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The summer of broken things by- Margaret Peterson Haddiz

I chose the soccer ball for one of my images because the main character in this story Avery Armstead plays soccer in the beginning of the story. This relates to Avery because soccer is very important to her in this story and It is part of her life. She makes a lot of friends during her time playing soccer and this is important because she finds it very hard for her to leave her friends when she goes to Spain. Avery is a very athletic young girl who always likes brining up soccer and her friends.

I chose a plane for one of my 10 images because the plane is important to the theme because it is them traveling to Spain where most of the story is taken place. The plane is important because Kayla and Avery bond during their time during the flight. The plain symbols to the story the beginning of the transformation of Kayla and Avery starting the summer living with each other. The plain is also symbolic because Averys father is a Pilot, and she has a complex and distant relationship with him throughout the story. Avery is also scared of flying so it was important in the story for her to be able and take the flight with Kayla who she really disliked. The plain serves as a powerful symbol that connects with various themes such as personal growth and facing fears.

I chose a item from the beach because it relates to the books theme because it takes place in Spain where there are beaches that they went to during their time during the story. The amazing sun sets that would take place during the summer in Spain played a role in shaping the character's experiences and interactions. For Both Avery and Kayla the summer in Spain represents a chance to escape from their personal issues and their family issues. This was a big step for both of these girls because as the story goes on the characters start gaining more and more interaction with each other.

I chose the Spain flag for one of my images that relate to the story and the theme because Spain is where the story is taken place. The story is set in Spain and the Spanish setting plays a role in shaping the atmosphere in the book. Spain provides sense of adventure for both Avery and Kayla. The countries beauty and unfamiliarity allows them a chance to escape, explore, and experience new things which leads to personal growth and self-discovery. Spain is also very important to this story because Spain is where both girls were able to live life during the summer without dealing with any of the stress they had when they were home.

I chose this image because in the story Avery lost her passport and she needed to replace it with her birth certificate. A big family secret was exposed when the paperwork arrived. The tension between the girls sky rocketed when Avery found out Kayla's mom served as a surrogate mother, so Avery could be born. Kayla is upset that her mother was used by the Armstead's. Avery starts to get very terrified that the world will see her as Kayla's sister. This was all important to the story because Avery finds out that she has been lied to for 14 years that she was used by the Armstead's. This starts to become the turning point in the story.

Broken glass is important to this story because the title of the book is broken things which means many things were broken in this story and had to be repaired. Broken glass is fragile and delicate. It symbolizes the vulnerability of the characters and their emotions. Avery and Kaley both have personal issues that they need to confront and the broken glass symbolizes how they are able to get broken down and built back up. Just like broken glass can be repaired, the characters in the book have an opportunity to their broken relationship, With both their families and with each other.

I chose this image of friend ship to use as one of the pictures that best describes the story because Kayla and Avery were able to build a strong relationship during their time in Spain. In the beginning of the story both Kayla and Avery hated each other in the beginning of this story because of past situations that they had in the past. Both girls were able past these difficulties when both of them were told they had to go to Spain with each other for the summer. This is were both girls use personal growth to show that they are able to get past adversity. Later in the story both girls are able to gain a strong bond as they have been living with each other all summer and they both find out the one another isn't as bad as they originally thought. By the end of the story they become stronger and don't allow family issues get in the way.

I used this image of a winding road to indicate the journey that both Kayla and Avery both have to go through. Both Kayla and Avery start the story on a journey when both of them find out that they will be spending the summer together on a trip to Spain. Avery hated this news because she really disliked Kayla. Both of the girls go through significant emotional and personal growth during their time in Spain. the journey later on shows both Avery's and Kayla's friendship later into the story after not liking each other in the beginning of the story. Both of these girls were on a journey for most of this story and they were able to build from all of their past experiences.

I used this image because it symbols personal growth a girl being able to climb the top of the mountain. Avery and Kayla were both different people in the begging of the summer and the end of the summer booth girls were able to show personal growth during the whole summer. Personal growth is necessary of conflicts that arise in the story both of the girls have unresolved issues and conflicts with their families that they needed to address. This was able to show the personal growth of both girls being able to approach each other parents and resolve all of the issues and conflict that they all had going on during the story.