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The evolution of the english language within the UK




Old English

Middle English

Early Modern English

Late Modern English



Today, the English language is the most spoken language in the world; With a total of 1.452.000.000 speakers around the world. But before being this great empire and having this much wealth in their language, English was first a west germanic language. And today, we are going to learn the evolution of this beautiful and interesting language.


5th Century-1100s

Old English

  • Anglosaxon immigration: the fifth century
  • Danish occupation of Eastern and northern England: 871-890

Created by;-Germanic migrants-Celtic inhabitants of Britain-Vikings-Danish invadersduring the 5th century AD

A) How was it born?

Influenced by Latin ( like French, Spanish etc ).exemples:
  • villa / village
  • fama / fame
  • magna / magnify
etcLatin: influeneed by the Greeks
  • words that start with "ph" come from the Greeks
exemples: phobia, physics, phase, etc

B) What were its influences ?

Germanic tribes that migrated in Britain:
  • Jutes
  • Angles
  • Saxons
  • Franks
  • Frisians

Germanic tribes

C) How did the old English spread ?

Middle English


-Extends roughly through the 12th till 15th centuries-Many changes were made through french grammar-Mainly in England, Wales , Scottland and Ireland

A) When and where ?

scribal forms

-Idea of French loanwords-Population migration-Displays a wide variety of scribal forms, unlike Old English

B) They evolution and differences of Middle English


Norman : a population arising in the medieval Duchy of Normandy from the intermingling between Norse Viking settlers and indigenous West Franks and Gallo-Romans.

Linguistical influence of-Norman French-Vickings

C) How did it spread ?

Early Modern English


Spoken in:-England-Southern Scotland-Ireland-Wales-British colonies

A) When and where ?

The English civil war : 1642 and 1651

The Black Plague : 1346-1353

-English took on more important fonctions-The great Plague

B) The evolution of Early Middle English

-A change in the pronounciation due to The Great Vowel change; Vowels got shorter and shorter -Many new words and phrases entered the language due to the renaissance of classical learning

C) The evolution and differences of this "new English"


Samuel Johnson : 1709-1784

Shakespeare : 1564-1616

King James : 1566-1625

-The enlightenment-The printing press-William Shakespeare-King James-Samuel Johnson

D) How did it spread

Late Modern English until today


Sir James Augustus Henry Murray (1823-1915):compiled Oxford English Dictionary in March 1879

1760 – 1840

Early Modern English ≠ Late Modern English

Adopted foreign words from many other languages

Heavier vocabulary than the Early Modern for two reasons: •Inustrial Revolution •Technology

A) How did the Late Modern English evolve and spread ?

Most famous : -Cockney-Geordie/Newcastle -Essex-Yorkshire

Around 40 different dialects

B) Resulted Accents in th UK

Most famous -American-Australian-Jamaican-Canadian


Slave trade and colonization expanded English.

Around 160 different dialects

C) Resulted Accents in other parts of the world

Countries who have English as their official Language


its almost done don't worry

From Greek and Latin to the English we know today, the English language constently evolved and progressed throughout times. Whether the evolution was phonetical or scriptic.

SourcesQueen Elisabeth herself ( RIP QUEEN)WikipediaBritannicaOxford international englishElt ConcourseHistory of english podcasthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_words_of_Greek_originhttp://ssclinguafranca.wordpress.com/2010/12/01/greek-https://www.silverfernflag.org/uploads/1/0/2/2/10222610/8348994_orig.jpghttps://www.thehistoryofenglish.com/late-modern-englishhttps://chaucer.fas.harvard.edu/pages/great-vowel-shift

Thank you for listening