Art at Hazel
Rukshana Choudhury
Created on September 24, 2023
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artsmark at hazel
Safegarding Question:
At school, we receive phone calls about children from Operation Compass. What does this mean?
- Creative Quality Standard for schools (both primary and secondary), accredited by Arts Council England.
- Enables settings to develop and celebrate their commitment to the arts and cultural education of children and young people.
- Helps schools to embed arts, culture and creativity, which in turn supports a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum and stregthens progression.
Our Big Ambition:
for evey child at Hazel to be able to express themselves through the arts.
What has already happened?
Year 1 Collage Project with artist Steph Coley
Year 1 Collage Project
- Through Arts Award, Year 1 got involved in creative activities
- Explored the arts around them and investigated different art forms
- Researched an artist (Peter Clark)
- Worked collaboratively with a local artist (Steph Coley). The children learnt about collage techniques and produced a final piece in the style of Peter Clark.
- Shared their discoveries
Year 3 Photography and Spoken Word Project
Year 3 making cyanotypes and writing and performing a poem about nature with Dean Lievers and Shay Sharma.
Year 4: working with Whissendine Primary School (Rutland) on 'My World Needs a Plaster: A Collaborative Cardboard Creation.'
Year 4 worked collabortaively and created a performance based on 'The Tale of a Toothbrush.'
Francophone Art Week (October)
Children explored the life and work of a French speaking artist and used their work as inspiration for their own pieces.
Creativity Council for KS2
- Years 3-6
- 2 children per year group - talented in the arts and will benefit from the leadership opportunity
- Table ideas for creative projects in school
- Please choose a child from your class and email me their names by Monday
- 'A Trail of Giant Sequins' (Art Reach):
Creativity Council for KS2
'A Trail of Giant Sequins' (Art Reach):
- Design and create their own giant sequins
- For 3 weeks, 10 windows in Leicester’s city centre will be decorated with the Giant Sequins and an interactive trail will allow people to learn tips and tricks for future re-using, upcycling, or recycling of textile materials.
What areas will we be developing moving into 2023-24?
- Reviewing and adapting of Art planning to ensure better progression over time.
- Artists coming into school to work with children.
- More chances for pupils to access cultural establishments such as exhbitions and galleries.
- More creative projects for the school.
- Offers a Primary Art Curriculum - provids ideas, imspiration and guidance on art
- Updated MTPs for some units in each year group - please check before teaching art. Some art units have been replaced with AccessArt units.
- Has resources and videos to support
- 1 login per year group
Evidencing the Arts
- Write LO into sketch book. Tick the LO if it has been met.
- Make sure the whole learning sequenced is evidenced. If the final piece is unavailable, take a picture to stick into sketch book.
- Take photos, tweet on Twitter and please tag me.