EBP Revision Part 2
NDP Team
Created on October 26, 2023
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Evidential Sources
Force stats & Info
Welcome to Ashview
Existing Research
Priorities & Demand
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Read over the scenario and available resources, choose the most relevant crime to YOUR role.
Rank the sources of evidence in terms of value to your crime type.
Create an intervention based on the available evidence sources.
Rural Ashview
Easington Way
Town Centre
Click on each marker to read more about the crimes in Ashview. Select the crime that is most relevant to your everyday role and the situations you are more likely to interact with in your force.
In force Data & Stats
Force info
Crime rate data
Resources & Initiatives
Force information
The Ashview Police Neighbourhood Team covers a large area that includes both urban and rural regions of the town. This area encompasses several residential districts, a bustling town centre, and expansive natural landscapes. The team is responsible for getting to know the local area and challenges Ashview face, to better protect the community. The general crime rate across the community of Ashview is low in comparison to larger towns in the area such as Sandford. A drastic improvement has been seen in relation to the ‘war on drugs’ across certain areas of the community due to successful police investigations and educational interventions focused on the prohibition of illegal drugs. The police force has expanded. An additional 20 police officers have been recruited recently, making the total number of officers in Ashview 416. Ashview has a police force that strives to understand the range of communities in the neighbourhood. Regarding policing, many would see it as an example to follow.
Crime Data
Recent Challenges
- A 26% increase in Cybercrime has been recorded within the last 6 months, this is something Sergeants are keen to be a focus moving forward as a priority.
- Certain cultural/religious groups feel they are not being heard on a number of issues; and the police have seen a rise in discrimination complaints between cultural groups within the community.
- There are a number of ASB complaints arising from business owners in the town centre mainly perpetrated by young people causing criminal damage to shop fronts and shoplifting.
- However the reoccurance of cars being broken into and damaged in local car parks is also drawing footfall away from the town centre, causing a loss in earnings. The lack of action and prosecutions has caused a loss of faith towards Ashview Police.
- Farmers feel they are being forgotten about due to an increase in rural crime such as tractor and machinery parts being stolen.
Resources and Initiatives
Over the past few years strong relationships have been formed by the police force in Ashview and the local services. Together, they have a common goal to protect and support the vulnerable. Social Housing: Housing units are available across Ashview. Mental Health Clinics: Mental health clinics are available to all residents who are referred by GPs; emergency walk-ins are also available.Refuges: Provides specialist support to men, women and children who are experiencing domestic violence.
PartnersWe work with a number of partners across the community that allow us to tackle specific issues from a different angle, these are mainly charitable and not-for-profit organisations. Some examples of these are:
- Mindset: A comprehensive support centre dedicated to individuals navigating drug, alcohol and mental health challenges ensuring service users move towards a brighter and healthier future.
- Take Control: A charitable organisation providing confidential counselling for men and women who may be victims of coercive control or domestic violence.
Existing research
CCTV business viewing events (2020)
Think Family Early Intervention (TFEI) (2021)
Forensic marking to deter repeat victimisation related to domestic abuse and sexual offences (2020)
Perimeter intrusion detection – remote camera to reduce repeat victimisation (2021)
Aberystwyth University: Rural and Farm Crime in Dyfed-Powys (2020)
Understanding car parks, crime and CCTV: evaluation lessons from safer cities (1991).
Priorities and demands
Ashview Policing Priorites
Policing Demand
Initiatives currently in use in Ashview
REBEL Initiative
A problem-solving plan for catalytic converter thefts across Sandford (Operation STARE).
PACT (Police and Communities Together) Monthly Meeting.
In the town centre, there have been numerous car break ins at the Highgate public car park, near the train station. Some residents have had items stolen, usually of low value such as loose change and dash cams. However, the crimes have left the residents feeling unsafe and as a result, has drawn footfall away from the centre due to concerns of where it is safe to park. There is CCTV in operation at the car park, however it only captures one side and is regularly broken. The car park is barrier-free and open 24 hours, often used by residents parking their car overnight to catch the train to Sandford and London. There are parking officers in operation that check infrequently that cars have paid accurately to park there. Parking is paid for via the ParkGo App.
Car Park thefts
Town Centre
Neighbour Dispute
Easington Way
In the South West of Ashview, there is an ongoing neighbour dispute that has resulted in repeated call outs. Residents on the generally very close-knit Easington Way estate have been historically suspicious of those not from the area. This has been heightened recently due to the number of young men from the estate being recruited into county line gangs by 'outsiders'. The residents have become interested in a newly relocated family, the Jones’ who are from London. Aware of the area’s reputation, Phill Jones installed a Ring doorbell camera. This only heightened the distrust of the residents towards the family. The Jones family have had a number of run-ins with their neighbours, Chanelle Rogers and her daughter, Levi, aged 14 who rent the next door property. Both Chanelle and Levi are well-known to the police for largely ASB-related offences. Recently, both have posted on various social media platforms messages or statuses such as "No one should have to live near a nonce" and "This estate was better before the paedos and the scum." This has fuelled rumours on the estate. Mr Jones will call the police around twice a day with varying reports of being watched, abuse being shouted at him, dog waste being posted through his door and his car being scratched. Levi is a student at Ashview Comprehensive, she and her friends consistently shout abuse and throw things at Mr. Jones’ house. Levi already has an Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC) against her.
A common theme raised in the local Police and Communities Together meetings, is the issue of fly tipping. Along the A108 road, there are almost daily disposals of furniture and disused electrical appliances in the layby on the side of the road. The road leads up to the golf course and new housing development, with residents and the local councillor complain is devaluing homes and deterring customers to the golf course to the South East of Ashview.
Use this resource to inform your "What Matters" thinking for your initiative.
Demand on Policing
To the East and more rural area of Ashview, farmers have reported break ins to their outbuildings with farming machinery and parts of tractors stolen. Other residents and farmers have reported suspicious vehicles and individuals entering onto private land and then leaving quickly when confronted, claiming they were lost or took a wrong turn. There is minimal police presence in this part of Ashview due to the general lack of crime. The offences are causing detriment to the work and livelihood of the farmers and feel like they are the forgotten residents of Ashview. Many of the farming estates in Ashview have gun licenses, this is causing concern to local policing teams who have heard remarks being made such as “if the police can’t do something about pest control, we will”.
Tractor machinery theft
Rural Ashview