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Porfirio Diaz Mori

Porfirio Diaz Mori

Porfirio Diaz Mori

Porfirio Diaz Mori

Porfirio Diaz Mori

Porfirio Diaz Mori

From 1876 - 1911

His different periods of government were characterized by aspiring to a European life, mainly that of Paris, the world heart of culture, at that time. But at the same time many areas of the country remained abandoned.

mexican president

Postal Palace
Chapultepec Castle
Palace of Fine Arts
National Art Museum
Marias Island Penitentiary

National progress

Lecumberri Penitentiary
The Juarez Penitentiary

Cutting-edge: the latest or most advanced stage in the development of something

From the beginning of his mandate, he had to deal with many uprisings in various parts of the country due to constant dissatisfaction with the quality of life, and at the same time he set out to put an end to the crime that had grown in recent years; creating cutting-edge prisons such as Lecumberri, the Juarez penitentiary in Yucatan and the Marias Islands.

National progress

He reduced public spending to pay international debts, a resolution that allowed him to request new foreign financial support.He placed Mexico on the international map like never before, by creating diplomatic ties with Japan, Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Germany; Recovering links with the United States.Foreign investment grew but the wealth was not reflected for the entire population.

National progress

Diaz connected Mexico with the creation of the largest railway line up to that time in Latin America.

A tram is a car moved by an electric motor that takes its energy from an electrical line while a train is a set of cars pulled by a steam, diesel or electric locomotive, capable of reaching high speeds.

He established the use of the tram and managed the arrival of the first cars. Diaz began the use of the telegraph and telephone.Mexico established itself as an exporter of food and luxury items.He promoted livestock farming, agriculture, mining and the extraction of hydrocarbons, as well as the implementation of the first hydroelectric plants.


National progress

Diaz created the National University, the Naval Military School and the Normal School.He supported the creation of art spaces, the incursion of cinema and the gramophone.

National progress

Despite the promotion of higher education, the quality of popular education decreased. In fact, 80% of the population was illiterate.

Political freedom did not exist. That is, the people could not elect any representative within the state or federal powers. These were imposed by Porfirio Díaz, who, despite being against re-election, remained in power for more than 30 years.

There was no freedom of expression. The press was prohibited from expressing any type of opinion against the government and strikes were prohibited for all sectors.

Social inequality and the concentration of wealth. It is true that, during the Porfiriato, our country had significant economic growth. However, the wealth was distributed in a few national hands and in a few foreign ones.


Inequality in times of wealth

National progress was only for a specific sector

Haciendas: homesteads/farms set on rural and agricultural land in all Spanish-speaking countries of colonial background.

Cananea Strike: It was a strike where more than one hundred Mexican miners died for wanting to defend their rights and hundreds more were locked up in prison.

Creation of "Latifundios". Large haciendas usually belonged to a few owners while the majority of Mexicans died of hunger.

Repression and use of force. The working conditions were terrible, however, when workers and peasants tried to express their discontent, they were brutally repressed. An example is the murder of workers during the Cananea Strike (1906) and Río Blanco (1907).

Workers and peasants lacked labor protection, which meant they were exposed to overexploitation. Most workers even had to work more than 12 hours for a salary of 75 cents.

Dispossession of land from peasants. Díaz made a series of reforms to the legislation that facilitated the entry of foreign companies to take over “vacant lands” which in reality belonged to indigenous people, peasants or very poor people who did not have the money to work their lands and were dispossessed. of them.


Abuse of the working class

National progress was only for a specific sector

2000 PESOS

Peasants and "tiendas de raya"


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