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Staff Meeting


Did you know that October is Anti-Bullying Month?


Relevant data


Which Class had the most Minors?


Parent ContactPhone?Email?


Which class has the most Majors?

Which classes do not have any major referrals?

Which school location do you think has the most referals? ClassroomHallwayCafeteria

Which gender gets the most referrals?MaleFemale Other


What we SEE! An increase in student behaviors this week have been noticed. Students are comfortble and students are getting sick of each other. October is High Suspension Month.

Major (Success -Improvements)Minor (Success - Improvements)

Are there any external factors or events that may be influencing disciplinary data?

What interventions or strategies are in place to address disciplinary issues?

Where do disciplinary incidents occur?

What are the most common types of disciplinary incidents?

Student Feedback-Approachable (Student Connection)-Communication -Dress Code (Respectful and Discreet)-Groups Versus Other Groups (Teacher Favorites) -A few kids overwhelmed with heavy classes. -Drama (Student Drama in the Classrooms)

Keep these students on your Radar.

Confidential Conversation-Not to be dicsussed outside this room.


High Behavior Students Volcano Vouchers