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English is full of words that sound the same or look the same but have different meanings. Identifying the difference can be a challenge.

Writing is important



In this tutorial, you will learn about: Homonyms such as: Homophones Homographs Synonyms Antonyms



Hmm, homophones, homographs or both?






Homonyms can be either homophones or homographs, or both: Homophones Words that sound the same but have different meanings or spellings. For example, "there", "their", and "they're" are homophones.Homographs Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings or pronunciations. For example, "bass" can mean "the fish" or "the instrument".



Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. They can be spelled the same or spelled differently. In this exercise, identify the correct word to complete the sentence.






Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings or pronunciations.





Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings or pronunciations





















Homographs: Click on the words to look at descriptions and meaning.



A word that has the same meaning as another word (or nearly the same meaning).






Synonym Review

A synonym is a word that means the same or similar to another word. It is also a word that can be used in place of another word. For instance, instead of writing Veteran five times in your case notes, you can state WHO called: Veteran, and then use caller, he/she/they, customer and more to refer to the person on the other end of your line.

What do you think the use of synonyms adds to your case notes?

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A word that has the opposite meaning as another word.






Using correct words - verbiage is essential

Antonyms are important because
  • they help people understand the full meaning of a word by providing its opposite
  • allowing for a deeper comprehension of language
  • improving vocabulary
  • enabling more precise communication when writing or speaking by highlighting contrasts and improving vocabulary

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Homonyms, Synonyms and Antonyms Review

- phone- SOUND the same


graph- WRITTEN /spelled the same

Synonym- means the same


Antonym- means the opposite


We hope you enjoyed learning about Homonyms- Homophones and Homographs, Synonyms and Antonyms. Applying these to your case note writing will improve the overall case notes in Salesforce.


Means opposite. Words that are the opposite meaning of other words.List of antonyms appear - disappear, vanish. better - worse, worst. give - receive, take. healthy - diseased, ill, sick.poverty - wealth, riches.pure - impure, contaminated.quiet - loud, noisy. sick - healthy, ill.


Two different words that mean the same thing.


Veteran can be a noun (title) or an adjective (descriptive).

Row can be a noun, such as the sixth row of a concert or rows vs. columns in an Excel spreadsheet. Row can also be a verb, such as the old nursery rhyme: Row Row Row Your Boat.


Usage, difference, meaning

The word tear can refer to the salty liquid that comes from your eye when you are emotional.The word tear can also mean to rip a piece of paper or clothing

  • I had a tear in my eye..
  • That movie was a tear-jerker.
  • Why would you tear up that contract?
  • I just bought these jeans and there is a new tear in them.

Did you know?

Does the window allow for the addition of wider content? You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.Multimedia content is essential to achieve a WOW effect in your classes. Include a musical thread, audios, or sound effects here...

Always add up!
  • The bat (noun) flew over my head just after dark.
  • The bat (noun) is cracked and we need a new one to continue the game.
  • I tried to bat (verb) at the fly, but it got away.

Bat can be a noun or a verb!


"Bat" is considered a homograph because it is spelled the same but can refer to two different things: a flying mammal (animal) and a piece of sports equipment used for hitting a ball (like in baseball) - both pronounced the same way.

From the Oxford Dictionary


Saw as a noun means a tool used to cut wood.Saw as a verb is the past tense of the word see.And those tenses put together as a compound word means something entirely different: Seesaw.



"sign" can be considered a homograph because it is spelled the same but can have different meanings depending on the context, like "a road sign" and "to sign a document."

Digest (die JEST) is a verb that means to break down food in the body in order to extract nutrition.

A digest (DIE jest) is a summary of information or a book or magazine that compiles and condenses information. Example: Readers Digest Magazine.


Noun, Adjective or Verb?

Compound is pronounced two different ways. Examples:

  • Oxygen is a compound as it is made up of two or more separate elements.
  • A compound word is one word made up from two separate words with different meanings.
  • Her family lived in a large compound,
Compound with the emphasis on the second syllable means to make it worse. Compounding the problem.

The word upset has multiple definitions and can be used as a verb, noun, or adjective: Verb: To cause emotional or mental distress or to upset the toybox (turn it over)Noun: An unexpected defeat- "It would be quite an upset if the favorite didn't win."Adjective: Affected by a minor physical disturbance, such as an upset stomach.


Verb, noun or adjective?


