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A step-by-step guide on how to Reports within SchemeServe.





  • General
  • Columns



  • Editing
  • Formula
  • Formatting


  • Examples


  • Head to the reports area and select "New Reports".
  • Select which type of report you would like to create e.g cases by inception.
  • Name your report and select a date range.
  • Add conditions:All - This will make your report much more specific.Any - This will make your report capture more data but may not be as accurate.

  • Example:-"Scheme"- "is equal to" -"Scheme Name"-This will only report on the specific scheme you have selected. Select who should be able to view and/or edit this report.
  • Save your changes and move along to the columns tab.

  • Formula: this will output the data in specific format e.g 5.00Formula (no format): this will produce the value along e.g 5. This is a personal preference and will differ depending on requirements.
  • At the bottom, the only options that may need to be changed is "Multi Answer Row Options" which should be selected as "copy parent data into each answer". This needs to be applied if you are using a MP scheme or a scheme with a table in it.

  • Whent he green "+" is selected, two text boxes will appear:Left: Display header (the titles you want to appear on the report)Right: You can choose the column type here either by entering the system ID nor by typging "formula".Note - once you start typing, options will appear which you must select from.
  • Any formula within a report that is being used in an MP scheme, must have "copy row" ticked. (If you want the formula applied to every MP page).






Formulas are created in a similar way to how we would use them in other areas of SchemeServe, such as the document editor.

  • How to format the Record Inception Date and Expiry Date in the format dd/MM/yyyy eg. 01/11/2022:
[Record Inception Date].ToString(""dd/MM/yyyy"")[Record Expiry Date].ToString(""dd/MM/yyyy"")
  • Using "Var_Row" allows SchemeServe to look at a MP scheme´s specific row to collect the data.
  • To calculate two column totals using VAR you must use .GetDecimal as opposed to .GetValue:
(VAR_Row.GetDecimal("Column Name A")) + (VAR_Row.GetDecimal("Column Name B"))
  • To pull through the total SI as seperate amount per item e.g £120,000/400,000:
  • To pull through the total SI as one complete total e.g £520,000:
(VAR_Row.GetDecimal('MainBuildingSI') + VAR_Row.GetDecimal('TotalContentsSI')).ToString('N0')


Avoid using the broswer´s back button and instead use the back button within the report. This helps avoid losing data.

If you need to add an "if" formula when dividing by zero in a formula.

Before creating the report template, draft out what the finished report should look like.

Use the 'Inspect Element' function within your web browser to identify the system ID of a particular field. This is particularly useful for premium columns.

When getting a system ID for an inputted value, use the matrix tab instead of the question set in case any data has been changed since inputted.

Avoid editing existing reports. Instead, copy the report and edit the duplicate version.

Don’t forget there is an option during the creating and editing phase to limit who can run a report, if the data is particularly sensitive.

You may want to create a column but for certain reason not want it to be shown on your export - select "exclude on export" on your columns section.

This formula errors out because a record didn't have a contents sum insured value entered:(RoundUp(([SI_Landlords_Contents_ResultBefore]/([SI_Landlords_Contents_CoverBefore]/100))*(1+([RenewalRateLoad]/100)),3)) Changed it to include an action of setting a value of zero if either of the two system IDs used in the division formula had values values of zero:IF([SI_Landlords_Contents_ResultBefore]=0 OR [SI_Landlords_Contents_CoverBefore]=0,0,(RoundUp(([SI_Landlords_Contents_ResultBefore]/([SI_Landlords_Contents_CoverBefore]/100))*(1+([RenewalRateLoad]/100)),3)))
