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The Docks. Warehouses, taverns, demon fighting pits, and smuggling.


Forlorn Quarter. The remnants of the majestic city of Deconia float in the area, ruins of gothic buildings held together by the wails of restless spirits.


Hullmine. The crash site of a skyfleet, the island is mined for metal, salvage parts and the occasional technologically advanced artifact.

The Vortex. An ever-consuming vortex sits on the edge of the netherstorm, slowly devouring the ruins of the old city

The Dome. A hulking structure of iron and chrome-plated glass, The Dome is the ultimate expression of the opulence of high society.

Dunhole Prison. A towering metal fortress, where the worst (or most unlucky) criminals are incarcerated. Many are forced into labor near the vortex or the aether clouds.

Highrise. Once a steep hill on the outskirts of the old city, the floating island of Highrise is home to the institutions of higher learning in New Deconia

The Neon District. Under the shadow of a towering Bonsai Tree, the neon district is filled with aetheric lights, holograms and automata.

Goldmile. An island of chrome skyscrapers and even higher ambitions, Goldmile is the financial beating heart of the city.

Cutpurse Bridge. The bridge your mum warned you about.

The Netherbeacon. A magical lighthouses that allows ethereals to navigate through the storm.

Hivetown. A heap of small houses, alleys and bridges haphazardly built on the cliffs and caverns of the floating islands.

Crown Heights. A modern and affluent neighborhood filled with rich parks, vibrant avenues, shopping malls and snobs.

F in the chat for the old one.

Demon Pit. A bottomless pit where demons are born and their souls return to after death.

The Cleft. A canyon carved by a crashing skyship, now filled with the spillage of its arcane drive.

Jade Wave. A tsunami frozen in time into magical jade. In recent years, the city has started mining the jade for new technologies.

The Pond. Cement shoes not included

Exam Atoll. Where students of the Arcane College perform their final exams

The Bellows. One of the main industrial areas of the city, filled with factories, smokestacks and sooty cobblestones.

Bellweather. The administrative center of the city, concentrating the town hall, civic offices, courts of justice and record archives.

Oldtown. A run down area of derelict and abandoned buildings. The district is dotted with the old manor houses and villas of the Deconia nobility, converted into mouldy apartments and hideouts.

The Aetheryard. A custer of aether refineries, shipyards and factories that have emerged in the last decade to support etheric transport.

The Exchange. The port of entry for interplanar travellers and shipments. Most ethereals "live" and conduct their business here, amongst all maner of exotic and imported goods.


Cabaret Boulevard. The arts and entertainment centre of New Deconia

Hellside. A abandoned remnant of the old city. At its centre lies the demon pit, where the demons of New Deconia are born.

Riptide Island.

The Reaches. An belt of floating islands filled with caves and hanging vines. The rural community here farms mushrooms and creepers to feed the city.

IRUVIA A land of black deserts obsidian mountains, and raging volcanoes. Some say that positions of power are openly held by demons in Iruvia. The people are generally dark-skinned and dark haired.

SEVEROS A land of windswept plains, covered in dark scrub and thorny growths. Outside the Imperial cities on the coast, some native Serverosi still live in free tribes, scavenging the death-lands on their ghost-hunting horses. They are generally dark-skinned and dark haired.

SKOVLAN A ragged land of cold mountains and rough tundra. Skovlan was the last holdout against Imperial control. They are generally pale-skinned and fair haired or red haired.

AKOROS A land of dark, petrified forests and rocky hills. The rich coastal cities get their wealth from leviathan hunting and from mining colonies deep inland. The Akorosi are sometimes called “Imperials” since the Imperium began there. They are generally fair-skinned and dark haired.

THE DAGGER ISLES A tropical archipelago covered in dense jungle growth; now turned dark and twisted from the strange magic of the cataclysm. Some say that the people there live without lightning barriers. How do they manage that? Native islanders are generally copper-skinned and dark haired.

TYCHEROS A far off land, disconnected from the Empire. People say the Tycherosi (rudely called “Strangers”) have demon blood in their lineage.

A Note About the World The shattered isles have wildly different climates due to magical forces left over from the cataclysm. The “water” of the Void Sea seems to be composed of opaque black ink, but it's possible to see constellations of shimmering stars far below the surface. The sun is a dim ember, providing only meager twilight at dawn and dusk; leaving the world in darkness otherwise. This was once a storybook fantasy world of magic and wonders, which was destroyed and an industrial civilization was built on top of the ruins. Don't expect scientific realism here.

The Underbay

Kraken Wharf.

Anglers' Row.

Aetherplant. The biggest storehouse of refined aether in New Deconia

Aether Harvesting Plants. A cluster of facilities to harvest, process and refine aether clouds.

Skydocks. The main harbour for New Deconia, where ships from across the netherstomr arrive to trade with the city.

Aetherflight Factories. Center of industry for skyships, including their construction and repair.