Each of two or more words spelled the same but not necessarily pronounced the same and having different meanings and origins.

Examples: Bow Row Sow Minute PolishObject Wind Bass Mobile WoundLead Read Live Desert ProduceBark Bank Kind Pretty ShowerMass Lose Mind Skied Model


Transfer can be a noun or a verb

AI Overview"Transfer" is considered a homograph because it can be used as both a noun (meaning the act of moving something from one place to another) and a verb (meaning to move something from one place to another), with the same spelling but slightly different emphasis depending on the context."

  • Noun: The company initiated the transfer quickly.
  • Verb: Please transfer our callers to the correct location.

Use tables and infographics

Visual communication is a key tool. We find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.


Both a verb and a noun.

Wave can be a verb which is an action we use with our hand.Wave can also be a noun describing how the water comes to the shore during a breezy day.

AI Overview

  • A set of related records, either written or electronic
  • A line of people or things in a row
  • An office piece of furniture that holds papers in order
  • A steel tool with sharp teeth that smooths wood or metal
  • To record in a court of law or public office
  • To smooth with a file
  • To proceed in a line
  • To put something in a container for keeping records
Can you see the reason file is a homograph?

Lead: the verb lead is to influence someone or something to go with one. Leading is inspiring to people, managing is not so much. Lead: the noun is a heavy chemical. It is atomic number 81 and used to be added to paint and pencils. Another use of lead as a noun is a name for a leash.


The two meanings of lead:


  • Wherever you lead, I will happily follow as I trust your instinct.
  • Pencils and paint no longer contain lead.
  • The judge appreciated how the dog walked on her lead.


Tie has many different meanings:

Nouns: Dad is wearing his nicest tie.The race ended in a tie.She placed a tie between the two objects.Verb:I will tie my shoelacesHe tied his boat to a bouy.

Did you know?

Does the window allow for the addition of wider content? You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.Multimedia content is essential to achieve a WOW effect in your classes. Include a musical thread, audios, or sound effects here...

Always add up!
  • Different spelling: "Rain," "reign," and "rein" are homophones.
  • Same spelling: "Rose" and "rose" are homophones.
  • Different meaning: "Flower" and "flour" are homophones.
  • Common homophones: "Write" and "right," "meet" and "meat," and "peace" and "piece" are homophones

A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning or spelling

Importance of Homonyms

What is the importance of homonyms? Homonyms are widely used in the English language to mean the words that have similar sounds and sometimes, spellings, but have different meanings. These words not only enrich our vocabulary but also help in a more figurative use of language.To remember homonyms, visualize or create a mental image that connects the word to its specific meaning; for example, thinking of a "stair" to climb when trying to choose between "stair" and "stare" can help differentiate the two words.

  • Her new clothes are so cool.
  • With winter approaching, the air is very cool.

AI Overview"Cool" acts as a homograph because it can refer to a low temperature (like a "cool breeze") or a positive social attribute, meaning something is trendy or impressive, while still being spelled the same way but having different connotations depending on the context.

Did you know the use of synonyms is important in writing?

They can enhance the quality of your case notes and provide readers/case managers with a unique outlook of the text. Choosing synonyms when writing may also create a more accurate meaning with what you are trying to communicate.


Homographs With Different Pronunciations Attribute (characteristic) or attribute (credit someone or something) Bass (fish) or bass (drum) Bow (weapon) or bow (down) Close (near) or close (to shut) Console (comfort) or console (video game unit) Content (satisfied) or content (various media) Lead (front) or lead (mineral) Minute (small) or minute (measurement of time) Object (thing) or object (argue) Present (gift) or present (to bring forth)

Homographs With Same Pronunciations

  • Bat (flying mammal) or bat (sports equipment)
  • Blue (color) or blue (depressed feeling)
  • Can (able to) or can (metal container)
  • Crane (bird) or crane (machine used in construction)
  • Fair (reasonable) or fair (festival)
  • Lean (thin) or lean (rest against something)
  • May (month) or may (might)
  • Miss (overlook something) or miss (long for something)
  • Novel (new) or novel (book-length fictional story)
  • Park (play area) or park (to bring vehicle to a stop)
  • Pen (writing instrument) or pen (small crate)
  • Saw (tool) or saw (past tense of "to see")
  • Skip (type of jump) or skip (miss out on something)