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What are we going to talk about?
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What are we going to talk about?

Tap on the screen and go to the next page

Tap on the seat and go to the next page






cinema (movie theatre)

Tap on the projector and go to the next page






cinema (movie theatre)

Tap on the cashier and go to the next page



ticket office

3D film

cinema poster


Tap on the tickets and go to the next page



ticket office

3D film

cinema poster


Click on the cocktail cup

Click on the 3D glasses of the girl in pink jumper

a place in a cinema where you can buy food, popcorn, drinks, etc.

speakers that project the sound all around you – in front of you and behind you, for example

a type of advert for a film that shows what the flim is about

the part of a ticket that you keep after they take off the main part of the ticket

the music for a film

this word refers to the money collected from ticket sales. For example, if a film makes $300 million at the box office, it makes that amount from ticket sales.

the first time a film is shown at the cinema.

the times when films are shown in the afternoon (between 2pm and 6pm, more or less)

the 3pm session (for example) is the time when a film is shown at 3pm

Snack bar

Surround sound speakers


Ticket stub


Box office


Matinee performance


Match the words with their meanings

Tap on the camera and go to the next page

choose the correct genre

Genres of film

action films, adventure films, comedies, gangster films, crime films, dramas, historical dramas, war films, horror films, musicals, sci-fi films (science-fiction films), westerns

choose the correct genre

Genres of film

action films, adventure films, comedies, gangster films, crime films, dramas, historical dramas, war films, horror films, musicals, sci-fi films (science-fiction films), westerns



Tap on the last row and go to the next page

Could you put us a bit further away from the screen?

Я забронировал билеты онлайн.

Are there any tickets for the six o’clock session?

Не могли бы вы отодвинуть нас немного подальше от экрана?

У вас есть какие-нибудь места в среднем ряду?

Есть ли какие-нибудь билеты на шестичасовой сеанс?

Have you got any seats in the middle row?

Во сколькро начинается фильм?

I reserved the tickets online.

What time does the film start?

What you can say:

What you say

  • What time does the film start?
  • I reserved the tickets online.
  • Have you got any seats in the middle row?
  • Could you put us a bit further away from the screen?
  • Are there any tickets for the six o’clock session?
What you hear
  • Where would you like to sit?
  • Would you like to sit a bit further forward?
  • I’m sorry but there aren’t any tickets left for the six
  • o’clock session

Не хотели бы вы сесть немного дальше вперед?

Мне очень жаль, но на шестичасовой сеанс билетов не осталось

Где бы вы хотели сесть?

I’m sorry but there aren’t any tickets left for the six o’clock session

Would you like to sit a bit further forward?

Where would you like to sit?

What you can hear:

Customer: Three adults and a child for the six-o’clock (1)______ of Murder at Midnight, please. Cinema: Did you want to see it in (2)_____? Customer: No, just the normal version, please? Cinema: OK. Where would you like to sit? Customer: Somewhere in the (3)_____, if possible. Cinema: How about row J, seats 10 to 13. Customer: That sounds perfect. What’s the film (4)_____, by the way? Cinema: Well, it’s a sort of murder mystery. It’s quite good, I went last week. Customer: I saw the (5)_____– it looks pretty good. Do you think it’d be suitable for my 15-year-old son? Cinema: It’s rated PG-13, so it’d be fine for him. That’ll be £26 please. Customer: Can I pay by credit card? Cinema: Of course. Customer: OK, here you go. Cinema: Thank you. Customer: Where are the (6)_____, please? Cinema: Just along the corridor on the right. Customer: And where can I get some (7)_____? Cinema: There’s a snack (8)_____ just around the corner as you walk in. Customer: Great. Thanks a lot. Cinema: Here are your tickets. Customer: Thanks.

Task 2

Task 1



back to the video

where she gets into an argument about yogurts

It's a strange title

a comedy movie?

is played by Henry Mountain

is the lead actor

set on the moon

Doctor Astronomical?

are my favourites

do you like?

There's a great scene in the cafeteria,
Old Sleeves?
What about
The bad guy
Nate Rutherford
It's an action movie
Action, comedy and horror
How about
What kind of movie

Match the two halves to make a sentence

There's a funny _____ in the cafeteria, when a _____ actress _____ into an argument about yogurts
Old Sleeves, a _____ movie, is set in the high school
Hanna _____ lots of different _____ of movies
Poberto _____ to watch a movie _____ on the Moon
Hanna _____ to watch a new movie

Fill in the gaps

Tap on the cinema poster and go to the next page

There is a toilet just along the corridor on the left and a snack barnext to it.

OK. Where do you prefer to sit?

That’ll be £25please. Here you go.

Good! Will you pay in cash or by credit card?

Great choice!How many tickets do you need?

Hi! How can I help you?

Act out a conversation between the cashier and you

1. Nastya ______(buy) tickets last week. 2. Nastya ______(buy) tickets online, when mom ______(call) her from the kitchen. So she _____(forget) to buy them. 3. I _____(go) to the cinema with Nastya on 13th September. She _____(buy/already) the tickets. 4. How often you _____(go) to the cinema? 5. - You_____(go) to the cinema tomorrow? - Sorry, I _____(go) with you. It seems like I _____(catch) a cold. 6. -You _____(buy) the tickets? -No, but I_____(buy) them now.

Tense revision

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