Copy - Oct 22 Newsletter
Created on October 31, 2023
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Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School
October 2022
from the principal
Upcoming Events
- Trunk or Treat 10/29
Click for:
- Vocational Exploration Open House 10/30
Vocational News
Hello OC Community:We are in the midst of another great New England Fall. Where better to spend the time outside than at high school sporting events. Check out our calendar for times and dates. Our first trimester is well under way and ends on November 22nd. Our students are doing well in the classrooms, taking advantage of clubs, excelling on the sports fields and going out on co-op in large numbers. Our Vocational Open House this weekend will kick off our efforts to welcome our future students and families into the OC experience. Please check out our district calendar to see the full list of exciting events coming up. Please enjoy this month's newsletter. Mr. Parker
- Vocational Exploration Days 10/26-28
- FAFSA Night 11/2
***Saver’s Clothing Drive TBA April - Be sure to put aside any of your soft goods as you clean out your closets***
Guidance News
October Highlights in the OC Counseling Center:
- Met with all seniors for college planning.
- Met with all seniors for career/military planning.
- Met with all seniors to complete their MyCAP plans.
- PSAT for all sophomores and many juniors.
- College applications with seniors.
- Writing letters of recommendation.
- Signing Co-op paperwork for seniors.
- On-going student support as needed.
SAT Next SAT Test Date: December 3 (Location of your choosing) Register by Nov. 3 Late Registration Deadline: November 22
OC Class of 2023 FAFSA Night at the Educational Opportunity Center
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is an application that parents/guardians can complete to see how much federal financial aid they qualify for. Completing the FAFSA form can be confusing, but it is an integral part of the college process. This year, the guidance department will be holding our FAFSA Night at the Educational Opportunity Center on Wednesday, November 2nd. Members from the EOC will work one-on-one with families to complete the FAFSA form. Please be sure to bring all required documents to this meeting.
Educational Opportunity Center Programs of Seven Hills 10 Welby Road New Bedford, MA 02745
Appointments will be offered from 3:00 to 6:00 in the evening in half hour increments. Please use the Google Form to schedule your time slot for an appointment:
FAFSA Appt Sign Up
Guidance News
What you Need to Complete a 2023-2024 FAFSA
In order to complete a FAFSA for the 2023-2024 school year all students will need 2021 financial information. *Dependent students need 2021 financial information for both student and parent. Parent must electronically sign the FAFSA application as well as the student. To be serviced by an educational advisor you will need a copy of 2021 Federal Income Tax Return and W2 statements or other proof of income (TANF benefits, veterans’ benefits, social security benefits, etc.) for student and parent if applicable; along with a signed intake form.
- You will also need the following:
- Student Social Security number
- Student date of birth
- Student email address and access to email
- Student FSA ID and password if you already have one
- Student alien registration or permanent resident card (if you are not a U.S. citizen)
- Married parents social security number
- Married parents dates of birth
- Parent email address and access to email
- Parent FSA ID and password if you already have one
- Your parents date of marriage (if applicable) or divorce (if applicable)
- Student and parent current bank statements and other asset statements that are non retirement (if applicable)
- If you do not have FSA ID we will need to create one for you and your parent
- List of the colleges you are applying to
**Independent students are those individuals who are over 24 years of age; born before January 1, 2000. Students who are under 24 years of age but one of the following apply; are also considered to be independent students and parental information is not required.
- Married
- Veteran or serving in the armed services
- Both parents are deceased
- Has a child that you provide more than 50% of their support
- Are you or were you in legal guardianship
- At any time since age 13, were you a Ward of the Court or in foster care
- Has dependants other than a child that you provide more than 50% of their support
- Has a bachelor’s degree
- Parental information may not be required under certain instances of homelessness but must answer several FAFSA questions to make determination
*Dependent students are required to provide parental information for FAFSA. Dependent students are those students who are under 24 years of age.
