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Week 2

National & Local Goals of Language Learning

National Goals of Language Learning

Understanding 5Cs

Local/State Goals of Language Learning

State of Wisconsin World Language Standards The Wisconsin Standards for World Languages identify two goal areas, five standards, eighteen learner practices, and a developmental continuum of performance indicators for language learning based on levels of language proficiency. These combined elements result in a framework designed to improve equity in access to meaningful and comparable learning outcomes and opportunities for all world language learners in Wisconsin. Educational equity means that every student has access to the resources and educational rigor they need at the right moment in their education, across race, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, sexual orientation, family background, and/or family income (DPI, 2019).

Local Goals of Language Learning

Wisconsin Standards for World Languages The Wisconsin Standards for World Languages are designed to:

  • prepare students to use the language of instruction (target language) to communicate;
  • engage in disciplinary content learning;
  • investigate and interact within and across cultures;
  • participate in diverse contexts and communities;
  • compare languages and cultures;
  • develop skills for local and global community engagement; and
  • access the benefits of multilingualism for college, careers, and personal enrichment.

Local Goals of Language Learning

How to use the Can-Do Statements

National Goals of Language Learning

Social Justice in Language Education by CARLA:
  • Planning templates:
  • Unit plans in different languages

INTERMEDIATE HIGH: I can tell stories about school and community events and personal experiences, using a few short paragraphs, often across various time frames.

NOVICE MID: I can express my own preferences or feelings and react to those of others, using a mixture of practiced or memorized words, phrases, simple sentences, and questions.

  • How could the following “Can-Do” statements be reworked to include a social justice and anti-racist perspective or lens?

Now it's up to you!