Aetherplant. The biggest storehouse of refined aether in New Deconia

Aether Harvesting Plants. A cluster of facilities to harvest, process and refine aether clouds.

Skydocks. The main harbour for New Deconia, where ships from across the netherstomr arrive to trade with the city.

Aetherflight Factories. Center of industry for skyships, including their construction and repair.

The Cleft. A ravine caused by a crashing airship, now filled with the spillage of its arcane drive.

Century Station. The electrotram station connects Hullmine, the Bellows and Oldtown.

Statue of the Eidolon of Fortune. A

Lanthorn Gate. The old gatehouse, now a defense bastion from the horrors of the forlorn quarter

Pubhouse Corner. An area full of small alleys, pubs and unsavoury types. Dangerous at night.

Cutpurse Bridge. The birdge your mother warned you about.

Statue of the Eidolon of Fortune.

Central Station.

Court of Justice.

Stonecroft State.


Alfons' Park

Demon Pit.

The Dragon Isle. Privately owned by Brator

Victory Bridge

The Mirador. The favourite hotel and restaurant for high-end business meetings.

Brokers' Lane. Companies employ oracles to predict market trends, a practice of dubious legality.

Brator's Bank. The ancient dragon known as Brator the Broker controls many of the finances of the city thanks to a hoard accumulated over centuries.

The New Stock Exchange

Sunburst Gate

Gravity Falls. A dynamic living sculpture with three platforms that orbit around each other. A waterfall connects the platforms, creating a rainbow on bright days.

Vantoleonne. Nicknamed the cathedral of entertainment, the Vantoleonne hosts an array dinning halls, stages, lounges and private rooms where the party never stops.

Splendour Plaza. A magnificent square featuring gardens and fountains, with a cascade falling from the zenith of the dome.

Herald's Headquarters.

Spara Beach

Voidside Terrace. An open terrace restaurant and bar where visitors can enjoy the wonderful vistas of the void and the gentle sounds of the waterfall while drinking a cocktail.

Hanging Parks. The dome is dotted with floating platforms decorated with grass and trees that serve for transport, decoration and entertainment.

Blue Boat Cafe. A rustic cafe with open benches and views to the Gold Mile island. Rumoured to have the best coffee in New Askalon.

Bryce Building. A hulking tower of aetheric transformers and conduits, the building hosts the controls for the Dome systems.

The Bonsai. An ancient bonsai tree looms over the skyscrapers of the neon district, casting its shadow over the streets.

Kodashi Industries. A large complex of factories, foundries, laboratories and testing grounds for new jadetech.

Wave-side Docks. Small barges transport the mined jade from the wave to the factories up-river.

Koen Plaza. A shrine at the centre of a shallow lake surrounded by gardens serves as a neutral meeting point for gangs.

Jade Mining Station. A recently-built station at the midpoint of the wave hosts the miners in charge of harvesting the jade.

Imperial Palace. Once the residence of the empress that saved the city from cataclysm, the palace now hosts the remnants of the imperial guard.

Jade Mining Station. A recently-built station at the midpoint of the wave hosts the miners in charge of harvesting the jade.

The Red Lamp

Wilton Lane. Once a muddy market street, urbanisation efforts turned the lane into a canal that divides Cabaret Boulevard from Crown Heights.

Lake Victoria. The rainwater from the district runs down the canals and collects in the artificial lake. A system of sluice gates controls the outflow into the void below. What secrets does the lake hold? (Hint: it's probably bodies)

Nightfall Alley. This narrow street comes alive at night with oracles and fortune tellers.

The Orbweaver. New Deconia's premiere pleasure house for those with unique interests.

Memorial Park

Tetrafolium. Named after the footprint resembling a four-leaved clover, the Tet is a sprawling complex of shops, cafes, gardens and offices.

Crown Heights Central. The electrotram station is housed in a modern art deco building, standing across from a promenade park.

Lake Victoria. The rainwater from the district runs down the canals and collects in the artificial lake. A system of sluice gates controls the outflow into the void below. What secrets does the lake hold? (Hint: it's probably bodies)

Inventor's Academy. The pinnacle of ingenuity and progress, a tower where the most brilliant minds of each generation compete and dream the technology of the future.

Century Cable Car. Built to commemorate the century, the cable car brings visitors and students to the top of the hill.


Progress Fair. Entertainment for the whole family

The Most Illustrious College of Arcane Arts. A magical fortress from the terrafirman age, the origins of the College can be traced back to an ancient mage tower that stood on the hill watching over the burgeoning town of Deconia

Netherbeacon Replica. An old prototype of the Netherbeacon now serves as a popular attraction for kids and families.

MDS Caliban. A decommissioned airship from an old war now serves the city as a fair exhibit.

Raytrack Stadium. The site for the premier sport for Deconians, abyssal ray races.

Gateside Docks.

Dimension Gate.

The Tribunal. The tower of the eyes of Alyria