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Center Student learning

GOal 1

Increase Awareness


increase opportunity



design logic model


redesign CBWS program


Promoting collaboration with community partners

Goal 2

Build and nurture sustainable, reciprocal partnerships


Facilitate community partner engagement


Increase the number of opportunities for community partners


Provide resources to campus colleagues on effective practices


Increase awareness of community partners’ work


enhance community engaged scholarships

Goal 3





strategic GOALS

Redesign ICCE’s Faculty Fellows program

Strategic Planning

Increase community-baed opportunity

Redesign ICCE’s Call to Service Grant Initiative

Implement the CSU Co's CEL Attribute Initiative

Advocate for campus-wide RTP standards


Center student learning

In our efforts to increase ways to engage students outside the classroom, an essential element is the increasing the number and type of community partnerships and enhance opportunities for collaboration.

Goal 1.1


What do we hope to accomplish?

As part of our Strategic Plan, we hope to continue to promote an institutional culture that fosters authentic partnerships to ensure three key specific elements: 1) quality processes2) meaningful outcomes3) develop transformative experiences

Increase the awareness of community-engaged learning amongst the student body.

Fall 2023-Spring 2024: With our new CCE Intern Program, interns will host information sessions geared towards each college and their area of studies in order to increase awareness of community-engaged learning opportunities related to their major or field of interest. Fall 2023-Spring 2024: Senior Coordinator will host information sessions and presentations to faculty, both virtually and in-person to increase implementation or enhance community-engaged learning within their classes.

Goal 1.2

Goal 1

Priority areas


Goal 1.3

Goal 1.1


Increase the number of in-person and virtual opportunities for students to learn about and engage with the ICCE team throughout the year

Fall 2023: CCE Interns will plan and host one student event each semester to engage student body with community partner opportunities as well as other events and social throughout the year to increase opportunities for students to learn about and engage with ICCE team throughout the year. Fall 2023- Spring 2024: CCE Interns are also in charge of our social media and virtual presence, creating content that highlights our community partners and student experience.

Priority areas

Increase the number of community-based opportunities for students and promote to all disciplines.

Goal 1.4

Goal 1.2


Fall 2023: Implement the Civic & Community Engagement (CCE) Interns will serve as peer leaders, liaisons between ICCE, the student body, and staff for ICCE programs. Fall 2023: ICCE will launch the revamped Community Work Study Program, offering students who have a Federal Work-Study award as part of their financial aid package opportunities to work with one of ICCE’s community partner organizations and/or be placed with ICCE. The program supports students in connecting their academic journeys with career exploration in nonprofit and public sectors to advance civic and career development.

Priority areas


Goal 1.5

Goal 1.3

to align the goals, values, guiding principles, action steps, timelines, assignments, resources, and assessment methods and ensure each program’s impact on student success.

Design and implement a logic model for each ICCE program

Fall 2023: our new staff will work on revamping the logical model from the previous year in order to align with ICCE strategic model through a through a series of workshops hosted by the Senior Coordinator. Following their logic models, ED will use these logic models to ensure each program impacts on student success. Spring 2024: To capture the impact of our programs on student success, the ICCE Senior Coordinator will implement program evaluations in order to create a ICCE Annual Report. This report will be published on ICCE website.

Priority areas


Re-design our current community service work study programs

to bolster student success through participation in high impact programs including America Counts, STEM Counts, Civic Engagement fellows.

Goal 2

Goal 1.4

Fall 2023: The Programs & Outreach Coordinator will revamp the STEAM Count Student Intern Program with an intentional university-community partnership that will achieve community-identified outcomes supporting children, youth, and families throughout San Francisco. STEAM programs integrate Artistic practices and Technology into the teaching of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM with an A!). Fall 2023: The Programs & Outreach Coordinator will revamp the America Counts program with an intentional university-community partnership that will achieve community-identified outcomes supporting children, youth, and families throughout San Francisco. Spring 2024: To capture the impact of our programs on student success, the ICCE Senior Coordinator will implement program evaluations in order to create a ICCE Annual Report. This report will be published on ICCE website.

Priority areas


What do we hope to accomplish?

Continuing to accomplish our goals outlined in our strategic plan, we hope to increase the number of opportunities while providing resources for community partners to connect with the SF State body and our students to foster deep, sustainable, reciprocal, and effective collaborations. In addition, we hope to capture the impact of these partnerships to disseminate and increase involvement from other potential community partners and students.

Promoting Collaboration with Community Partners

Increasing opportunities for community partners is reciprocal for all partners involved while creating lasting positive impacts in our communities. Community partners can increase organization capacity with the support of SF State students, while SF State students are able to engage in meaningful public service, leadership development, and collaborative problem-solving opportunities. Meanwhile faculty can enhance their pedagogical practices and academic learning for their students.

Goal 2.1

Goal 1.5


Build and nurture sustainable, reciprocal partnerships with members of the community, community agencies, neighborhoods, and leaders.

Goal 2.2

Goal 2

Fall 2023/Spring 2024: Community Engagement and Partnership Coordinator will work to host info sessions for new and potential partners. Spring 2024: Organize Community Partnership Presentations at Faculty Mixers. Senior Coordinator and CE&P Coordinator will collaborate to update ULink Database of Partnership for Faculty and Community Partners to connectFall 2023: Host the annual Service & Internship Fair, inviting 50 Community Partners to tabling and outreach for their opportunities.

Priority areas


Facilitate community partner engagement during or following existing meetings and events, via virtual sign-ups.

