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Made by:

-García Mora Andrea
-Martínez Nieto Ximena Linette
-Pérez Díaz Oliver Luis
Visit iTaly!
A Five Stars Trip by Bon Voyage Agency
October 8-12, 2023
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Group 622


Made by: -García Mora Andrea-Martínez Nieto Ximena Linette -Pérez Díaz Oliver Luis


Visit iTaly!

A Five Stars Trip by Bon Voyage Agency October 8-12, 2023

Italy Cerdeña’s island Airport Cagliari 7pm

CDMXBenito Juárez International Airport 6am


Cala Luna Beach: https://strictlysardinia.com/cala-luna-sardinia-guide/







Which places will you visit?


We have 3 events for you

Astronomical events

Do you like warm weather?


Don´t worry about the food

Food Package

You will sleep better than in your house


What do we need?


General Five star trip information

Picture from: https://www.booking.com/region/it/sardegna.es.html?aid=335794;label=sardegna-b8Zah_29GWfbw1c8c0GCdQS553222504966:pl:ta:p16900:p2:ac:ap:neg:fi:tikwd-1595220574:lp1010095:li:dec:dm:ppccp=UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YcGt_tphEo8pIl_maCbfiNw;ws=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpompBhDZARIsAFD_Fp8jdp4Cj7J2BVwQx8IFuTdqnd4JWxSV-LvFh1oUdNDCW32Rk3QY418aAlq1EALw_wcB

Day One - October 8th

  • Arrival at Cerdeña’s island Airport at 7pm
  • Transportation from the airport to the hotel, by bus
  • Stay in the Hotel "Su Cuccumeu"

Cerdeña's Island


Cerdeña's Island + 3 locations

Pictures from: https://www.booking.com/region/it/sardegna.es.html?aid=335794;label=sardegna-b8Zah_29GWfbw1c8c0GCdQS553222504966:pl:ta:p16900:p2:ac:ap:neg:fi:tikwd-1595220574:lp1010095:li:dec:dm:ppccp=UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YcGt_tphEo8pIl_maCbfiNw;ws=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpompBhDZARIsAFD_Fp8jdp4Cj7J2BVwQx8IFuTdqnd4JWxSV-LvFh1oUdNDCW32Rk3QY418aAlq1EALw_wcB

Day two - october 9th

  • Neptune’s Grotto
  • Alghero's town
  • Cala Luna Beach
  • Draconid meteor shower


Cala Luna Beach and Foresta di Montes

Pictures from: https://www.booking.com/region/it/sardegna.es.html?aid=335794;label=sardegna-b8Zah_29GWfbw1c8c0GCdQS553222504966:pl:ta:p16900:p2:ac:ap:neg:fi:tikwd-1595220574:lp1010095:li:dec:dm:ppccp=UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YcGt_tphEo8pIl_maCbfiNw;ws=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpompBhDZARIsAFD_Fp8jdp4Cj7J2BVwQx8IFuTdqnd4JWxSV-LvFh1oUdNDCW32Rk3QY418aAlq1EALw_wcB

Day three - october 10th

  • Breakfast
  • “Oasi Blu” restaurant
  • Camping at Foresta di Montes Cerdeña's forest
  • Moon and Venus Conjunction



La Toscana Village

Pictures from: https://www.booking.com/region/it/sardegna.es.html?aid=335794;label=sardegna-b8Zah_29GWfbw1c8c0GCdQS553222504966:pl:ta:p16900:p2:ac:ap:neg:fi:tikwd-1595220574:lp1010095:li:dec:dm:ppccp=UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YcGt_tphEo8pIl_maCbfiNw;ws=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpompBhDZARIsAFD_Fp8jdp4Cj7J2BVwQx8IFuTdqnd4JWxSV-LvFh1oUdNDCW32Rk3QY418aAlq1EALw_wcB

Day four - october 11th

  • Transportation to Cerdeña’s island Airport at 5am
  • Arrival to Galileo Galilei Airport in Pisa at 7am
  • Galileo Museum
  • Hu Firenze camping
  • Aurigid meteor shower


Ercolani Azienda Agricola

Pictures from: https://www.booking.com/region/it/sardegna.es.html?aid=335794;label=sardegna-b8Zah_29GWfbw1c8c0GCdQS553222504966:pl:ta:p16900:p2:ac:ap:neg:fi:tikwd-1595220574:lp1010095:li:dec:dm:ppccp=UmFuZG9tSVYkc2RlIyh9YcGt_tphEo8pIl_maCbfiNw;ws=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpompBhDZARIsAFD_Fp8jdp4Cj7J2BVwQx8IFuTdqnd4JWxSV-LvFh1oUdNDCW32Rk3QY418aAlq1EALw_wcB

Day five- october 12th

  • Transportation to “Montepulciano”
  • Ercolani Azienda Agricola
  • Transportation to Florencia Airport 1hr 30min
  • Arrival Benito Juárez International Airport at 7am



  • The tour is planned for people over 18 years old.
  • Must present INE or another official identification.
  • Everyone must bring their own tent.
  • We suggest you bring a rechargeable lamp and a small backpack for camping.
  • Children are not allowed.
  • Alcoholic drinks are prohibited during the trip.

restrictions For the trip

Thanks for choosing us!!See you next trip!!