Guidance News
FAFSA vs. CSS Profile - What is the difference? If you need help paying for college, there are a few different ways to get financial aid, including the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the College Scholarship Service Profile (CSS Profile). Both of these help determine your eligibility for aid — but while the FAFSA determines your eligibility for federal aid, the CSS Profile is a private form that some colleges use to determine eligibility for institutional aid. While most colleges and universities accept the FAFSA, only about 200 programs colleges/universities use the CSS Profile. Most only require the FAFSA form, but you should first check if your potential school accepts the CSS Profile.
What is the Common Application? The Common Application is a single online college application form used by over 900 colleges and universities. Instead of filling out the same general information—like your address, GPA, and extracurriculars— a dozen times, you only have to do it once. Community Colleges do not use the Common App.
Guidance Upcoming Events: 10/21: Cougar Time College Applications for Seniors 11/2: Class of 2023 FAFSA Night at EOC 11/10: BCC Informational Cougar Time with BCC Advisor, Jenna 11/14: Cougar Time College Applications for Seniors 11/17: BCC On-Site Admissions 12/6 & 12/7: MyCAP (goal planning and interest assessments) with grade 9 students. 1/26/23: UMass Dartmouth On-Site Admissions
Vocational News
Work 'N Gear brings its "Gear for Success" Campaign to Old Colony
11th- and 12th-grade students, together with their instructors, from our Automotive Technology, Electrical, House & Mill Carpentry, Machine and Tool Technology, and Metal Fabrication and Joining Technologies Departments attended Work 'N Gear's "Gear For Success" presentation, on September 22nd. Work 'N Gear is a Massachusetts-based, family-owned company offering top-performing apparel designed for the workplace. This assembly highlighted the importance of wearing proper workwear in the workplace and the value of continuing their work in the trades. Special thanks to Camron Manchester (11th grade), Megan Lawson (11th grade), and Mrs. Davenport, from our Business Technology Department, for making the time to video this event. Video of Event: Youtube Video Also, thank you to Sawyer Smook-Pollitt from Sippican Week for writing about the event in our local paper. News article:
Program Advisory Committees:
Our annual Fall Vocational Program Advisory Committee Meetings were held on Wednesday, October 5th. We are currently preparing for our annual Joint School Committee - Advisory Committee Meeting that will take place on November 16th at 6PM.
The responsibility of Program Advisory Committees is to advise, assist, and support school personnel in order to improve planning, operation, and evaluation in its program area. Such advice shall be based on adequate and timely information as to workforce and job development demands or job market trends, technological developments, training alternatives, and other factors affecting the quality of the program. The Old Colony RVTHS Program Advisory Committees meet two times per academic year on the first Wednesday in October and the first Wednesday in April.
Vocational Exploration:
We will be hosting our annual Vocational Exploration Days for 8th-grade students from Ford Middle School in Acushnet, Carver Middle School, Lakeville students from Freetown-Lakeville Mideel School, and Mattapoisett and Rochester students from Old Rochester Regional Junior High School. Schools have scheduled their visits beginning October 25th through the 28th. On Sunday, October 30th, from 10 AM until Noon, we will host our annual Vocational Exploration Open House for families of 7th-grade and 8th-grade students. Prospective students and their families will be able to tour the school, receive information about the application process, apply on-site, meet academic and vocational instructors, and learn more about our vocational-technical programs.
Exploratory Program:
We are halfway through our 9th-grade Exploratory Program! Just a reminder to take time to review the expectations and requirements for each technical program, included in the Exploratory Assembly Handout, prior to entering each exploratory selection. These expectations and requirements will have an impact on your program's exploratory grade, which could affect your ultimate shop assignment.
Vocational News
Cooperative Education Program:We would like to congratulate the following students for their participation in our Cooperative Education Program:
We would also like to thank our industry partners for their support of our Cooperative Education Program and for hiring our students to work at their place of employment.
