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World History: Volume 1: To 1800. Eight edition
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Join Muhammad in this trip around Asia to discover the origins of Islam!
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Join Muhammad in this adventire to discover the origins of the Islamic religion

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1) In order to choose your avatar, you must discard the other two options by clicking on them.2) Almost every item in this horizontal infography is interactive, so make sure to click on the subtitles to read the information about each of them, or click on the animal images, such as the monkey. They contain susprises for you and Muhammad. 3) If you made a mistake. For instance, by clicking on your avatar instead of discarding the others, you can reload the page.




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Join Muhammad in this trip around Asia to discover the origins of Islam!


K'aba: A time before Muhammad

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Why is important to learn bout Islam?

"Draw their veils over their bossoms"

The five pilarsof Islam

Hegira: The trip to form Islam

Qur'an: Allah's prophet


Why is it important to learn about Islam?

Diversity is what makes our planet a society and the reason why we have thrived as it. For this reason, it is key to study basic principles from other cultures to nourish our points of view and knowledge. Also, it can help us comprehend easier people and build deeper connections, reach a medium point and become better people. The Islamic traditions can contirbute to improve our society and also get to know people better. Essentially, we're all humans.

Muhammad is known as "The prophet of Allah" and Islam's founder. He was born in Mecca, a city in Saudi Arabia and their sacred stone was a black meteorite called the Ka'aba.


Origins: A time before Muhammad

During Roman times, there was a tribe of nomads called Bedouin, which were located in the Arab peni nsula. There were other tribes and they all shared a polytheistic religion in which the main god was Allah and a sacred stone, which symbolized the deity that protected each tribe.

These must be essentially present in the Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, known as Ramadan

5) Hajj: Make a pilgrimage to the Ka'aba at least once in a lifetime.

4) Zakat: Support and help the poor

3) Sawm: Fasting, which translates to eat few food in order to sacrifice for the will of Allah

2) Salah: Pray five times a day facing the Mecca city and one public prayer on Fridays to honor Allah.

1) Shahada: Accept there is only one god (Allah) and his prophet (Muhammad)

The five pillars of Islam

The five pillars of Islam are pretty similar to the ten Commandments in Christianity. However, the first o es have especial names and are more strict and concrete.

Islamic women

A long time ago, Islamic women were allowed to go out without veils. Nevertheless, Muhammed's wives were the exception. He insisted they had to wear a veil/curtain that covered their faces and hair. Later, Muslims believed that was the way women should dress to avoide drawing male attention. Some historians believe they established this rule due to the Sura #4 (Chapter n.4) in the Qur'an, named "The Light"

The Umma: Islam's first steps

After years of prophetizing without successful resultas, Muhammad left Mecca and travelled to its enemy city: Yathrib. He managed to create the first Muslims community called the Umma. Later, he conquered Mecca and visited the Ka'aba to updte Allah about his progresos and destructor the polytheistic synbols.. These Led to the first principle: There is only one god (Allah), and his propeht: Muhammad

Muhammad started preaching these guidelines, but the majority believed he was an unfaithful prophet. Thus, after three years, he only had thrity followers and plenty of dead threats.

Through angel Gabriel, Allah gave his last revelations to Muhammad, which were the key to the ideal Islamic lifestyle. The revelations would later become their famous sacred book: The Qur'an

Qur'an and Muhammed's spiritual awakening

The Qur'an was the sacred book of Islam. It was created by Muhammad and his followers (the muhājirūn). Moreover, it contained the guidelines and principles that helped Muslims achieve resurrection. The Qur'an contained 114 suras, which were the sacred book's chapters. It must be noted that Islamic believers do not accredit reincarnation

Muhammad was concerned about the increase in negative behaviours by Bedouin, so he started meditating. One day, doing this activity, he saw angel Gabriel

He was born in 570 C.E. and became an orphan at age six. Muhammed became a merchant, member of the clan Hashemite and he married an employer widow: Khadija

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