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Gerund & Infinitive

The game of Monopoly

Playing Place

Reading Road

Shopping Street

Singing Square

Dancing Lane

Running Road

Buying Property

Buying a house

Buying a land

Getting a property

Getting a house

Getting a land

Exploring Alley

Working Way

Cooking Corner

Teaching Terrace

Creating Street


Baking Boulevard



How to play

Learning Avenue

Exploring Park

List three verbs that are typically followed by a gerund and three verbs that are typically followed by an infinitive. Give examples for each

Выбирите себе фишку и бросьте кубик по очереди, что бы узнать кто ходит первым!

Почему мы говорим "I can't wait to eat" и "I love eating"? Какие глаголы требуют инфинитив, а какие герундий?

Explain when we use the gerund form of a verb and when we use the infinitive form. Give an example sentence for each.


Tell us a sentence using the gerund/Infinitive form of the verb " swim" after the verb "enjoy."

Ты и твой собеседник (выбери одного из игроков) должны использовать герундий и инфинитив в коротком диалоге, например, о том, что вы любите делать в выходные.

What do we use after verbs like "want" and "need." Gerund or Infinitive?

Guess the Verb : Your opponent provides a sentence with a blank space, and you have to guess whether the verb in the blank should be a gerund or an infinitive.

"I promise (help/helping) you with your homework after school.

She decided (learn) French, and now she's ready (travel) to France.

Complete the sentence: 'I want (to learn/learning) more about...,' and explain your choice of gerund or infinitive

"I enjoy (to swim/swimming) in the pool.

Сегодня мы отправимся в захватывающее путешествие, где мы будем использовать герундии и инфинитивы, чтобы строить свои империи и добиваться победы. Пусть это станет веселым способом углубить наши знания английского языка.


Готовы ли вы начать это увлекательное приключение? Поехали!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

I like (sing) songs, but I need (practice) more.

Передвигайтесь на 3 клетки вперед если правильно составьте предложение, в котором используется (инфинитив или герундий ?) после глагола "decide."

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs...even interactive questions!

Each player must choose a color: blue, green, yellow or pink. He/she gets a tile to mark his/her position and 10 houses to indicate the properties he/she acquires during the game.Each player must take the tile of his/her color and place it on the starting square.To start playing, click on the dice and move your piece to the corresponding square.In each square there must be one or more questions. If you get it right, place one of your houses on that square - congratulations, you have a new property!Special squares: the squares with icons contain penalties such as "Player pays electricity tax: loses 2 houses". Get the question right to avoid the penalty!The player who has the highest number of houses on the board once all the squares are occupied wins.

She hopes (travel) to Paris someday.

She prefers (reading / to read) books in her free time.

Explain the rule for using gerund/infinitive after prepositions.

She started (paint) a beautiful picture, but she can't (finish) it.

She started __________ (paint) a beautiful picture, but she doesn't like __________ (clean) her brushes.

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs...even interactive questions!

I came here (learning/to learn) English

Write a sentence using the verb "eat" after the verb "plan."

She suggested (to go/going) to the cinema tonight. Which one is correct?

Когда используется инфинитив?

Give examples of three verbs that are always followed by the gerund.

List three verbs that are typically followed by a gerund and three verbs that are typically followed by an infinitive. Give examples for each

Create a sentence using a gerund as the subject of the sentence. For example: "Swimming is fun."

He remembered (bringing/to bring) his lunch today. Which one is correct?

Give advice to a friendI advise/suggest you...

I enjoy (skiing/to ski) on the weekends. Which one is correct?