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Project Skills / Studying Research

Seminar: Finding Great Academic Sources

Identify key sources of academic journals and researchConstruct a register of sources you can access at university

Session Objectives

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire

In your research teams, you should identify which locations - digital or otherwise - you can access academic sources of information.You group will have a timekeeper, a notetaker, and a faciltator. All others will discuss.In 5 minutes we will create a list to guide us. Be ready to share your group's ideas.

Your First Task:

1.Opening Task

In your browser, find the following sites in different tabs:JSTOR.org onlinelibrary.wiley.com Emerald.com journals.sagepub.com

As university students, you have access to various databases of knowledge and research.Lets explore these now....

2. Setting up your research register

Access Tip

Your universities pay for access to the most up-to-date reasearch publications. You should take full advantage of this fact.Seach in one of these sites for an article. You will quickly discover that many of these documents are restricted. However, you can gain access. Quick task: can you find a way to gain access to restricted articles?

Gaining access via your university

2. Setting up your research register

15 Minute Task:

Rememeber: a member of your group may find your findings useful

You have various options available to you to refine your searches even further. These include:Dates published - for the most up to date informationContent type - books, case studies, articles etcAvailable to you / open access

Using the search funtion, use your research topic to search for a jounal article on each of these platformsWhat were you able to find?Be prepared to feedback and share your findings with your research group

Refining your searches further:

Your first searches:

2. Finding sources

Some of you are already using Google Scholar. Lets look at using this platfom in your research.

What else?

You should bookmark these various websites so you can use them later - they will be very valuble to you in the future - do this now.

What's next?

2. Finding sources

  • You can refine search dates for the most up-to-date information
  • You can adjust content type
  • It is recommended that you check sources that the infomation comes from - this is in green
  • You can follow writers of interest to you

As with JSTOR.org, Wiley, Emerald Insights, and Sage; Google Scholar is a resource that is available to you as a student. You can search using key terms as with other platforms. Here are several functions of use to you:

Using Google Scholar

3. What else?

Using your university email address. You should sign up to Google Scholar.Once you have done this, you should search for a suitable article and follow the writer.Remember to read the abstract for relevence.Remember to check the source.

10 Minute Task:

3.What else?

Using the CRAAP or PROMPT methods, you should evaluate the sources you have found.Think back to seminar 2.

Any questions?

And now...