Nahya Obydol
Created on October 5, 2023
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L'IGN vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes Découvrez notre calendrier de la cartographie 2024
Take advantage of our resource bank or upload your own visual elements to enrich your creation.
L'IGN vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes Découvrez notre calendrier de la cartographie 2024
Take advantage of our resource bank or upload your own visual elements to enrich your creation.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Offrez une vue aérienne personnalisée
Pour les fêtes, offrez un poster personnalisé à partir des photographies aériennes de l'IGN. Choisissez la zone à afficher et obtenez une impression de qualité sur papier spécial poster au format 96 cm x 110 cm. Une belle idée cadeau pour décorer et personnaliser un intérieur.
voir les posters
Profitez d'une remise de 10 % pour l'achat d'un poster à la carte de mon territoire du 8 au 15 décembre.
Une brève histoire de la cartographie
Retrouvez depuis 186 av JC jusqu'a nos jours, les représentations cartographiques élaborées par différentes civilisations. Une plongée au coeur du cheminement spirituel, artistique et technique de l’humanité.
En savoir plus
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
DIY CARTOUne seconde vie pour les cartes
Faciles à réaliser chez soi, ces tutos vous permettront de recycler vos cartes de manière originale et de créer de petits objets de papeterie et de décoration personnalisés. Enveloppes, boules, cadeaux de Noël, laissez-vous guider en suivant nos tutos carto.
Voir les vidéos
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Here you can put an important title
When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Here you can put an important title
When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Les cartes en relief
Les cartes en relief IGN, à la fois pédagogiques, ludiques et esthétiques. Elles offrent une vue d'ensemble de la France entière, d'une région ou d'un massif montagneux.
voir les cartes
En bonus, découvrez les secrets de fabrication des cartes IGN en relief
voir les carnets
Carnets de voyage et d'aventures
Parcourez notre sélection de carnets de voyage...Des carnets à lire pour découvrir les portraits de ces nomades qui partagent leurs motivations, leurs anecdotes et leurs conseils. Des carnets à remplir, pour écrire vos pensées et votre experience de voyage à l'image de ces aventuriers qui ont couché sur papier une part de leur vie.
Comment fabrique-t-on les cartes IGN ?
Pour fabriquer une carte, la photographie aérienne reste la première source d’information. Contrairement à une idée reçue, la cartographie n’est pas réalisée à partir des satellites.Des prises de vue aériennes au produit fini, découvrez les étapes de fabrication des cartes IGN.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Un nouvel atlas des cartes de l'anthropocène
En réponse aux grands enjeux environnementaux, l’IGN publie les cartes de l'anthropocène (l'ère humain) sous la forme d'un atlas mettant en lumière la « consommation » et la transformation des espaces naturels. Plongez dans l’imaginaire des cartes et les réalités de nos paysages à préserver.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Here you can put an important title
When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Découverte de lieux d'exception
Voir les cartes
Une série de cartes parmi les plus précises proposées par l’IGN pour pratiquer les loisirs de plein air au coeur de lieux d’exception : la Forêt de Fontainebleau, le Parc national des Calanques, la Montagne Sainte-Victoire, les Gorges du Verdon, ...
5 bonnes raisons d'offrir un globe Terrestre
Voilà un objet qui représente bien l’esprit d’aventure et le désir d’exploration.
C'est un bel objet décoratif qui apporte une touche original à son interieur
Il plait à tout âge
C'est un cadeau utile et pédagogique pour découvrir les pays, les continents, les reliefs et les villes du monde entier.
Il permet de voir le monde en prenant du recul
Le globe terrestre est la représentation la plus fidèle de la Terre, car il est sphérique.
Voir les globes
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Here you can put an important title
When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Plongez dans les archives cinématographique de l'IGN
A la demande de l’UNESCO, l’IGN participe à la mission de sauvetage du temple d'Abou Simbel (Nubie) menacé par la montée des eaux du Nil. Les relevés photogrammétriques réalisés par l’institut permettent de "découper" ces monuments par blocs pour les reconstruire à l’identique sur le haut plateau nubien.
Nubie 1964
Embarquez dans notre machine à remonter le temps
Remonter le Temps
Observez les évolutions du territoire au cours du temps et accédez en quelques clics au patrimoine cartographique et photographique de l’IGN.
En savoir plus
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Connaissez-vous les cartes historiques de l'IGN ?
Voir les posters
Imprimez un poster personnalisé à partir des fonds historiques de l'IGN. Un patrimoine unique et une idée de cadeau original ! 3 fonds sont à votre disposition pour réaliser votre poster sur-mesure : - Les photos aériennes historiques (années 1950 à 1965)- Le fond carte IGN à l'échelle 1 : 50 000 (année 1950) - Le fond carte de l'Etat-Major (années 1825-1866)
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Savez-vous lire une carte ?
Pour le savoir, révisez vos connaissances sur les éléments composant une carte. Grâce à cet article ludique et pédagogique, vous comprendrez mieux à quoi sert une carte et surtout comment vous en servir lorsque vous partez en randonnée.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Prenez une dose d'inspiration
voir la sélection
Découvrez notre sélection de beaux livres autour des activités de plein air et de la découverte touristique. Un grand choix de thématiques : patrimoine, slow-tourisme, escapades en Europe et une belle idée de cadeau pour les explorateurs.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Les cartes IGN - Karambolage - ARTE
La réalisatrice de l'émission Karambolage sur Arte, Claire Doutriaux, nous raconte qu’il est plus facile de préparer une randonnée à vélo en France qu’en Allemagne grâce aux cartes IGN.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
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Cartographie 3D à la découverte du Lidar
Découvrez comment cette technique utilisant les propriétés de la lumière s'est imposée comme l'un des plus puissants outils de modélisation 3D et un incontournable de la cartographie contemporaine.
de 1667 aux années 2000
La cartographie au fil du temps
Plongez dans l’histoire de la cartographie française de 1667 aux années 2000 et découvrez comment, au fil du temps et au gré des avancées techniques, la cartographie a gagné en précision et en fiabilité.
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When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
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eehéIf you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!
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Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.
Découvrez des itinéraires incontournables
Sur les chemins mythiques
De Compostelle à Stevenson en passant par le sentier des douaniers de Bretagne. Vous avez toujours révé d'emprunter ses chemins mythiques de grande randonnée ? Découvrez notre collection de 14 cartes réalisées en partenariat avec les associations expertes dans chaque domaine qui vous accompagnernont de la préparation jusqu'au terrain.
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Voir la collection
Profitez d'une remise de 10 % pour l'achat de 2 Cartes à la carte du 1er au 7 décembre.
Offrez une carte IGN personnalisée
Le service Carte à la carte est un outil en ligne qui vous permet de créer une carte papier sur mesure centrée sur la zone de votre choix avec une couverture personnalisée et la possibilité d'ajouter vos propres données (parcours et points d'intérêt).
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La playlist de l'IGN
Découvez CarteSon - la playlist de l'IGN.On vous partage les musiques qui nous inspirent dans toutes nos activités et nos projets. Vous avez les références ? Bonne écoute