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Adaptive Release is now known as "Conditional Release" in Blackboard Ultra. In Ultra you can release content based on a students grade om a particular test or assessment.

Grade Centre in Blackboard Ultra has changed its name to Grade Book. It looks a lot different but there are resources and guides to support you with these changes (add link)

Send email is now known as just "messages" in Ultra which are accessed by students within their Blackboard Ultra messages area. Instructors can choose whether or not to send an email copy of the message to students.

In Ultra you have the increased ability to embed resources and interactivity you have created using other tools and websites. Such as podcast players, online presentations, interactive images (like this one) and more.

In Ultra you can set up discussions. Either as a standalone area or you can have set individual pieces of content (including assignments & tests) to have their own discussions. Helps to build sense of community for a students online experience.