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In orange, we grouped states of being and feelings. These typically come at the end of sentences (ex I feel hungry) which is why they are placed on the right of the board to follow typical English sentence structure.

For this board, grouping words based on part of speech or overall function is helpful for the first step in using a two-step eyegaze board. This way the person isn't searching all over the board for the word they're looking for. In yellow, we have pronouns and people because they are often the start of sentences following the subject + verb + object sentence structure. Placing this group of words on the left follows the English literacy skill of knowing to reading from left to right. Placing I in the upper right hand corner of this eyegaze board also follows the same format as the eyegaze board with 8. This consistency helps with facilitating her motor planning and learning the systems faster! On her high tech device, the Accent 1000, pronouns and people tend to be on the left of the screen, too!

In green, we grouped more high frequency verbs and two adjectives.

In grey, we have more social function words. For example, asking for help, playing, or indicating that you see something are great ways to engage with a person. Jordan also currently needs assistance to use the toilet which is why it's in the social category.

In purple, we grouped prepositions and high frequency words! Expanding on the sentence in the previous example, Jordan could say "I go next"!

In blue, we grouped commands and questions! The command words like stop and go typically follow a pronoun or person (subject). For example, Jordan could say "you stop." Again, this follows the left to right reading!