Civil rights Museum
TMS2024 Nathan S
Created on October 3, 2023
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CIvil rights museum
Created by Nathan Singh and Henry Pomis
Rosa Parks
I have a Dream
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I have a Dream
"I have a dream"
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The I have a dream speech was one of the most influential speeches in all of hisotry. This speech was written and spoken by Martin Luther King. Dr. King's firm belief in racial equality, civil rights and justice. Was part of what made his speech so powerful. Because he believed in the power of his cause and the beauty of a better future, the crowd of over 250,000 did as well. This was also influential because it was infornt of the Abarham Lincoln monument.
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Rosa Parks was a black woman who was done with segregation and being segregated and decided to sit in the front of the bus. The front of the bus was where the white people would sit and the blacks would sit in the back. When whites told her to move, she refused to and stayed still. They then called the police on her and got her arrested. This caused the Bus Boycott which led to no more segregation on the busses. This was one of the most important steps of getting rid of segregation.
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks
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Birmingham 1963
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The Birmingham and the Children's March of 1963 was led by Martin Luther King to try to bring the Civil Rights movement over because they were one of the most segregated cities. When they arrived, Martin Luther King was arrested and then he wrote a letter explaining the goals of the Civil Rights movement. Children were then chosen to march because everyone else was getting arrested and they thought that they wouldn't hurt any kids. Children were then getting sprayed by hoses and almost 1,000 of them were arrested. President Kennedy then ordered 3,000 army troops to Birmingham to restore peace. The People in Birmingham did not care and bombed Martin Luther King's old headquarters and a few black girls were killed.
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I have a dream
I have a dream artifacts
Microphone martin luther king used in his speech.
This artifact is in our museum because he used this microphone to talk to over 250,000 people. This is item important because with out it only like 14 people would hear him.
This is the podium that MLK spoke at infront of the linclon memorial.
We have this artifact in our muesum because he used this podium in front of over 250,000 people. This item is important because this is a very famouse speech and the podium is present in every shot.
The paper that had MLKs speech written down.
We have this artifact in our museum because it is very cool that matin luther king wrote it. Its important because you can see he put a lot of thought and passion in to what he wrote.
Rosa Parks
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This is the communty car that blacks used so they didnt have to use the buses
We have this in our muesum because it helped keep the black community together in this boycott. This is important because it showed that blacks had eachothers back in tough times.
This is the bus that rosa parks was aressted on.
We have this in our mueseum because this was one of the key starting movments in getting equal civil rights for blacks and whites in the south. This is very important because it is a very cool artificat and we have it in our muesuem.
This is the prison cell that rosa parks was held in
This is in our museum becuase this is an important part of starting the Bus Boycott becuase she went to jail for sitting in a white seat. This is where Rosa Parks had to live for a while.
Birmingham 1963
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This was the jail Martin Luther King went to when he arrived in Birmingham.
We have this in our museum because this was a big part of the Biringham marhces. This is important because this is where Martin Luther King would write his goals of the Civil Rights Movement here.
This is the hose that the firefighters would spray the kids with.
This is in our museum because this is big part of how the firefighters treated the kids badly and how they didn't care that they were young. This would also show how segregated their city actually was.
This is Martin Luther Kings old headquarters that got bombed.
This is in our museum because it is a significant part of showing how hard it was to move the Civil Rights movement over to Biringham. This is important because it shows how the people in Biringham tried to stop MLKs group from coming there over there.