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Let’s Learn about Handwashing!

Handwashing is the act of cleaning one's hands with soap and clean water to remove dangerous things like:-Germs-Dirt

What is Handwashing?

Handwashing prevents illness and keeps us healthy.

Germs are tiny, invisible things that can make us sick.
  • We touch many things every day, and germs can stick to our hands.
  • Washing our hands help get rid of the germs.

Why is Handwashing Important?

How do we Properly Wash Our Hands?

Steps to Handwash

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step 3

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Step 4

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Step 1

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Step 2

Stepsto Handwash

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step 7

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step 8

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step 5

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step 6

Key Time to Wash Hands

  • Before, during, and after preparing food.
  • Before and after eating food.
  • After using the restroom.
  • After coughing or blowing your nose.
  • Before and after treating a cut or wound.
  • After playing with pets and outdoors.

When do we Wash our Hands?

  • Why is it important to wash your hands before eating and after using the restroom?
  • Can you name at least three times when it's a good idea to wash your hands during the day?




Notre Dame University of Maryland Students of Pharmacy

Thank you!

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