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As referências a seguir ajudarão você a se aprofundar no conteúdo do módulo. Embora seja recomendado que você estude esses recursos, não é obrigatório para concluir este curso. Observe que alguns deles podem exigir assinatura.



  • Suárez Guerrero, C. (2010). Cooperación como condición social de aprendizaje.
  • Crouch, C., y Mazur, E., (2001). Peer Instruction: Ten years of experience and results. http://web.mit.edu/jbelcher/www/TEALref/Crouch_Maz...
  • Garrison, R. (2011). E-Learning in the 20th Century.
  • Fagan, A. (2002) Peer Instruction: Results from a Range of Classrooms. http://www.physics.smu.edu/sdalley/Reform1K/Refere...
  • Mazur, E. (1997) Comprensión o memorización: ¿Estamos enseñando lo correcto?. https://idu.pucp.edu.pe/wp-content/uploads/2013/04...
  • Miller, K., Schell, J., Ho, A., Lukoff, B. y Mazur, E., (2015). Response Switching and Self-Efficacy in Peer Instruction Classrooms.
  • Nerantzi, C., (2020). The Use of Peer Instruction and Flipped Learning to Support Flexible Blended Learning During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic.
  • Schell, J. y Butler, A. (2018). Insights from the Science of Learning Can Inform Evidence-Based Implementation of Peer Instruction.
  • Suhre, C. J. M., Winnips, J. C., de Boer, V., Valdivia, P. y Beldhuis, H. J. A. (2019). Students’ experiences with the use of a social annotation tool to improve learning in flipped classrooms.
