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Arianna Rossetti 5A Ch 2023/2024


During the school year 2021/2022 the class was divide in groups to analize and create the bio-paints.We simulated a paint's company.


Didactic enterprise at school

During the first week, we stayed in class to design the logo and the label of our paint. We also studyed the composizion and why a bio-paint is so important.

First week

Paint's logo

company's logo




During the second week we started to prepare all the paints in the laboratory and all the required tests such as laying on walls, on wood and on cardboard.

Second week

tests on cardboards

wall's tests




This was a great experience because we helped us to improve our team's skills and our group's job.We also learned a lot about bio-paints and how companies work.


summary of nine months in Ireland

My excange year in Ireland

EUROPE Lorem ipsum dolor amet mustache knausgaard +1, blue bottle waistcoat tbh semiotics artisan synth stumptown gastropub cornhole celiac swag.

+ info

My personal experience about living with a host family is really positive.

Two other girls lived in the house with me

For nine months i lived in Ireland with a host family. The family consisted of a mother, a father, two sons and a daughter.I arrived in Dublin the 29 August.

Host family and location

Questa è la famiglia che mi ha ospitato durante questi 9 mesi.




For this months i frequented the Bawnboy's St.Mogues college.

Working method

Classes was from 9am to 3.50pm, except on Fridays when they ended at 1.15pm; there was six hours of school. Each subject was in a dedicated classroom. The teaching method was based on the use of a device. Each teacher was free to choose his or her own programme and there was just a big final test

Website St.mogues college: St Mogues CollegeA new school opened for classes on the present site in 1966. By 1979 all day-class students were progressing to Leaving Certificate level with a...St Mogue's College https://www.stmoguescollege.ie

Differenze fondamentali tra scuola Irlandese e scuola Italiana:

  • Uniforme
  • Regole più rigide
  • VSware
  • Vacanze
  • Metodo di valutazione
  • Metodo di insegnamento

Inoltre nel giardino della scuola è presente uno spazio per il pranzo, campo da calcio, campo da basket e tavoli da pingpong


At the beginning of the year, the student could choose subjects from a minimum of six and a maximum of seven.

During this experience i visted some places of ireland such as:


Saint Stephen's green park Dublin






  • Dublin
  • Belfast
  • Cavan
  • Belturbet
  • Enniskillen

‘Your never fail until you stop trying"

  • is not at the same level as an italian's school
  • Irish students are not always polite
  • teachers are really restrictive about the school's roles

  • the school cares a lot about the image of the school
  • the teachers care a lot about the students
  • there's a lot of extra activities
  • the students have more free time to enjoy their life

Conclusions about the irish school


positive and negative points about irish school

Albert Einstein



Ireland change my way to see the world

Conclusions about how this year change my life


pass this nine months in Ireland help me to don't be shy, to try every day new things, to try to find always the best in everything that i did.This excange year really help me to mature because you live alone in another country without knowing anybody and you have to learn by yourself another language, another culture and lifestyle.

But at least I think I really enjoyed this months and I will be forever grateful for this opportunity that my parents and my school gave to me

Didactic enterprise at school

Our cream

During the school year 2023/2024 the class was divide in groups to analize and create natural face and hand cream. We simulated a cosmetic's company.

During the first week, we stayed in class to design the logo, create a web site, a social profile, the flier, the packaging and the curriculum. We also studyed the composition and the properties of all the component the we would then go and use in the lab to create our formulation

first week

Social profile

hand cream




During the second week we started creating all the creams by changing one or more parameters each time until we got the formulation that was best for us. We chose the best one based on texture, no blending, no mold formation and optimal ph.Also once we got the best hand and face formulations some classes came to test them and give us their opinion

second week

This was a great experience because we learned how to work as a team and improved our skills in advertising and chemistry.Also, I liked this experience because it showed me the cosmetics world that I like so much


Our filer and packaging