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Concepto de gramática: reflexión sobre la lengua y su aprendizaje. De la gramática normativa a la gramática en función del uso de la lengua y de la comunicación.
Evolución de la didáctica de las lenguas. Tendencias actuales de la didáctica del inglés lengua extranjera. Los enfoques comunicativos.

Study and Think!

Topic 1 & Topic 12

Alexander Von Humboldt

What do you think?

'A language cannot be taught. One can only create conditions for learning to take place'



5. Conclusion

16. Bibliography

4. From Prescriptive to communicative syllabus in TEFL

3.Grammar and language acquisition learning

2. Grammar and language

1. Introduction

6. Bibliography

5. Conclusion

4. Communicative approach

3. Present day trends in TEFL

2. Evolution of language teaching



2 parts:
  • 1st. Introduction of the topic
  • 2nd. Fixed part "The following topic aims to provide ..."
  • FLT a quite new field within the educational investigation
  • In 1976 - European council - threshold level.
  • Many theories and many changes TEFL proposed and as well as in the kind of learners' needs.
  • Grammar and language -interrelated terms
  • Debate over grammatical rules of a FL is far from being resolved.
  • This paper:
  • 1st. A reflection on the relation of grammar and language
  • 2nd.changes - To relate grammar and language acquisition.Grammar as part of communicative competence.


Virginia Moreno

" The following topic aims to present a detailed account on ...................................................... . Subquent sections will enable us to become better informed about (the different sections you are going to deal with)"

topic 12

topic 1

  • Dictionary definition of grammar.
  • Ancient Greek and Romans Prescriptive character.
  • Modistae (13th-14th c) .
  • Port Royal: a group described by Chomsky as the first transformational grammarians.
  • 19th and 20th centuries descriptive tendencies. First description of the actual usage - historical grammarians - relations between what they defined as Indo-European languages.
  • Structural linguists language -type of human behaviour( behaviourism).
  • nativists- Noam Chomsky -
  • Chomsky's theory of Generative-Transformational
  • PRAGMATICS - Canale and Swain

2. Grammar and language

  • Prior to this century LT between: use vs analisys.
  • Classical Greek and Medieval Latin.
  • Renaissance-printing press -focus on analysing.
  • 17th century- back to the use- inductive approach(1st time)
  • 19th century- grammar translation approach became established. Focus: to study the rules using translation exercises. Result: inability of student to communicate.
  • End of the 19thc: direct method
  • As a response- reading approach
  • Audiolingualism/Situational approach
  • Cognitive approach/silent method
  • Affective- humanistic
  • Comprehension-based / TPR

2. Evolution in language teaching


topic 12

topic 1

  • Different ways of understanding GRAMMAR and how it should be taught.
  • Evolution in the treatment of grammar throughout the history has been dealt with and its relation when dealing with language acquisition.
  • The best thing when teaching is to use an eclectic approach using the best from the ones presented here

5. Conclusion

  • David Crystal in The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of English Language - many different approaches and methods to find the best way in TFL, however non of them has yet proved to be intrinsically superior.
  • This idea developed through the unit. Nowadays most influential- communicative approach though not the only used.
  • So the best thing when teaching is to use an eclectic approach using hate best from the ones presented here.

5. Conclusion


topic 12

topic 1

  • Grammar -translation method. Focus: to study the rules using translation exercises. Result: inability of student to communicate.
  • Audiolingualism approach- born as a reaction to RA and its lack on aural - oral skills. Dominant in US 1940s-60s. Behavioural psychology- language is a habit formation. Mimicry and memory used. Take much from DA-
- no mother tongue-grammar taught and learnt inductively- action and pictures - to make meaning clear.

3. From prescriptive to communicative syllabus in FLT

4. Trends in TEFL


6. Bilbliography

topic 12

topic 1

6. Bilbliography


Extra material


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Extra material


Now it is your turn!

1. "Bilingual Education in Andalusia: A Case Study of Secondary Schools" by María del Mar Sánchez Pérez and María del Carmen Fonseca Mora. This research article explores the implementation of bilingual education programs in secondary schools in Andalusia, focusing on the English language component. 2. "The Role of English in the Andalusian Educational System" by María del Carmen Fonseca Mora and María del Mar Sánchez Pérez. This article examines the role of English within the educational system of Andalusia, including the options available for secondary education students. 3. "The Bilingual Program in Andalusia: An Analysis of Secondary School Students' Perceptions" by María del Mar Sánchez Pérez and María del Carmen Fonseca Mora. This study investigates the perceptions of secondary school students participating in the bilingual program in Andalusia, specifically regarding their experiences with English language learning. 4. "The Implementation of CLIL in Andalusian Secondary Schools: Teachers' Perspectives" by María del Carmen Fonseca Mora and María del Mar Sánchez Pérez. This research paper explores the perspectives of teachers regarding the implementation of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in secondary schools in Andalusia, with a focus on the English language component. 5. "The Impact of Bilingual Education on English Language Proficiency: A Study of Secondary School Students in Andalusia" by María del Mar Sánchez Pérez and María del Carmen Fonseca Mora. This study examines the impact of bilingual education on English language proficiency among secondary school students in Andalusia, considering factors such as language exposure and classroom practices.