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Assignment 2: Analysis and Scoping

Scoping Plan for Digital Learning Design

Step 1 - Who?

Step 2 - Why?

Learner PersonasDesign Considerations

Step 3 - What?

Step 4 - How

Macro DesignModular Framework

Mode of DeliveryLearning FlowLearning Experience

Business Needs Learning GapsSMART Learning Outcomes

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The Education Trust consists of 7 secondary schools, each with its own creative arts faculty. Each faculty consists of four separate subjects. Faculties have an over-arching set of development aims which are set out at the start of each year. One of the aims this year is to improve outcomes for students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) so that their achievement and progress is in line with their peers. This assignment sets out the initial programme analysis and scoping for a training programme for teachers.

Learning Personas

From analysis of these personas, I will consider the following when creating the LXD:

  • learners lack time, especially larger blocks of time.
  • there are a broad range of devices available for learners to work on.
  • fun and creativity are a common theme in their personal lives.
  • learners voiced a need for content to be reliable and up-to-date.
  • all learners work face to face with students and requested real life tasks/ scenarios.
  • teams in each school spend time together regularly so some group elements would be of benefit.

Step 1 - The Who of Learning

Business NeedsThe Education Trust aims to achieve 'Outstanding' in all areas across its trust schools within the next 5 years. In order to achieve this, teachers will need to demonstrate outstanding lessons when judged against the teaching standards. Leaders will be judged against their ability to identify and fill gaps in teacher skills or understanding. The National Teaching Standards will therefore form a strong basis for this training package. Learning GapsThe following are the learning gaps as revealed by the goals and aspirations of the 3 learning personas:

  • Up to date information regarding special educational needs.
  • Latest recommendations regarding strategies for teaching SEND.
  • Information on how to develop those strategies.
  • Knowledge of how to close the gap between students with SEND and their peers.
  • Adaptations of behaviour management strategies.
In addition the following frustrations were revealed and will be included in the training offer:
  • A sense that it was not possible to meet all needs in the classroom.
  • A feeling that SEND shouldn't always be a teacher’s responsibility.
  • Unfamiliar with SEND in the mainstream school setting.

Step 2 - The Why of Learning

Step 2 - The Why of Learning

Section 5: 'Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

  • know when and how to differentiate appropriately, using approaches which enable pupils to be taught effectively.
  • have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn, and how best to overcome these.
  • demonstrate an awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children, and know how to adapt teaching to support pupils’ education at different stages of development.
  • have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs; those of high ability; those with English as an additional language; those with disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them.' (GOV.UK, n.d.)

Learning OutcomesBy the end of this learning programme the learning gap will be bridged with learners able to:1. Design a range of engaging and supportive differentiation approaches for the classroom that enable all students to be taught effectively. 2. Be able to justify teaching and learning approaches demonstrating a thorough understanding of student needs.3. Formulate schemes of work for each year group which demonstrates an awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children.4. Recognise the range of factors that can inhibit pupils' ability to learn and demonstrate the best ways to overcome these in lessons.5. Develop and establish strategies for the effective deployment of support staff.


      • Specific list of outcomes for all learners to achieve by the end of the program
      • Measurable through regular online progress quizzes, lesson observations, sharing resources and good working practice in team meetings.
      • Attainable learning outcomes through a blended learning approach with allocated department time and on-demand online learning
      • Relevant learning goals that align with all stakeholder aims - personal teacher targets, department, SLT and education trust.
      • Time for completion is the end of this academic year. Module time line to be paced and set with this end date in mind.

Step 2 - The Why of Learning

Module 5

Module 4

Module 3

Module 2

Module 1

An Introduction to SEN

Understanding Pupil Learning Needs

Engage and Support

Differentiation Approaches

How to Deploy Support Staff in your Classroom

Modular Framework

Step 3 - The What of Learning

The following pages will map out the macro design showing the modules needed to meet the learning outcomes. This design is based on the DLI template. There are 5 necessary modules, each comprising 6 topics. The modules and topics are based on the recommendations of the Education Endowment Foundation's guidance report on SEND in mainstream schools along with information from the school SMEs.The training information always starts from the basics because, as the analysis of the learning personas revealed, staff may be new to the topic, have no prior knowledge or may have established misconceptions or out-dated information.

