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Stressful areas at work

Workplaces, like bustling cities, have their own stress areas. Let's navigate through a few of these areas.

Tight deadlines

Heavy workload

Job security

Conflicts with colleagues

Lack of support

Meysydd straenus yn y gweithle

Mae gan weithleoedd, fel dinasoedd prysur, eu meysydd straen eu hunain. Gadewch i ni gyrchu rhai o'r meysydd hyn.

Terfynau amser tynn

Llwyth gwaith trwm

Diogelwch swydd

Gwrthdaro rhwng cydweithwyr

Diffyg cefnogaeth

Sometimes, disagreements or tensions can arise between you and your coworkers. It's not always easy to navigate, and it can impact the work environment. Can you think of a time when you had a disagreement or misunderstanding with someone you were working with or spending time with? How did you work through it, and did it change the way you interacted with them?

Conflicts with colleagues

Dyma pan fyddwch chi'n cael mwy o dasgau a chyfrifoldebau nag y gallwch chi eu rheoli'n gyfforddus. Efallai y bydd yn eich gwneud yn teimlo'n llethol ac o dan straen yn y gweithle, wrth i chi geisio jyglo'r cyfan.

Llwyth gwaith trwm

Imagine feeling uncertain about the stability of your job. It can be worrying, not knowing if your position is secure or if there might be changes in your employment status.Have you ever been in a situation where you weren't sure about something happening in the future, like changes in your routine or plans? How did it make you feel, and what did you do to handle it?

Job Security

Dychmygwch deimlo'n ansicr ynghylch sefydlogrwydd eich swydd. Gall fod yn bryderus, heb wybod a yw'ch sefyllfa'n ddiogel neu a allai fod newidiadau yn eich statws cyflogaeth.

Swydd ddiogel

This is when you find yourself with more tasks and responsibilities than you can comfortably manage. It might leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed in the workplace, trying to juggle it all.Can you think of a time when you had a lot of tasks or responsibilities to handle, like maybe a busy week or having to juggle responsibilities? How did you manage it, and how did it make you feel?

Heavy workload

Dyma pryd y gallech deimlo eich bod chi'n wynebu heriau sy'n ymwneud â gwaith ar eich pen eich hun, heb yr adnoddau, yr arweiniad na'r anogaeth angenrheidiol. Gall hyn gael effaith negyddol ar eich lles a'ch perfformiad.

Diffyg cefnogaeth

This is when you're given a very short amount of time to complete a task or project. It can lead to high stress levels and may impact the quality of your work and well-being. You'll need to manage your time carefully and prioritize effectively.Can you recall a time when you had to complete something within a very short amount of time? How did you approach it, and did you feel any pressure?

Tight deadlines

Weithiau, gall anghytundebau neu wrthdaro godi rhyngoch chi a'ch cydweithwyr. Nid yw bob amser yn hawdd ei datrys, a gall effeithio ar yr amgylchedd gwaith.

Gwrthdaro rhwng cydweithwyr

It's when you might feel like you're facing work-related challenges alone, without the necessary resources, guidance, or encouragement. This can have an impact on your well-being and performance.Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you needed help or advice, but it wasn't available? How did you handle it, and what could have made it easier for you?

Lack of support

Dyma pan fyddwch chi'n cael cyfnod byr iawn o amser i gwblhau tasg neu brosiect. Gall arwain at lefelau straen uchel a gall effeithio ar ansawdd eich gwaith a'ch lles. Bydd angen i chi reoli eich amser yn ofalus a blaenoriaethu'n effeithiol.

Terfynau amser tynn