66 0267 4938



  • Claudia. (2023, 3 marzo). Cala Luna, Sardinia: 5 very useful things to plan your visit. Strictly Sardinia. https://strictlysardinia.com/cala-luna-sardinia-guide/
  • Salgamos, a ver las estrellas. (2023, 6 septiembre). SardegnaTurismo - Sito ufficiale del turismo della Regione Sardegna. https://www.sardegnaturismo.it/es/salgamos-ver-las-estrellas
  • Luján, A. (2023, 27 agosto). Cerdeña: los 9 imprescindibles de la isla más deseada de Italia. viajes.nationalgeographic.com.es. https://viajes.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/de-capo-testa-a-cagliari-nueve-imprescindibles-para-una-primera-vez-en-cerdena_9378
  • Escribano, D. (2022, 25 mayo). Los mejores destinos de Europa para ver las estrellas. Traveler. https://www.traveler.es/articulos/mejores-destinos-de-europa-para-ver-las-estrellas

Su Cuccumeu Hotel

-Cerdeña is known for its emerald sea and white beach, but also for its spectacular night view in which we can see a sky full of stars every night.-We will enjoy a beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea, and its bioluminescence (due to plankton) at 9pm -Duration: 1h 30min

Via Cavour 91/93, 08037 Seui, Italia

Picture from: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fes.vecteezy.com%2Farte-vectorial%2F11411460-hombre-relajandose-el-fin-de-semana-en-casa-con-cafe-descanso-de-vacaciones-y-persona-cansada-atmosfera-vector-ilustracion-estado-de-animo-de-relajacion-y-sonando-comodo-personaje-descansando-en-casa-y-pensando-en-felicidad&psig=AOvVaw0yNkSeHK10J81er1y-pJSJ&ust=1696914816847000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCLDKy7ia6IEDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF

Sounds great, doesn't it?

Everyone scheduled on the tour will have a single or double room (respectively) reserved at the hotels.The staff of the travel agency will ensure that nothing is missing at bedtime, no matter if it is camping or in a hotel.

Our last, but no less important day

Morning-Breakfast at 6am in "Hu firenze" -Take down the camp at 7am -Transportation to “Montepulciano” by the bus (1hr 18min) -(Enjoy the views between winding hills and small lakes on the border with Umbria) -Arrival to Ercolani Azienda Agricola at 9am ( tastings Montepulciano wine, with a customizable selection of meats, cheeses, oils and wines; guided tour of the underground city) -The activity end at 12pm

We'll have a pretty productive day...

Morning -Breakfast at 9 am, at the hotel’s restaurant -Go to neptune’s grotto, a stalactite cave near the town of Alghero at 11am, transportation by bus -Visit town of Alghero (Food) at 3pm -Road trip to Cala Luna (3 hours) -Watch the lovely views and enjoy the weather At night -Dinner: courtesy of the travel agency (seafood, fast food, salads, pasta) at 7pm -Camp in cala luna (everyone will have approximately 1 hour to prepare their tents) at 9pm -See the Draconid meteor shower with astronomic telescope at 10pm

We'll visit...

  • Cerdeña's Island: Cala Luna Beach and Foresta di Montes.
  • La Toscana: Galileo Museum
  • And some of the best places to eat on the trip (In Cardeña and La Toscana)

October, 2023

We will have 3 astronomical events on this trip

Pictures from: https://www.viajarcerdena.com/gastronomia-cerdena.php

Su porcheddu


Cerdeña: Typical food you'll taste

picture from: https://img.freepik.com/vector-premium/sonriente-personaje-dibujos-animados-sol-ilustracion-vectorial_444196-870.jpg?w=2000

Do you like the sun and beautiful views?

This is perfect for you!! At this time, Italy has a great climate to travel and see beautiful landscapes in all its locations.

Bye bye Italy

Afternoon -Walk to La Briciola restaurant (taste the toscana’s typical food and soups) -Via delle Cantine 23, 53045, Montepulciano Italia -Tour the Montepulciano town until 3pm -Check in on the bus at 3:30pm -Transportation to Florencia Airport 1hr 30min -Arrive the airplane at 6pm -Arrival Benito Juárez International Airport at 7am

We will learn a lot...

Transportation in bus to Albergo Villa Marta Hotel 30min (all included) Check in at 8am Morning -Breakfast at 9am, by the hotel -Transportation to the Galileo Museum 1hr - Galileo Museum at 11am, with access to the panoramic terrace of the tower of the Castle of the Counts Guidi. From 12 to 13 pm we will move on to the exhibition "Leonardo and Painting". -Food at 3pm Walk to Tocco di Bacco restaurant (enjoy the mediterranean food) At night -Transportation to "Hu Firenze camping" in town at 8 p.m. -See an Aurigid meteor shower which will be most active at 10 pm.

Picture from: https://img.freepik.com/vector-gratis/dibujado-mano-persona-comiendo-ilustracion_23-2149191936.jpg?w=2000

All Included food

You can choose different packages

  • Unlimited drinks and food
  • Snacks and desserts included
  • Food service at any time (really, any time)

Bye Cala Luna beach, hello Foresta di montes

Morning -Breakfast at 8am, by the Cala luna beach -Transportation back to the hotel at 1pm (you’ll have time for enjoying the incredible view one last time and packing from 10am, until 12:30pm) 3hrs -Food at 5pm (Reservation at the “Oasi Blu” restaurant) we will have an amazing time to enjoy the typical food from Cerdeña (such as: FREGOLA and SU PORCHEDDU) transportation by car. Approximately 3 hours. At night -Transportation to “Foresta di Montes” Cerdeña’s forest at 8pm. 30 minutes -Dinner (picnic style) and camping at 10pm -Appreciation of the Moon and Venus Conjunction by telescope at 11pm.

Mexican citizen need

  • INE