We rely on our industry partners to support our mission of preparing and supporting students for the global demands of society and the workforce through rigorous vocational-technical experiences that foster responsible, productive citizens in our community. Please see our website for more information:
- Chaz Aguiar - BTech Acoustics
- Joseph Bacchiocchi - Harding Builders
- Jack Barros - Robert Penniman Construction
- Averi Bieu - Texas Roadhouse Dartmouth
- Ryan Borge - Idex Health & Science
- Andrew Brunette - Mastria Buick GMC
- Jack Butler - Alpha Survey Group
- Luke Butler - A. Murphy, Inc.
- Jacob Cabral - Wayne Electric & Alarms
- Andrew Cassetta - Autocam Medical
- Matthew Castro - Main Line Electric
- Maxwell Cipullo - Marty's Inc
- Abagail Delk - The Artisan Bake Shop
- Andrew Deslauriers - Mastria VW
- Emma Doll - Turner Steel
- Ty Dumas - Autocam Medical
- Chris Egan - DML Builders
- Dylan Flannery - AllPage Machine
- Owen Flynn - Primary Graphics
- Andrew Fontes - Rt 44 Toyota
- Myra Freeman - Supercuts
- Ava Furtado - Texas Roadhouse Plymouth
- Connor Gagnon - AllPage Machine
- Chris George - Mastria Buick GMC
- Lola Gonsalves - Autumn Glen
- Alicia Griffin - Life Care Center
- Charles Hanlon - Mass Pavement Reclamation
- Emily Jansen - Texas Roadhouse Dartmouth
- Brooke Jason - Freetown-Lakeville Middle School
- Christian Johnson - JP Noonan Transportation
- Hayley Lackie - Nemasket Healthcare
- Addison Lafountain - Nemasket Healthcare
- Jaileen Mackiewicz - Newfield House Convalescent
- Sarah Mahan - Comprehensive Design Build
- Holly McGowan - A&M Associates
- Alaysha Mendes - Nemasket Healthcare
- Kennedy Monast - Texas Roadhouse Dartmouth
- Hunter Morrell - Niemiec Marine
- Michael Niemi - Pocasset Machine Corp
- Ava Oliveira - Woods Hole Oceanographic Insititute
- Alyiah Ortiz - Autumn Glen
- Megan Patnaude - ORCTV
- Dylin Ponte - Arden Engineering
- Topanga Pottier - Evans Machine
- Arianna Ribeiro - Mass Automation Corporation
- Mason Santos - Care Free Homes, Ijnc.
- Alexandros Sedell - Demers Construction
- Nikolaos Sedell - BTech Acoustics
- Kathleen Simoes - Nemasket Healthcare
- Kevin Slade - Kelly's Tire Mart
- Jacob Sousa - JP Noonan Transportation
- Evan Stellato - Pocasset Machine Corp
- Teagan Stuart - All American Assisted Living
- Noah Sullivan - Wareham Community TV
- Aiden Sylvia - BTech Acoustics
- Patrick Sypher - Louis M Gerson Co, Inc.
- Samantha Tavares - Supercuts
- James Vieira - JP Noonan Transportation
- Brady Weglowski - Tec-Mar Industries
- William Yancho - Autocam Medical
Health Careers:
Grade 11 students have begun clinical rotations at Alden Court Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center.
Holiday Heritage Candle Fundraiser
All order forms and payments must be in by November 10th to guarantee Christmas/Holiday delivery. 6 different Scented Candles are available. $18 each and 40% of each sale goes to the class. Each student in the Class of 2025 and 2026 are encouraged to sell at least 1 candle or as many candles as possible to raise funds towards future class activities during junior and senior year. Candle fundraising booklets will be passed out on Monday, October 24th.Booklets can be returned to class advisors:Class of 2025: Kathy Peterson or Samantha Clarke Class of 2026: Ashley Ulett or Samantha Clarke
Order form