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The 9 months

Week 4- Your baby is teensy tiny, about the size of a poppy seed at 0.04 inches long

Week 8- your womb (uterus) has grown to the size of a raspberry

Week 12- Your baby is about 6 cm long — about the size of a plum – and weighs about 18g

Week 16- the baby is the size of a avocado and the baby is starting to pull faces now, but any smiling or frowning will be completely random, as there's no muscle control yet

Week 20- the baby is a size of a banana and Your baby's sucking reflex is developing

Week 24- the baby is the size is a corn cob the baby's brain is growing rapidly and their senses are continuing to develop

Week 32- size of a leek Your baby, or fetus, is around 42.4cm long from head to heel

Week 28- size a a butternut squash the baby now measures about 37 cm from the top of their head to their toes, and weighs about 1 kg

Week 36- the baby should be the size of a cabbage

Week 40- the baby is a human moving into a head-down position in preparation for delivery

YAY!! The baby is fully develop and should be out of the stomach

Trimester 2:fetal developmental processes Week 13: urine forms

  • The baby is beginning to make urine and release it into the surrounding amniotic fluid.
  • Your baby also swallows some amniotic fluid.
  • Bones are beginning to harden in your baby's skeleton, especially in the skull and long bones.
  • The baby's skin is still thin and transparent
Week 14: baby's sex becoming apparent
  • baby's neck has become more defined.
  • Red blood cells are forming in your baby's spleen.
  • Your baby's sex will become apparent this week or in the coming weeks.
Week 15 : baby's scalp pattern develops
  • Bone development continues and will soon become visible on ultrasound images.
  • Your baby's scalp hair pattern also is forming.
Week 16: baby's eyes move
  • your baby's head is erect.
  • His or her eyes can slowly move.
  • The ears are close to reaching their final position.
  • Your baby's skin is getting thicker.
  • Your baby's limb movements are becoming coordinated and can be detected during ultrasound exams. However, these movements are still too slight to be felt by you.
Week 17: baby's toenails develop
  • toenails begin developing.
  • Your baby is becoming more active in the amniotic sac, rolling and flipping.
  • His or her heart is pumping about 100 pints of blood each day.
Week 18: baby begins to hear
  • your baby's ears begin to stand out on the sides of his or her head.
  • Your baby might begin to hear sounds.
  • The eyes are beginning to face forward.
  • Your baby's digestive system has started working.
Week 19: baby develops protective coating
  • A greasy, cheese-like coating called vernix caseosa begins to cover your baby.
  • The vernix caseosa helps protect your baby's delicate skin from abrasions, chapping and hardening that can result from exposure to amniotic fluid.
  • For girls, the uterus and vaginal canal are forming.
Week 20: the halfway point
  • you might be able to feel your baby's movements (quickening).
  • Your baby is regularly sleeping and waking.
  • He or she might be awakened by noises or your movements.
Week 21: baby can suck his or her thumb
  • your baby is completely covered with a fine, downy hair called lanugo.
  • The lanugo helps hold the vernix caseosa on the skin.
  • The sucking reflex also is developing, enabling your baby to suck his or her thumb.
Week 22: baby's hair becomes visible
  • your baby's eyebrows and hair are visible.
  • Brown fat also is forming, the site of heat production.
  • For boys, the testes have begun to descend.
Week 23: fingerprints and footprints form
  • your baby begins to have rapid eye movements. Ridges also form in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet that will later create the foundation for fingerprints and footprints.
  • Your baby might begin hiccuping, causing jerking movements
Week 24: baby's skin is wrinkled
  • your baby's skin is wrinkled, translucent and pink to red because of visible blood in the capillaries.
Week 25: baby responds to your voice
  • your baby might be able to respond to familiar sounds, such as your voice, with movement.
  • Your baby is spending most of his or her sleep time in rapid eye movement when the eyes move rapidly even though the eyelids are closed.
Week 26 : baby's lungs develop
  • The baby's lungs are beginning to produce surfactant, the substance that allows the air sacs in the lungs to inflate and keeps them from collapsing and sticking together when they deflate.
Week 27: 2nd trimester ends
  • your baby's nervous system is continuing to mature.
  • Your baby is also gaining fat, which will help his or her skin look smoother.

