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Survivor's guide
Your companion for all things Edio--
Education for Individualized Outcomes
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edioSurvivor's guide

Your companion for all things Edio-- Education for Individualized Outcomes


Shelby Glenn, Ed.D.

Jenn Davis M.Ed.

1- Dashboard

2- Learning

3- Calendar

4- Community

5- Directory

6- Webmail

7- Chat

8- EdioGO

9- Help

10- Pendo



The dashboard is the first page students and teachers see when they login to Edio. Teachers can see PAL cards, the grade bin, courses, students, calendar, new students, and withdrawn students. Students can see PAL cards, performance, courses, progress, and calendar.


PAL stands for Personalized Adaptive Learning. PAL cards show teachers:

  • Performance (Excelling Learners & Assessment Details)
  • Engagement (Course Completion & Truancy)
  • Intervention (Falling Behind & Warning and Watch)
  • Notices (Retake Requests & Birthday Wishes)
  • Click on the 3 dots for more info on each

PAL Cards

Dashboard - PAL CARDS

The learning tab gives teachers access to their active courses, upcoming courses, and past courses.

Learning (Teachers)

Learning (TEACHERS)

The course home page is a place where teachers can share announcements with important info such as:

  • Contact info
  • Important info/dates
  • Study guides
  • Guided notes


Course Home Page

The course outline contains all of the units, topics, and lessons for the course. Each lesson is a guide (not a script). Be sure to activate each unit by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of it at least two weeks before it begins.


Course outline

All of the resources under this tab are provided for learners and teachers by CCA. Clicking on each resource will automatically log you in; you don't need a username or password as long as you're logged into Edio.


Course resources

  • Login to Clever
  • Click "Login with Edio"
  • Enter your edio username and password
  • Click "login as teacher" or "login as staff"

Clever Login


Learning is where students can access active and past courses. From here students can go directly to a course or their grade book.

Learning (Students)

Learning (STUDENTS)

The calendar shows any upcoming guided instructions, live classrooms, or calendar events, such as one-on-one meetings, small groups, or diagnostics.



The community tab offers clubs, news, field trips, and CCA's library! Caretakers will need to approve clubs and field trips.



In the search bar, type in the name of the learner or caretaker you would like to look up.



Once you search for a student or caretaker in the directory, their information will populate. You can access their contact information, chat, webmail, enrollment date, etc. You can also log contacts in the Log (chats are automatically logged).




Students (and teachers) can access their webmail by clicking on this tab. Note that staff access their webmail outside of Edio in Outlook.


Webmail will open up a student's or teacher's webmails in a new tab. Students may login using their email address and edio password. Make sure they select EST for timezone.



The chat feature allows students, teachers, caretakers, and learning coaches to chat with each other. Caretakers and learning coaches can sign up for EdioGO so chats come directly to the app on their phone.



Clicking on the edioGO button in the top right-hand corner of the Dashboad will take you to this webpage, which has information about edioGO's features and how to download it.



The Help Center is a great resource for staff, learners, and families. Use the search bar, resources, or tech support number, which can be found on this webpage.

Help Center

Help Center

Pendo is a feature that allows staff to provide feedback and suggestions to the edio product team. You can upvote or downvote a suggestion to help prioritize needs. You can access pendo HERE.




Edio scavenger hunt

To Do - Part I

  • Bookmark Edio
  • Login to Edio
  • Explore your course (or your mentor's or sponsor's)
  • Explore your units and lessons
  • Login to Clever (from the Resources page of your course or click HERE)
  • Peruse your roster and get to know your students (remember you can search students in the directory)

To Do - Part II

  • Upload a professional photo to Edio
  • Complete the information on your own Edio profile in the directory
  • Explore the clubs, field trips, and library under the Community tab

Resources - Please bookmark


Edio Resources

Ed Tech Specialist Page

PD Page

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