Module 5

Module 4

Module 3

Module 2

Module 1

An Introduction to SEN

Understanding Pupil Learning Needs

Engage and Support

Differentiation Approaches

How to Deploy Support Staff in your Classroom

Modular Framework

Step 4 - The How of Learning

This modular framework shows how the sequence of 5 modules will deliver the necessary content learners will need to successfully meet the learning objectives of the course. The sequence begins with facts, basic concepts and information and leads on to content which teaches how to develop and establish effective classroom strategies.

Learning Outcome1, 3 & 4

Learning Outcomes 1. Design a range of engaging and supportive differentiation approaches for the classroom that enable all students to be taught effectively. 2. Be able to justify teaching and learning approaches demonstrating a thorough understanding of student needs.3. Formulate schemes of work for each year group which demonstrates an awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children.4. Recognise the range of factors that can inhibit pupils' ability to learn and demonstrate the best ways to overcome these in lessons.5. Develop and establish strategies for the effective deployment of support staff.

Learning Outcome2, 3 & 5

Learning Outcome1, 3 & 5

Learning Outcome1, 2 & 4

Learning Outcome5

Step 4 - The How of Learning

Week 1Topic 1 & 2

Week 2Topic 3 & 4

Week 3Topic 5 & 6

Week 4Summary

Module 1

Week 5Topic 1 & 2

Week 6Topic 3 & 4

Week 7Topic 5 & 6

Week 8Summary

Module 2

Week 9Topic 1 & 2

Week 10Topic 3 & 4

Week 11Topic 5 & 6

Week 12Summary

Module 3

Week 13Topic 1 & 2

Week 14Topic 3 & 4

Week 15Topic 5 & 6

Week 16Summary

Module 4

Week 17Topic 1 & 2

Week 18Topic 3 & 4

Week 19Topic 5 & 6

Week 20Summary

Module 5

Learning Flow

This learning flow diagram shows the sequence of modules, the time scale for completion (20 weeks) and the topics delivered in those weeks. Each module concludes with a summary of that module. On the following slide there is a sample module showing the detail including structure, topics and modes of delivery. There is also a sample of learner activities during the module which are designed to facilitate reflection, metacognition and social learning. End of module assignment is also shown. This is the summative assessment for which a module certificate is awarded.

Step 4 - The How of LearningSample Module

Summary of module Mode of delivery: Virtual classroom with SME.Digital tool-kit, links to academic research and editable classroom resources provided

Topic 5: 4 Primary Needs.Topic 6: Good Teaching.Mode of delivery: Instructional videos, infographics and podcasts

Topic 3: Learning and Development.Topic 4: Language Matters.Mode of delivery: Instructional videos, infographics and podcasts

Welcome and introduction. Topic 1: Acceptance of Diversity.Topic 2: Pupils' Rights.Mode of delivery: Instructional videos, infographics and podcasts.

An Introduction to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Module 1

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1

Reflective Blog

Knowledge check mini quiz


Module Certificate


Step 4 - The How of LearningSample Assignment

Week 4 Assignment

Summary of module takes place at the end of each module.Mode of delivery: Virtual classroom with SME.Also provided: Digital tool-kit, links to academic research and editable classroom resources.AssignmentsModules provide learning content which fills the learning gaps and enables learners to meet the learning outcome requirements. To make this measurable, assignments provide an opportunity to showcase learning, elicit performance and gain feedback following assessment.

Assignment 1: Design a lesson which showcases a range of engaging and supportive strategies for the SEND students in one of your classes. Be able to demonstrate that those students are making progress in line with their peers as a result of your strategies. Assignment 2: Prepare a lesson which will be observed. Following the lesson, present reasons for your teaching and learning approaches which demonstrates your thorough understanding of the student needs in the class. Assignment 3: Create a scheme of work for one group which demonstrates an awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of the students of that age. Assignment 4: During the virtual classroom session with the SME, bring SEND student sketchbooks. Show that you recognise the factors inhibiting pupils' learning and how you intend to overcome those faactors. Assignment 5: Present a collection of proposed strategies for use in the department which will effectively deploy support staff and lead to improved outcomes for SEND students.