Trimester 3:fetal developmental processes Week 28: baby's eyes partially open

  • your baby's eyelids can partially open and eyelashes have formed.
Week 29: baby kick and stretches
  • your baby can kick, stretch and make grasping movements.
Week 30: baby's hair grows
  • your baby's eyes can open wide.
  • Your baby might have a good head of hair
Week 31: baby's rapid weight gain begins
  • your baby has finished most of his or her major development.
  • Now it's time to gain weight quickly.
Week 32: baby practices breathing
  • your baby's toenails are visible.
  • The layer of soft, downy hair that has covered your baby's skin for the past few months (lanugo) starts to fall off
Week 33: baby detects light
  • your baby's pupils can change size in response to a stimulus caused by light.
  • His or her bones are hardening. However, the skull remains soft and flexible.
Week 34: baby's fingernails grow
  • your baby's fingernails have reached his or her fingertips.
Week 35: baby's skin in smooth
  • your baby's skin is becoming smooth.
  • His or her limbs have a chubby appearance.
Week 36: baby takes up most of the amniotic sac
  • The crowded conditions inside your uterus might make it harder for your baby to give you a punch. However, you'll probably still feel lots of stretches, rolls and wiggles.
Week 37: baby might turn head down
  • your baby has a firm grasp.
  • To prepare for birth, your baby's head might start descending into your pelvis.
Week 38: baby's toenails grow
  • the circumference of your baby's head and abdomen are about the same.
  • Your baby's toenails have reached the tips of his or her toes.
  • Your baby has mostly shed all of his or her lanugo.
Week 39: baby's chest is prominent
  • your baby's chest is becoming more prominent.
  • For boys, the testes continue to descend into the scrotum.
  • Fat is being added all over your baby's body to keep him or her warm after birth.
Week 40: your due date
  • your baby might have a crown-to-rump length of around 14 inches
  • The baby is formed and ready to come out any day
Trimester 3: labor Stage 1 of labor
  • The first stage of labor is when they mom starts to feel persistent pressure (contractions)
  • As they start to get stronger the cervix start to dilate and soften and thin so the baby's head can continue through the birth canal
  • Your cervix normally dilated 1cm per hour in early labor
  • Once you are in active labor your cervix is 6 cm - 10 cm
  • Contractions become even more intense and closer together
Stage 2 of labor
  • Once you enter stage 2 of labor you are ready to deliver you baby
  • This can take a few minutes or a few hours to do
  • Your healthcare provider will ask you to push for about 10 sec and then take a deep breath however many times that is take you to deliver the baby
  • Once the baby is delivered you will have a sense of relief and get to hold your baby while the doctors deliver the placenta
  • The placenta takes 30-60 mintinuts to deliver
  • Once the placenta is delivered the doctor will ask if you want to keep it or not
  • Once everything is done the doctors will make sure mom and baby are healthy and after all the test you should be discarded from the hospital a day or two later if everything is good with both mom and baby

Trimester 1: fetal developmental processes conception define

  • the action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived. Example: She has a conception of people as being basically good
Implantation define
  • the process by which the embryo attaches to the endometrial surface of the uterus and invades the epithelium and then the maternal circulation to form the placenta.
Week 1 and 2: getting ready It might seem strange, but you're not actually pregnant the first week or two of the time allotted to your pregnancy. Week 3: fertilization The sperm and egg unite in one of your fallopian tubes to form a one-celled entity called a zygote. If more than one egg is released and fertilized or if the fertilized egg splits into two, you might have multiple zygotes. Week 4: implantation, blastocyst, the inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer layer will give rise to part of the placenta, which will nourish your baby throughout the pregnancy. Week 5: the levels of HCG hormone produced by the blastocyst quickly increase.
  • This signals your ovaries to stop releasing eggs and produce more estrogen and progesterone.
  • Increased levels of these hormones stop your menstrual period, often the first sign of pregnancy, and fuel the growth of the placenta.
Week 6: the neural tube closes
  • the neural tube along your baby's back is closing.
  • The baby's brain and spinal cord will develop from the neural tube.
  • The heart and other organs also are starting to form.
  • Structures necessary to the formation of the eyes and ears develop.
  • Small buds appear that will soon become arms.
Week 7: baby's head develops
  • your baby's brain and face are growing.
  • Depressions that will give rise to nostrils become visible, and the beginnings of the retinas form.
  • Lower limb buds that will become legs appear and the arm buds that sprouted last week now take on the shape of paddles.
Week 8: baby's nose forms
  • your baby's lower limb buds take on the shape of paddles.
  • Fingers have begun to form.
  • Small swellings outlining the future shell-shaped parts of your baby's ears develop and the eyes become obvious.
  • The upper lip and nose have formed.
  • The trunk and neck begin to straighten.
Week 9: baby's toes appear
  • your baby's arms grow and elbows appear.
  • Toes are visible and eyelids form.
  • Your baby's head is large but still has a poorly formed chin.
Week 10: baby's elbows bend
  • baby's head has become more round.
  • Your baby can now bend his or her elbows.
  • Toes and fingers lose their webbing and become longer.
  • The eyelids and external ears continue to develop.
  • The umbilical cord is clearly visible.
Week 11: baby's genitals develop
  • baby's face is broad, the eyes widely separated, the eyelids fused and the ears low set.
  • Buds for future teeth appear.
  • Red blood cells are beginning to form in your baby's liver.
  • your baby's external genitalia will start developing into a penis or a clitoris and labia majora.
Week 12: baby's fingernails form
  • The baby is sprouting fingernails.
  • Your baby's face now has taken on a more developed profile.
  • His or her intestines are in the abdomen.

The nine month process of pregnancy 9 months pregnant, you’ve been anticipating the birth of your little one for what feels like forever. You’ve read all the pregnancy books, taken the birthing classes, and likely oohed and awed over tiny baby clothes at your baby shower virtual option included, of course. And while anticipating your baby’s arrival has been fun, you’re probably ready to get this show on the road. Here’s what to expect at 9 months pregnant. from how you can tell if labor is starting to when it’s time to head to the hospital

https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/fetal-development/art-20045997 https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/labor-and-delivery/in-depth/stages-of-labor/art-20046545