Goal 2.3

Goal 2.1

Fall 2023: ICCE will roll out the Community Event Calendar to highlight community events and opportunities for student and faculty to engage in

Priority areas


Increase the number of opportunities for community partners to connect with faculty, academic programs, and students (e.g., virtual and in-person pop-ups by neighborhood).

Goal 2.4

Goal 2.2

Fall 2023/Spring 2024: Connect with current Community Partners to update their ULink profile with new opportunities for students. CCE Interns will promote during their engagement activities Fall 2023: Provide updates on new university partnerships on SF State Campus Memo to include names, about their partner, and potential areas of collaboration for faculty and students

Priority areas


Provide resources to campus colleagues on effective practices for building deep, sustainable community partnerships (e.g., workshops, web-based resources, coaching/consulting).

Goal 2.5

Goal 2.3

Fall 2023: The Programs & Outreach Coordinator will revamp the STEAM Count Student Intern Program with an intentional university-community partnership that will achieve community-identified outcomes supporting children, youth, and families throughout San Francisco. STEAM programs integrate Artistic practices and Technology into the teaching of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM with an A!). Fall 2023: The Programs & Outreach Coordinator will revamp the America Counts program with an intentional university-community partnership that will achieve community-identified outcomes supporting children, youth, and families throughout San Francisco. Spring 2024: To capture the impact of our programs on student success, the ICCE Senior Coordinator will implement program evaluations in order to create a ICCE Annual Report. This report will be published on ICCE website.

Priority areas


Increase awareness of community partners’ work to students, staff, faculty and university leadership.

Goal 3

Goal 2.4

Spring 2024: To capture the impact of our programs on student success, the ICCE Senior Coordinator will implement program evaluations in order to create a ICCE Annual Report. This report will be published on ICCE website. Fall 2023/Spring 2024: Highlight community partnerships on ICCE Newsletter along with highlights on the Campus Memo.

Priority areas


Enhancing Community Engaged Scholarship

By redesigning the ICCE’s Faculty Fellows program, we will be able to improve our connection with all six Colleges in new and innovative ways. In addition, we can continue our efforts of increasing and institutionalizing community engagement and have the potential to be a model for other colleges on our campus with the support and feedback from our colleges.

Goal 3.1

Goal 2.5

What do we hope to accomplish?

We hope that by rebuilding ICCE’s Faculty Fellows Program, this dynamic group of academics will support our efforts in advancing CSL/CEL and civic engagement for students and faculty across disciplines within SF State. By redesigning the Faculty Fellows program that is more integrated within faculty’s teaching and scholarships, we hope to improve our faculty participation, enhance student learning developing and deepen our community engagement learning courses. As we implement the CSU Chancellors Office Community Engaged Learning Attribute, the Faculty Fellows Program will be a key partner in this process.


Redesign ICCE’s Faculty Fellows program to build the capacity of SF State faculty to integrate civic and community engagement into their teaching and scholarship.

Goal 3.2

Goal 3

Fall 2023: Senior Coordinator will develop a plan to redesign the Faculty Fellow program to advance CSL and civic engagement for students and faculty across disciplines within a specific college. Faculty Mixers will be used to gage the needs of CSL faculty and interested faculty fellows Spring 2024: Faculty Fellows will be launched, beginning with an information session for the College with the support of the Senior Coordinator.

Priority areas


Redesign ICCE’s Call to Service Grant Initiative to be more impactful.

Goal 3.3

Goal 3.1

Fall 2023/Spring 2024: ICCE Senior Coordinator will host Faculty Mixers to engage with all faculty on campus and rebuild relationships with ICCE programs. Faculty Mixer will also include workshops to gage what faculty would like to see use funds from the Call to Service Grant to be more impactful for their community engaged scholarships and learning opportunities for students

Priority areas


Goal 3.4

Goal 3.2

Implement the CSU Chancellor’s Office Community Engaged Learning Attribute Initiative to improve data collection and identify the spectrum of community-engaged learning courses taking place at SF State and across the CSU.

Fall 2023 to Spring 2024: Continue to implement CSU systemwide community-engaged learning attribute CSU taxonomy campus-wide by establishing a foundation across campus to support a uniformed understanding of taxonomy across the disciplines and create internal processes as indicated in CEL Attribute Initiative Implementation Plan. Fall 2023 to Spring 2024: Senior Coordinator will organize/conduct on-going faculty development workshops that will provide information and resources, along with workshops specific to CELT. To increase participation from faculty, Senior Coordinator will have host raffles for faculty who participate. Fall 2023 to Spring 2024: Track and document activities of SL designated courses by continuing to conduct inventory of existing SL courses every semester and align with CEL Attribute Initiative Implementation Plan. Fall 2023 to Spring 2024: Re-engage SL faculty teaching in Fall ’22 to participate; cc Departments Chairs; begin outreach to spring ’23 SL faculty

Priority areas


Goal 3.3

Advocate for campus-wide RTP standards to acknowledge, include, and incentivize community-engaged scholarship.

Spring 2022: Update resources and support that ICCE can provide for faculty in showcasing their Community Engaged Scholarship in WPAF for RTP. Fall 2023/Spring 2024: Analysis of community service RTP criteria across departments. Fall 2023/Spring 2024: Highlight 3 faculty spotlight stories added to “Engaged Scholarship” webpage Fall 2023/Spring 2024: ICCE Newsletter, highlighting in the Campus Memo.

Priority areas