  • (2016). Retrieved from https://med.stanford.edu/content/dam/sm/s-spire/documents/How-to-write-SMART-Goals-v2.pdf
  • Andreev, I. (2022a). Bloom’s Taxonomy. Retrieved from https://www.valamis.com/hub/blooms-taxonomy
  • Davies, K., & Henderson, P. (2021). Special educational needs in mainstream schools. Retrieved from https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/education-evidence/guidance-reports/send
  • Jabsheh, A.-A.-H. (2024). Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism as the theoretical bases for instructional design. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.47577/teh.v7i.10576
  • Piskurich, G. M. (2006). Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right (Essential Knowledge Resource (Paperback)). Pfeiffer & Company.
  • Teachers’ standards: Overview. (2011). Retrieved from https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a750668ed915d3c7d529cad/Teachers_standard_information.pdf

Step 1 – The who of Learning Commentary: Learner Personas When developing these learner personas, I used a combination of learner questionnaires and consultations with staff and leaders. I referred to department self-evaluations, observations and performance appraisals. I then created three personas which represent groups of staff identified in arts teams across the schools within the trust. Each of the personas had the need and desire to expand their expertise and effectiveness in classrooms. Creating these personas helped me start the analysis stage (taken from ADDIE model). By using these personas, I created a varied learning experience, maintaining relevance and therefore motivation. From analysis of these personas, I made a list of LXD considerations.

Step 2 – The why of Learning Commentary: Business Needs and Learning Gaps I identified the business needs by meeting with The Trust SLT. They gave their KPIs which were created from the National Teaching Standards and Ofsted criteria. To identify the learning gaps, I analysed the learner personas and referred to the National Teaching Standards. This revealed gaps in knowledge relating to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). I identified that this gap in knowledge would need to be filled to meet the teaching standards and KPIs. The ‘goals and aspirations’ and ‘frustrations’ of learner personas provided the information for this list of learning gaps. I revealed that the learners were motivated by reliable academic research, so I used the findings of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) in their 2020-23 research on SEND. Learning Outcomes By applying Bloom’s Taxonomy, I ensured 'not just the acquisition of knowledge, but the development of skills that enhance employees’ ability to innovate, solve problems, and make informed decisions'. (Bloom’s Taxonomy: Revised Levels, Verbs for Objectives, 2024) By the end of the training, learners will be able to 'adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils' (GOV.UK, n.d.). My outcomes have been written using Bloom's verbs such as 'recognise', 'differentiate' and 'design'. One of the benefits of setting SMART targets is that outcomes are measurable. For example, not all learners can identify the factors inhibiting learning for students with SEND. After this training, teachers will be able to evaluate their classroom provision and create new resources e.g. create Autism friendly guides with visuals.

Step 4 – The How of Learning Commentary: Module Sample When developing the module building blocks, I opted for a hook at the beginning of each module to engage learners. Learners then have a combination of instructional videos (15-20mins each), podcasts (excellent for listening to while on the way to work) and infographics (easy to view) as the core modes of delivery. I feel that my existing practice has been greatly enhanced through this process. Starting with learning personas and establishing the 'Who' first then scoping the learning gap (the ‘Why') made my programme have direction. By writing learning outcomes ('What' of learning) next, I felt confident that I was able to justify my 'How' decisions. I used Gagne's nine events of instruction to ensure engagement. For example, recall quizzes and SME guidance.

Step 3 – The What of Learning Commentary: Modular Framework and Macro Design When deciding on the ‘What’ of learning, in conjunction with the learning outcomes, I referred to the recommendations of the EEF which met the learning gaps. I designed the modular framework to start with factual topics in a bottom-up approach, providing the foundation information and ensure that they have the knowledge for future modules and the bigger picture. Modules are designed to meet the 5 learning outcomes.

Step 4 – The How of Learning Commentary: Mode of Delivery and Learning Pathway When deciding on the ‘How’ of learning, I decided that the modules should be completed in a linear manner because the content of each module scaffolds the next. Learners may access the topics within each module in any order to give choice and maintain motivation. I utilised elements of the learning theory of constructivism for the learner activities of each module. Based on the learner personas, I felt that if understanding of knowledge was formed ‘by making interconnection between learner’s previous experience and that knowledge he/she receives from a social interaction’ Jabsheh (2024) that this would be an excellent learning tool. The 4-weekly sequence would provide social interaction through reflective blogs and virtual classroom, leading to a positive learning experience. Sessions are designed to be short (20mins) due to the identified time constraints. Learning would be accessible on any device. Digital content would include preferences identified in the learning personas such as podcasts and infographics.