: AVID Center Digital Walkthrough Tool Questions for the AVID Classroom CIA WT Common questions
- Percent of Positive Interactions
- Types of Interactions
- Evidence of Procedures and Routines
- Level of Student Engagement
- Evidence of Differentiation
ISPD Website
Clean up AVID Site Members
What's Next?
August/September 2024
District Notebook
Site Teams at Glance
Attendance and Agenda
Instructional Strategies Focus Fridays
Elementary: AVID Assessments
AVID Elementary Schoolwide Systems, Indicator 10: AVID Elementary Assessments are given in grades 3-6 and data is used to inform instruction. Teachers in grades 3-6 who have been trained in AVID Implementation should assess students (BOY, MOY, and EOY) in these three AVID foundational skills:
- Using an Agenda or Planner
- 2-column and 3-column Note Taking
- Costa's Levels of Thinking
Secondary: AVID Contracts
Link to HS Contract (drafted and approved by HS Coordinators, 2023-24) Link to AVID Contract for MS consideration (examples from AVID Secondary Implementation Guide)
Title 4 Changes
Title 4 JCPS Activity Bus Transportation in 2024-2025 No Longer Funding Tutors
- Train ALL AVID Elective students as peer tutors
- Assign peer tutors (half-quarter/quarter/semester) to develop leadership skills
- Try Cross-age tutors
AVID Weekly
AVID Coordinator's Newsletter
BOY CCI Review and Plan for Collecting Evidence
Elementary Evidence Collector Spreadsheet Secondary Evidence Collector Spreadsheet Data Collection (Due in February) and CCI Access
Breakout Room Discussion
Discussion: After reviewing the items of focus in each of the four domains (Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture) from the Site Teams at a Glance document for Quarter 1 (August-October located on pages 3 and 4))... Share one or two that you want to focus on and carry back to your site team.How will that focus impact your site's AVID implementation? Access the new Quarterly Site Team WAG from Site Team Portal, or:
- Elementary Quarterly WAGs pdf
- Secondary Quarterly WAGs pdf
Data Collection
Be prepared for SI, Walk-throughs, and AVID Weekly Subscriptions (eLearning) Update your School Staff on BEFORE school staff are registered for ANY training, they MUST be listed on the school's site on and they MUST have a role assigned. As a district director, Kevin can help with this if coordinators will share with him a list of teachers on staff and grade levels/subjects taught for each teacher.
Data Collection (on Access pdf fillable Data Collection forms by following directions for accessing Elementary and Secondary collection links. Senior Data for Secondary is applicable to HS with graduating seniors only.