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A Teacher’s Hurtful Comments for Antonio

A Teacher's Rumours about Maria

Antonio and Maria are students facing tough times because of a teacher. Antonio is teased about being different, and Maria hears rumors spread about her. Your choices help them deal. Pick what Antonio and Maria should do. Your choices change their story. Will you help them stand up or let the trouble grow?






A Teacher is calling students from the register to check those presents when upon reaching the student Antonio Grasso (Grasso in Italian means fat) exclaims: Fat by name and by fact. The whole class laughs and every time somebody sees Antonio, they repeat such a phrase.



A) Antonio often fakes illnesses to avoid going to school, and decides to talk to someone

B) Antonio does nothing

A) he advises him to react by facing his classmates who insult him violently

B) he advises him to speak privately with the teacher

Can you help me?What should I do?

Following his friend's advice, Antonio confronts his classmates. He gathers his courage, ready to stand up for himself as he faces the room.

A) Antonio loses his temper and says hurtful things to his classmates

B) Antonio gives a thoughtful speech, sharing his feelings and asking for respect

you have reached a good ending!


Antonio's speech earns him respect and sparks a change, reducing the bullying and improving his self-esteem.


you have reached a bad ending!

We are sorry

His outburst leads tomore isolation and escalates conflict


Following his friend's advice, Antonio meets with his teacher privately to discuss the hurtful comments and seek a resolution.

A) The teacher listens empathetically, addresses the issue in the class

B) The teacher suggests he should just ignore the comments

you have reached a good ending!


Antonio's speech earns him respect and sparks a change, reducing the bullying and improving his self-esteem.


you have reached a bad ending!

We are sorry

His outburst leads tomore isolation and escalates conflict


The family is summoned by the school due to too many absences.

A) Antonio explains the reasons for his discomfort

B) Antonio is unable to confide

A) The school takes action, providing support for Antonio

After Antonio explains his discomfort, his family discusses possible solutions with the school administration.

B)The school dismisses Antonio's concerns, leading to no change

you have reached a good ending!


The school takes action, providing support for Antonio and implementing anti-bullying programs, improving the school environment for everyone.


you have reached a bad ending!

We are sorry

The school dismisses Antonio's concerns, leading to no change. Antonio continues to feel unsafe and unhappy at school.


A) The family decides to get professional help for Antonio

Antonio's silence worries his family, prompting them to seek the best way to help him feel safe and understood.

B) Without understanding the cause, the family pressures Antonio to attend school more

you have reached a good ending!


The school takes action, providing support for Antonio and implementing anti-bullying programs, improving the school environment for everyone.


you have reached a bad ending!

We are sorry

The school dismisses Antonio's concerns, leading to no change. Antonio continues to feel unsafe and unhappy at school.


Maria is in the last year of middle school and misses a lot of classes without giving a reason. Maria's main teacher said unfair and negative things about Maria not being in school, and he did this in front of the whole class without talking to Maria or Maria's parents first. Maria’s friends told her about his form teacher's behaviour.




A) Her friends talked to her and tried to cheer her up and told her to ignore the situation

B) Maria decided to talk to her father

After hearing his friends' advice to ignore the situation, Maria thinks about what to do next.

A) Maria decides to talk to the teacher directly, asking why he made those comments.

B) Maria chooses to stay quiet and continues to miss more classes.

Maria has a conversation with the teacher about the comments made in class.

A) The teacher realizes the mistake and apologizes to Maria

B) The teacher dismisses Maria's concerns

you have reached a good ending!


The teacher realizes the mistake and apologizes to Maria. They discuss how to improve the situation, leading to better communication and fewer absences.


you have reached a bad ending!

We are sorry

The teacher dismisses Maria's concerns, making Maria feel more isolated and misunderstood, leading to further absences.



A) Maria takes this opportunity to speak up about the teacher's behaviour

Maria's continuous absences catch the attention of the school principal, who decides to intervene.

B) Without explaining her side, Maria faces disciplinary action

you have reached a good ending!


Maria takes this opportunity to speak up about the teacher's behavior, leading to a supportive discussion with the principal and steps to improve the school environment for Maria.


you have reached a bad ending!

We are sorry

Maria faces disciplinary action, leading to a more strained relationship with the school.



A) Maria and her father decide to meet with the teacher directly, hoping to explain Maria's situation

Maria and her dad think about the best way to deal with the teacher's unfair comments.

B) Maria's dad contacts the school principal to request a meeting that includes the teacher

Maria and her dad have the meeting with the teacher to discuss the unfair comments.

A) The teacher listens and realizes the impact of his words.

B) The teacher refuses to apologize

you have reached a good ending!


He apologizes to Maria and promises to be more understanding and supportive, improving Maria's school experience.


you have reached a bad ending!

We are sorry

Teacher insists that the comments were justified, which makes Maria feel even worse and more misunderstood.



A) The teacher understands the impact of his words and apologizes.

The principal agrees to a meeting with Maria, her dad, and the teacher to talk about the unfair comments.

B) The principal suggests Maria should just try harder

you have reached a good ending!


The meeting leads to a positive outcome.


you have reached a bad ending!

We are sorry

The meeting leaves Maria’s feeling helpless.

