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The Abaya


11. Thanks

10. For or against

9. News

8. Legislation abroad

7. What is secularism ? And the legislation in France

6. Different dress designs for Muslim women

5. Different types of Abaya

4. How to wear this Muslim dress ?

3. A fashionable dress worn all over the world

2. A traditional dress mademodern

1. What is the abaya ?


What is the abaya ?

Traditional female clothing


A traditional dress made modern

  • Gulf States
  • The Emirates
  • North Africa

A fashionable dress worn all over the world

  • Depends on the style of the country of origin, the culture and the tastes of the woman
  • worn in different ways depending on the country and according to each woman

How to wear this Muslim dress ?

various accessories

Abaya buterfly

Saudi Abaya

Abaya kimono

Different types of Abaya

Maghreb Country


Saudi Arabia

Different dress designs for Muslim women

what is secularism and legislation in France ?

The deputy Aristide Briand passed the law of separation of churches and state

The President of the French Republic Jacques Chirac votes for a new law on secularism

Jules Ferry,, passed laws which made school free and compulsory for all children aged 6 to 13 with secular education.

December 9, 1905

June 16, 1881

March 15, 2004

legislation abroad

it is forbidden to have your face hidden. Niqabs and burqas are therefore banned

There are no rules regarding religious clothing

In Denmark

In Sweden

The burqa is banned in schools and universities.

In Norway

legislation abroad

Freedom of religion is a right protected by the Basic Law, here we are far from French secularism because in Germany there is no strict separation between Church and State.

In Germany

There is no regulation at the national level. Regulations are stricter in private religious education but in classrooms, crucifixes hanging on walls have been prohibited since the 2010 law.

In Spain

Gabriel AttalMinister of National Education

The Minister of Education prohibits the wearing of this long dress in schools, colleges and high schools. But is it really religious clothing?


The father of a high school student in police custody after death threats against a principal

"it is not religious clothing"

Tareq OubrouImam of Bordeaux

For or against


  • https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/4052188-20230908-menaces-mort-reaction-attal-tout-savoir-affaire-abaya-clermont-ferrand
  • https://www.gouvernement.fr/qu-est-ce-que-la-laicite
  • https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2023/09/07/abaya-le-conseil-d-etat-valide-l-interdiction-a-l-ecole_6188297_3224.html
  • https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abaya
  • https://www.bing.com/search?q=differrent+abaya&cvid=5e859579d90a4325b7770696277a7226&aqs=edge.0.69i59j69i57j0l7.2905j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=U531


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thank you for your attention

Rozila, Shakira and Mélissa