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Adventures of... A Fly?

US Constitution Edition


Oh no! Our main character has woken up as... a FLY?! Join in on the adventure and figure out what is happening and WHO our character is!

ECPI University presents...


Our character is confused as to why they are a bug. Have they always been a fly? "I swear I was a person trying to make a change... but I didn't look like those people. They look so familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it..."Begin by helping our fly decipher who the figures around her are then continue on an adventure to figure out what is happening!

Game #1

Game 2

Game 3

Game 4

Final Game


Complete each game to decipher what is happening and who our fly is: there is no other way!

Help decipher who the historical figures are.

George Washington


Who is the founding father who will not throw away his shot?

Thomas Jefferson

Paul Revere

Alexander Hamilton

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

Who is the 4th president of the United States?

John Adams


James Monroe

Samuel Adams


George Washington

Who is the president that resided in Mount Vernon?

Betsy Ross

John Hancock


William Greener

Benjamin Franklin

What famous founding father made discoveries about electricity?

John Jay

Benedict Arnold

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Game 4

Final Game


Complete each game to decipher what is happening and who our fly is: there is no other way!

Finish the puzzle to enter the room.

"Wow! I can't believe such figures are all at the same place." (Flies to the door) "Oh, I can't fit through the hole."Help our main character by completing the puzzle below.

Click here when finished

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Game 4

Final Game


Complete each game to decipher what is happening and who our fly is: there is no other way!

Help our fly remember an important location.

We are in! "So many familiar faces. Is that... the constitution?" Excitedly, she watches as one of the most important documents in these United States is being signed.


"I don't quite remember... Was the constitution signed in New York?"



"Of course! It was in Philadelphia!" She notices people started leaving the room. "Oh, I must've zoned out. Let's follow them out"The fly follows the men exiting the room. A light blinds her as she crosses the threshold.


Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Game 4

Final Game


Complete each game to decipher what is happening and who our fly is: there is no other way!

Help our fly with remember amendments!

She sees George Washington in a bowed-ended room. "This must be his office"A closer look of the document on his desk, she reads: "B..il.l o..f Ri..ghts? Bill of Rights! I remember the amendments!"

Goodness! What was that?! That light was blinding..



Let's see if we know which ones are a part of the first 5 amendments.Drag the amendments to the corresponding group.

Bill of Rights


1. Freedom of speech

2. Women's right to vote

4. Right to keep and bear arms


3. Abolished slavery and involuntary servitude

5. Lay and collect taxes on incomes


6. Freedom from self-incrimination

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Game 4

Final Game


Complete each game to decipher what is happening and who our fly is: there is no other way!

Help our character figure out who they are!

"What an experience! I should go home but... I don't even know where or when my home is!"SLAM! "Ahh! Washington almost got me. I should leavethrough that open window."A light again blinds her as she crosses the threshold.



"Oh I'm somewhere different but very familiar. I think this is home? There's so many papers everywhere. Maybe I can learn who I was"Pay attention to the clues in the home.

"Make the Slave's Case Our Own"

Declaration of Rights of the Women of the United States

First public speech in 1848 at a Daughters of Temperance supper

Illustrations of suffrage leaders

The papers have sparked our character's memory but she can't quite remember the order.Drag and sort correctly the key events in Women's Suffrage





B. The First Convention to discuss the Civil and Political Rights of Women

C. The 19th amendment was passed

A. Jeannette Rankin became the first woman elected to Congress

D. Women's Suffrage Parade




"I'm so tired... (yawn) It's been such a long and exciting day. Maybe I should take a quick nap on top of that table"


"Oh my! I've woken in bed AS A PERSON!"I am a big part of the Women's Suffrage movement. Who am I?

Lucretia Mott

Susan B. Anthony

Alice Paul

Ida B. Wells

I'm Susan B. Anthony! I know I will change the United States of America and effect change for women! We have yet been able to change voting rights for women but I know that we will.



Congratulations, you have successfully completed the escape room!

Start over?

Take a screenshot and email it to amguzman@ecpi.edu for a chance to win a prize.


That answer is not correct...

But don't frown, continue on your way and try again!

Oh oh!


1 - B

2 - D

3 - A

4 - C

First 5


The rest